Which group do I belong to?


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Which group do I belong to? Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學 Who am I ? 我是誰? Which group do I belong to? 我屬於哪個類別?  Oxford University Press

1 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學  Oxford University Press

Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學 Peacock 孔雀 Birds 鳥類  Male will display his elongated upper tail with green blue “eyes” before the female during courtship. 在交配期間,雄性會在雌性面前展開牠那帶有藍綠色「眼睛」的尾部,以吸引雌性。  Oxford University Press

2 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學  Oxford University Press

Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學 Clownfish 小丑魚 Fish 魚類  Its name comes from its wadding way of swimming and the clown-like marking. 牠的搖擺泳姿及小丑斑紋今牠得到此名。  It lives with anemone, benefiting from each other. 牠與海葵一起生活,從中彼此得益。  Oxford University Press

3 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學  Oxford University Press

Amphibians 兩棲動物 Ornate horned frog 鐘角蛙 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學 Ornate horned frog 鐘角蛙 Amphibians 兩棲動物  Its name comes from the folds of skin over eyes. 由於牠眼角上的皮膚隆起,因而得名。  It is often called “mouth with legs” because its mouth size is about half of the body. 牠常被稱為「有腳的口」,原因是牠的口部 竟佔去身體一半。  Oxford University Press

4 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學  Oxford University Press

Reptiles 爬蟲動物 Chameleon 變色龍 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學 Chameleon 變色龍 Reptiles 爬蟲動物  It can change its body colour when it moves from one colour environment to another. 牠的身體可隨不同的環境而改變顏色。  Oxford University Press

5 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學  Oxford University Press

Starfish 海星 Invertebrates 無脊椎動物 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學 Starfish 海星 Invertebrates 無脊椎動物  It has no front or back, that’s why it can move in any direction without turning. 牠的身體沒有前後之分,因此牠可以向任何方向移動,而無須轉彎。  Oxford University Press

6 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學  Oxford University Press

Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學 Shark 鯊魚 Fish 魚類  It has to swim all the time to make them buoyant because unlike other fish, it has no swim bladder. 與其他魚類不同,牠沒有魚鰾,因此牠要不斷游泳,使身體浮於水中,否則便會沉在海床。  Oxford University Press

7 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學  Oxford University Press

Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學 Penguin 企鵝 Birds 鳥類  It has a thick layer of blubber (fat) below its skin to keep warm. 牠的皮膚下有一層很厚的脂肪層,以保持體溫。  Oxford University Press

8 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學  Oxford University Press

Invertebrates 無脊椎動物 Moth caterpillar 蛾的幼蟲 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學 Moth caterpillar 蛾的幼蟲 Invertebrates 無脊椎動物  This catepillar is well camouflaged. 這種幼蟲具有極佳的保護色。  Oxford University Press

9 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學  Oxford University Press

Mammals 哺乳動物 Gorilla 大猩猩 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學  Gorilla 大猩猩 Mammals 哺乳動物  They are on the verge of extinction and only about 600 gorillas are left. 大猩猩是瀕危絕種的野生動物之一,現時僅存約 600 隻。  Oxford University Press

10 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學  Oxford University Press

Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學 Lionfish 獅子魚 Fish 魚類  Its spines are poisonous and its body is crossed with red bands which can frighten the enemies away. 牠的刺具有毒素,身上的紅色斑紋則可把敵人嚇走。  Oxford University Press

11 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學  Oxford University Press

Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學 Leopard 豹 Mammals 哺乳動物  It runs very fast and can climb trees very well. 牠不但奔跑得十分快,而且懂得爬樹。  Oxford University Press

12 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學  Oxford University Press

Zodiac moth 黃道帶蛾 Invertebrates 無脊椎動物 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學 Zodiac moth 黃道帶蛾 Invertebrates 無脊椎動物  It is a large, attractive and diurnal moth. 牠的身軀龐大,而且顏色吸引,多在日間活動。  Oxford University Press

13 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學  Oxford University Press

Mammals 哺乳動物 Polar bear 北極熊 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學 Polar bear 北極熊 Mammals 哺乳動物  It paddles with the front feet only, hind feet are held flat and are used as rudders. It is a unique feature of four-footed land animals. 游泳時,牠只用前腿作為槳,後腿則放平,作為舵。這是一般陸地四肢動物沒有的特徵。  Oxford University Press

14 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學  Oxford University Press

Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學 Puffer fish 雞泡魚 Fish 魚類  When frightened, it spines become visible as it swells its body. 受到驚嚇時,牠的身體會發脹,以突起身上的刺。  Oxford University Press

15 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學  Oxford University Press

Mammals 哺乳動物 Bat-eared fox 蝠耳狐 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學 Bat-eared fox 蝠耳狐 Mammals 哺乳動物  It uses the big ears to help release heat from the body during the daytime. 日間時,牠會透過大耳朵幫助散熱。  Oxford University Press

16 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學  Oxford University Press

Reptiles 爬蟲動物 Crocodile 鱷魚 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學 Crocodile 鱷魚 Reptiles 爬蟲動物  Females are gentle mothers which build nests for their young. They will protect them against enemies, including their father. 雌性會為幼兒築巢,保護牠們免受敵人侵襲,包括牠們的父親 。  Oxford University Press

