本節議程Session Agenda 簡介Introduction 5 分鐘


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Presentation transcript:

本節議程Session Agenda 簡介Introduction 5 分鐘 角色及責任Role and Responsibilities 20 分鐘 目標設定Goal Setting 40 分鐘 地區年會The District Conference 20 分鐘 回顧Review 5 分鐘 Slide 1-A

學習目標 Learning Objectives 了解總監當選人及總監的責任Understand the responsibilities of the governor-elect and governor. 了解建立有效目標的重要性Understand the importance of establishing effective district goals. 了解地區年會指導方針,擬出地區年會節目及改善方法之構想Understand district conference guidelines and develop ideas for improving the district conference program. Slide 1-B

有效的目標之特徵 Characteristics of Effective Goals 分享的Shared 可衡量的Measurable 具挑戰性的hallenging 可達成的Achievable 時間明確的Time specific Slide 1-C

地區年會 The District Conference 地區年會之目的在於: The purpose of the conference is to: 透過聯誼、啟發性的演講、以及討論地區扶輪社及 國際扶輪整體相關事務,來推進扶輪計劃further the program of Rotary through fellowship, inspirational addresses, and discussion of matters related to the affairs of clubs in the district and RI generally. 研議由理事會提交地區年會討論之特殊事項、或地區內部之事項give consideration to any special matters submitted to it by the Board or matters originating within the district. 展示各項扶輪計劃及成功的地區及扶輪社活動showcase the programs of Rotary and successful district and club activities 在扶輪聯誼氣氛下以啟發(相對於教條式而言)的方式呈現(或提供)資訊, 以保持及增加社員人數present information in an inspirational fashion and an atmosphere of Rotary fellowship to sustain and increase membership. Slide 1-D

提高地區年會出席率 Maximizing District Conference Attendance 決 定 適 當 的 年 會 時 間 以 擴 大 出 席 人 數Determine a time that supports maximum attendance. 選 擇 費 用 適 當 的 地 點Select an affordable location. 全 會 及 分 組 討 論 的 時 間 分 配 要 平 衡 Offer a balance of plenary sessions and discussion groups. 提 供 寶 眷 參 與 年 會 活 動 的 機 會Provide for spouse participation. 挑 選 有 意 思 及 有 關 聯 性 的 扶 輪 主 題 Select interesting and relevant Rotary topics. 定 期 有 效 地 推 廣 及 宣 傳 地 區 年 會Promote and publicize regularly and effectively. Slide 1-E

本節議程 Session Agenda 簡介Introduction 5 分鐘 有效的扶輪社Effective Rotary Clubs 20 分鐘 地區組織如何支援有效的扶輪社 District Organization in Support of Effective Clubs 40 分鐘 授權Delegation 20 分鐘 回顧Review 5 分鐘 Slide 2-A

學習目標 Learning Objectives 了解地區及地區總監在支援有效的扶輪社方面所扮演的角色Understand the role of the district and the district governor in supporting effective clubs. 了解有效授權之原則以及總監和地區領導階層的關係Understand the principles of effective delegation and the relationship between the governor and district leadership team. 建立一套地區授權程序,並監督負有責任者之績效Establish a process to delineate responsibility in the district and monitor performance of those responsible. Slide 2-B

有效能的扶輪社的四大要素 Elements of an Effective Club 有效能的扶輪社能夠 Effective clubs are able to 維持並增加社員人數 Sustain and Increase Membership 辦理成功的服務計劃 Implement Successful Service Projects 支持扶輪基金會 Support The Rotary Foundation 培養扶輪社領導人使其在社層次以上服務 Develop Leaders Beyond the Club Level 有效能的扶輪社之行政管理 Efficient Club Administration 四大服務 Four Avenues of Service Slide 2-C

地區定義 Districts Defined 地區是一個地理區域,地區內各扶輪社結合成扶輪地區,便於國際扶輪管理。扶輪地區之活動與組織僅在於協助各扶輪社增進扶輪宗旨,不應減輕各扶輪社及其社員對於當地之服務。 2001年程序手冊 “A district is a geographical area in which Rotary clubs are combined for RI administrative purposes. The activities and organization of a Rotary district shall exist solely to help the individual Rotary club advance the Object of Rotary and should not tend to diminish services provided by Rotary clubs and individual Rotarians on the local level.” Manual of Procedure Slide 2-D

地區各委員會 District Committees Membership Development 社員發展 Extension 擴展 Finance 財務 District-level programs 地區計劃 Public Relations 公共關係 District Conference 地區年會 The Rotary Foundation 扶輪基金會 RI Convention Promotion 國際年會推廣 Slide 2-E