17 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學  Oxford University Press

Sea anemone 海葵 Invertebrates 無脊椎動物 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學 Sea anemone 海葵 Invertebrates 無脊椎動物  It looks like plants but it is an animal. It can sting the prey with its tentacles and then put it into the mouth. 牠貌似植物,但其實是動物。牠可利用觸鬚把獵物螫刺,然後放進口中。  Oxford University Press

18 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學  Oxford University Press

Coral 珊瑚 Invertebrates 無脊椎動物 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學 Coral 珊瑚 Invertebrates 無脊椎動物  They look like sea anemones, except that sea anemones are entirely soft-bodied while corals can build up hard skeleton. 外貌與海葵相似,但珊瑚可製造硬骨骼,而海葵全身均是十分柔軟的。  Oxford University Press

19 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學  Oxford University Press

Snail 蝸牛 Invertebrates 無脊椎動物 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學 Snail 蝸牛 Invertebrates 無脊椎動物  A snail may have abut 14,000 teeth in its mouth ! 一隻蝸牛竟擁有多達 14,000 隻牙齒!  Oxford University Press

20 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學  Oxford University Press

Reptiles 爬蟲動物 Green python 青蟒蛇 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學 Green python 青蟒蛇 Reptiles 爬蟲動物  Unlike other snakes, python loops its body round its prey and suffocate it. 與其他蛇不同,蟒蛇用身體把獵物盤繞,令獵物窒息而死。  Oxford University Press

21 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學  Oxford University Press

Reptiles 爬蟲動物 Green turtle 綠海龜 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學 Green turtle 綠海龜 Reptiles 爬蟲動物  After hatching, it is carried by current to an unknown place, then returns to the birth place, having travelled as far as 3000 km. 孵出後,它會隨水流游到一處沒人知曉的地方,但之後又懂得游回出生的地方,整個旅程長達 3000 km。  Oxford University Press

22 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學  Oxford University Press

Mammals 哺乳動物 Killer whale 殺人鯨 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學 Killer whale 殺人鯨 Mammals 哺乳動物  It is an intelligent killer. Fortunately it does not have a taste for humans -- there are no records of humans attacked by them. 牠是聰明的殺手,幸運地牠似乎沒有感應人類的觸覺 -- 至今仍未有襲擊人類的記錄。  Oxford University Press

23 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學  Oxford University Press

Mammals 哺乳動物 Dolphin 海豚 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學 Dolphin 海豚 Mammals 哺乳動物  They are highly intelligent and curious. They locate prey by using the echo of ultrasound emitted from their head.  牠們很聰明及富好奇心,並能利用頭部發出的超音波的回音,準確計算獵物的位置。  Oxford University Press

24 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學  Oxford University Press

Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學 Walrus 海象 Mammals 哺乳動物  They can dive for more than 1 hour and the male can bellow loudly enough to be heard over 1.5 km away. 牠們能潛在水中超過一小時。雄性的吼叫聲,在遠離 1.5 km 的地方仍可聽見。  Oxford University Press

25 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學  Oxford University Press

Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學 Vulture 禿鷹 Birds 鳥類  They mainly eat dead and decaying flesh. They can fly at a speed of up to 150 km/hour and as high as 300 m. 牠們主要進食腐肉。牠們的飛行速度可達 每小時 150 km,高度達 300 m。  Oxford University Press

26 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學  Oxford University Press

Cuttlefish 烏賊 Invertebrates 無脊椎動物 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學 Cuttlefish 烏賊 Invertebrates 無脊椎動物  They are excellent at camouflage and can match many different backgrounds. 牠們具有極佳的保護色,可藏匿於不同的環境。  Oxford University Press

27 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學  Oxford University Press

Scorpion 蠍子 Invertebrates 無脊椎動物 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學 Scorpion 蠍子 Invertebrates 無脊椎動物  It uses claws to hold the prey and swing the telson up and over its backs to inject venom into the prey’s body. 牠用爪捕捉獵物後,便會把尾扇彎向前,注射毒液到獵物的體內。  Oxford University Press

28 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學  Oxford University Press

Jellyfish 水母 Invertebrates 無脊椎動物 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學 Jellyfish 水母 Invertebrates 無脊椎動物  Its body is hollow and usually has stings which can cause painful red lesions. 牠的身體是空心的,通常具有蜇,能引致接觸者出現痛楚和紅腫的傷口。  Oxford University Press

29 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學  Oxford University Press

Reptiles 爬蟲動物 Giant tortoise 巨龜 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學 Giant tortoise 巨龜 Reptiles 爬蟲動物  They are the largest living tortoise which can weigh over 250 kg. They move very slowly and their birth rate is extremely low. 牠們是現存最大的龜,重量可達 250 kg。牠們的行動非常緩慢,出生率也十分低。  Oxford University Press

30 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學  Oxford University Press

Mammals 哺乳動物 Squirrel 松鼠 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學 Squirrel 松鼠 Mammals 哺乳動物  It is energetic and noisy. It mainly eats seeds. 牠十分活躍,而且很噪吵。牠的主要糧食是植物種子。  Oxford University Press

END 完 Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 中學會考新編基礎生物學  Oxford University Press