授權 Delegation “凡是堅持所有權力及威權都要經由自己的雙手的人,他的成就也僅限於自己雙手的大小。” 保羅‧哈理斯 “The man who insists upon all the power and authority flowing through his own two hands, limits the accomplishment of his concern to the size of his own hands.” Paul Harris Slide 2-F

本節議程 Session Agenda 簡介Introduction 5 分鐘 保留社員Retaining Members 30 分鐘 社員發展 Membership Growth 35 分鐘 公共形象及社員Public Image and Membership 15 分鐘 回顧Review 5 分鐘 Slide 3-A

學習目標 Learning Objectives 了解總監當選人及總監的責任Understand the responsibilities of the governor-elect and governor. 了解建立有效目標的重要性Understand the importance of establishing effective district goals. 了解地區年會指導方針,擬出地區年會節目及改善方法之構想Understand district conference guidelines and develop ideas for improving the district conference program. Slide 3-B

有效能的扶輪社的四大要素 Elements of an Effective Club 有效能的扶輪社能夠 Effective clubs are able to 維持並增加社員人數 Sustain and Increase Membership 辦理成功的服務計劃 Implement Successful Service Projects 支持扶輪基金會 Support The Rotary Foundation 培養扶輪社領導人使其在社層次以上服務 Develop Leaders Beyond the Club Level 有效能的扶輪社之行政管理 Efficient Club Administration 四大服務 Four Avenues of Service Slide 3-C

Key Elements of Effective Orientation 成為社員的好處 Benefits of Membership 社員的責任 Responsibilities of Membership 服務的機會 Opportunities for Service Slide 3-D

社員成長 Membership Growth 保留現有社員 Retain current members 召募新社員 Recruit new members 籌組新扶輪社 Organize new clubs Slide 3-E

在貴地區增加社員 Increasing Membership in the District 以身作則來領導Lead by example 設定扶輪社長期社員成長目標Create long team club membership goals 鼓勵扶輪社擬定並利用明確的計劃Encourage clubs to develop and utilize a specific plan 引進新一代的扶輪社員Introduce a new generation of Rotary 指派地區社員發展委員會Appoint a district membership development committee Slide 3-F

地區社員發展委員會 District Membership Development Committee 規劃及舉行研討會Plan and conduct seminars 擬定及執行策略Identify and implement strategies 溝通及協調各項活動Communicate and coordinate activities 鼓勵扶輪社擬定計劃Encourage clubs to develop plans 與地區及扶輪社領導人合作Work with district and club leaders Slide 3-G

地區擴展委員會 District Extension Committee 找出沒有扶輪社之社區Identify communities without Rotary clubs. 找出可以增加扶輪社之社區Identify communities where additional Rotary clubs could be established. 協助籌組並成立新扶輪社Assist in organizing and establishing new clubs. Slide 3-H

社員成長資源 Membership Growth Resources 國際扶輪社員發展協調人及地帶社員發展協調人RIMCs and RIMZCs 國際扶輪社員發展及擴展獎RIMembership Development and Extension Award 地區社員發展主委District membership development chair www.rotary.org 國際扶輪網站 Slide 3-I

本節議程 Session Agenda 簡介Introduction 10 分鐘 地區訓練師The District Trainer 15 分鐘 地區團隊訓練會District Team Training Seminar 20 分鐘 扶輪社社長當選人訓練會Presidents-elect Training Seminar 20 分鐘 地區講習會District Assembly 20 分鐘 回顧Review 5 分鐘 Slide 4-A

學習目標 Learning Objectives 1. 找出必要的步驟來規劃及執行為助理總監、地區各委員會主委、扶輪社社長、及扶輪社和地區領導人所舉行的有效的訓練會Identify the steps necessary to plan and implement effective training seminars for assistant governors, district committee chairs, club presidents, and club and district leaders. 2. 描述地區訓練師、地區團隊訓練會、扶輪社社長當選人訓練會、及地區講習會之目的及目標Describe the purpose and objectives of the district trainer, district team training seminar, presidents-elect training seminar, and district assembly. Slide 4-B

有效的領導人 Effective Leaders 激勵扶輪社員採取行動Motivate Rotarians to act. 維持並增加熱心的扶輪社員數目Maintain and increase the number of dedicated Rotarians. 務使扶輪保持與社員的關聯性Ensure that Rotary remains relevant to its members. 提供方向及指導Provide direction and guidance. 以身作則來領導Lead by example. Slide 4-C

地區團隊訓練會主題 District Team Training Seminar Topics 介紹國際扶輪主題Presentation of the RI Theme 地區行政管理District Administration 角色及責任Roles and Responsibilities 與扶輪社合作Working With Clubs 資源Resources 規劃你的年度Planning for the Year 溝通Communication Slide 4-D

社長當選人訓練會主題 Presidents-elect Training Seminar Topics 介紹RI主題Presentation of the RI Theme 扶輪社社長之角色及責任Roles and Responsibilities of Club President 目標設定Goal Setting 遴選及教育扶輪社領導人Selecting and Preparing Club Leaders 社務行政Club Administration 社員召募及輔導Membership Recruitment and Orientation 有效的服務計劃Effective Service Projects 扶輪基金會The Rotary Foundation 資源Resources 規劃你的年度Planning for the Year Slide 4-E

地區講習會主題 District Assembly Topics 角色及責任Roles and Responsibilities 指導原則-政策及程序Guiding Principles – Policies and Procedures 遴選及訓練你的團隊Selecting and Training Your Team 擬定行動計劃Developing a Plan of Action 資源Resources 檢視成功的故事Review of Success Stories 實際應用:建立一套計劃Practical Application: Building a Plan 如何解決問題Problem Solving Slide 4-F

本節議程 Session Agenda 扶輪基金會計劃的成功The Success of The Rotary Foundation Programs 20 分鐘 扶輪基金會計劃—實踐扶輪宗旨Rotary Foundation Programs – Fulfilling the Object of Rotary 40 分鐘 以可用之資源教育及激勵社員Resources Available to Educate and Inspire Rotarians 25 分鐘 回顧Review 5 分鐘 Slide 5-A

學習目標 Learning Objectives 討論基金會各項計劃之成功Discuss the success of Rotary Foundation programs. 瞭解扶輪基金會各項計劃如何使扶輪社參與實踐扶輪宗旨Understand how Rotary Foundation programs engage clubs in fulfilling the Object of Rotary. 找出可用之資源以教育扶輪社員 ,使其瞭解扶輪基金會,並啟發之Identify the resources available to educate and inspire Rotarians about The Rotary Foundation. Slide 5-B

扶輪基金會各項計劃之成功 The Success of The Rotary Foundation Programs 根除小兒痲痺PolioPlus 扶輪國際和平及解決衝突中心Rotary Centers for International Studies in peace and conflict resolution 大使獎學金Ambassadorial Scholarships 配合獎助金Matching Grants Slide 5-C

有效能的扶輪社的四大要素 Elements of an Effective Club 有效能的扶輪社能夠 Effective clubs are able to 維持並增加社員人數 Sustain and Increase Membership 辦理成功的服務計劃 Implement Successful Service Projects 支持扶輪基金會 Support The Rotary Foundation 培養扶輪社領導人使其在社層次以上服務 Develop Leaders Beyond the Club Level 有效能的扶輪社之行政管理 Efficient Club Administration 四大服務 Four Avenues of Service Slide 3-D

扶輪基金會使命 The Mission of The Rotary Foundation 支持國際扶輪透過當地的、國家的、及國際的教育、人道和文化交流計劃,來實踐扶輪宗旨、扶輪使命及達成世界瞭解及和平 To support the efforts of Rotary International in the fulfillment of the Object of Rotary, Rotary’s mission and the achievement of world understanding and peace through local, national, and international humanitarian, educational, and cultural programs. Slide 5-E

根除小兒痲痺– 三大障礙 Eradicating Polio –3 Main Obstacles 普及所有兒童 Access to all children. 持續性的政治承諾 Sustaining political commitment. 經費缺口 Funding gap. Slide 5-F

本節議程 Session Agenda 簡介Introduction 5 分鐘 你的責任Your Responsibilities 15 分鐘 分享制度The SHARE System 10 分鐘 每位扶輪社員, 每年捐獻及目標設定程序Every Rotarian, Every Year and the Goal Setting Process 40 分鐘 發展你的團隊以達成你的目標Developing Your Team to Meet Your Goals 15 分鐘 Review 回顧 5 分鐘 Slide 6-A

學習目標 Learning Objectives 瞭解你在基金發展及分享制度方面的責任Understand your Fund Development and SHARE responsibilities. 瞭解每位扶輪社員, 每年捐獻的需要Understand the need for Every Rotarian, Every Year. 商討目標設定的程序Discuss the goal setting process. 決定一項計劃來有效管理地區扶輪基金委員會,以達成地區目標Determine a plan to manage your District Rotary Foundation Committee effectively in meeting district goals. Slide 6-B

分享制度背後的哲學 The Philosophy behind the SHARE System 扶輪社員與全世界扶輪社友分享資源Rotarians SHARE their resources with fellow Rotarians around the world. 保管委員會與扶輪地區及扶輪社分享決策制定The Trustees SHARE their decision-making with Rotary districts and clubs. 扶輪社員透過國際服務計劃與全世界分享扶輪Rotarians SHARE Rotary with the world through international service projects. Slide 6-C

District Designated Fund 分享制度 The SHARE System 捐給扶輪基金會之年度計劃基金捐獻 Annual Programs Fund contributions to The Rotary Foundation 50% 50%   地區指定基金 District Designated Fund 世界基金World Fund Slide 6-D

目標設定之可能狀況 Goal-Setting Scenarios When you set your Annual Programs Fund Goal, will the goal you set be 當你設定年度計劃基金目標時,目標將 a. lower 低於 b. the same as 等於 c. higher 高於 than the goal of your predecessor? 前一任的目標 Slide 6-E

本節議程 Session Agenda 你的秘書處 25 分鐘 Your Secretariat 可透過秘書處取得的資源 30 分鐘 你的秘書處 25 分鐘 Your Secretariat 可透過秘書處取得的資源 30 分鐘 Resources available through the Secretariat 回顧Review 5 分鐘               Slide 7-A

學習目標 Learning Objectives 認識秘書處的任務及功能Identify the mission and functions of the Secretariat. 了解你的扶輪社及地區行政代表要如何互動來幫助總監當選人及總監Understand how your Club and District Administration representatives can help you both as governor-elect and governor. 認識可透過秘書處取得的資源Identify the resources available through the Secretariat. Slide 7-B

秘書處的任務 Mission of the Secretariat 以專業、有效率、及經濟的方式,提供高品質的服務及資源,以支援扶輪社員、扶輪社、以及扶輪領導人達成國際扶輪的目標。 Provide quality service and resources in a professional, efficient, and cost-effective manner in support of Rotarians, Rotary clubs, and leaders of their association in attaining the objectives of Rotary International. Slide 7-C

秘書處The Secretariat —— 國際扶輪在全世界辦事處提供服務RI around the World Brazil Office 巴西辦事處 São Paulo, Brazil 巴西聖保羅  Europe and Africa Office   Zurich, Switzerland  歐洲及非洲辦事處     瑞士蘇黎士 Japan Office 日本辦事處 Tokyo, Japan 日本東京 Korea Office 韓國辦事處    Seoul, Korea 韓國漢城 South Asia Office南亞辦事處 New Delhi, India 印度新德理 Southern South America Office  Buenos Aires, Argentina  南美洲南部辦事處      阿根廷布宜諾斯艾利斯 South Pacific and Philippines Office Parramatta, Australia  南太平洋及菲律賓辦事處     澳大利亞 Parramatta World Headquarters Evanston, Illinois, U.S.A. 世界總部 美國伊利諾州伊文斯敦 Slide 7-D

秘書處需要的資訊 Information Needed by the Secretariat 公式訪問過夜天數Number of overnight stays for official visits. 未報告之扶輪社職員資料 註冊表及差旅表Unreported club officer data. Registration and travel request forms. 地區年會日期District conference dates. 地區職員任命表District appointment forms. 地區訓練會議日期District training meeting dates. Slide 7-E

扶輪資源 Rotary Resources 辦事處職員Staff members 出版品Publications 扶輪法規彙編Rotary Code of Policies 程序手冊Manual of Procedure 目錄Catalog 公式名錄Official Directory 錄影片Videos 扶輪網站www.rotary.org 英文扶輪月刊 The ROTARIAN或 or 地域扶輪雜誌Rotary regional magazine Slide 7-F

本節議程 Session Agenda 簡介Introduction 5 分鐘 國際講習會 The International Assembly 25 分鐘 聯繫機會 Networking Opportunities 10 分鐘 回顧Review 5 分鐘 Slide 8-A

學習目標 Learning Objectives 了解總監當選人及寶眷在國際講習會參加會議各項節目的性質。 Understand the nature of expected participation for governors-elect and spouses at the International Assembly. 了解國際講習會的聯繫機會, 並做準備。 Understand and prepare for networking opportunities that exist at the International Assembly. Slide 8-B

國際講習會的目的 Purpose of the International Assembly 扶輪教育Rotary education 激勵及啟發motivation and inspiration 行政管理責任之講解instruction in administrative duties 這是討論下一年度扶輪活動的機會opportunity to discuss Rotary’s activities for the succeeding year Slide 8-C