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选修课程开发的背景:为贯彻落实国家和省中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要,优化育人模式,推进素质教育,提高普通高中教育质量和办学水平,加快教育现代化建设,2012年秋全省普通高中全面实行浙江省深化普通高中课程改革方案。该方案提出,要减少必修,增加选修。选修课程分为知识拓展,职业技能,兴趣特长和社会实践等四类。 吴丹老师 英美戏剧欣赏与创作 谢津津老师 带你去旅游-- 英语旅游攻略 陈婕老师 英语经典影视及歌曲欣赏 秦晓静老师 看美剧,学英语

英美戏剧欣赏与创作 课程类型: 知识拓展类 课程内容:该课程分为戏剧欣赏,语言学习和表演创作。这三部分的课程内容在整个课程设置中密不可分,以戏剧欣赏开始,让学生被戏剧的魅力所吸引,进而产生兴趣。然后,教师进行表演指导,让学生初步感知并练习表演中的关键技巧,在指导的过程中对学生的英语语言能力进行培养。最后,用戏剧的排演、表演让学生通过实践学习英语。 课程目标:学生较为系统地了解英美戏剧的主要门类,并通过典型的作品欣赏,来学习语言;学生初步感知并练习表演中的关键技巧,如声音、表情、形体等,增强学生的语言和形体表现力;学生能积极主动地参与英语短剧欣赏与表演;学生能够融入戏剧排演活动,与人合作交流,形成一定的团队合作能力。  

带你去旅游---英语旅游攻略 课程类型: 职业技能类 课程内容:该课程是针对高中生的英语水平,依据英语导游方向工作任务与职业能力分析表中的工作项目而改编设置的。以最终培养学生实用英语能力来组织课程内容。了解旅游英语,不仅能提高高中英语能力,又能延伸和拓展高中教学内容。该课程使学生在完成具体制定攻略任务的过程中提高能力,以发展相应的职业能力。课程内容突出训练学生制定旅游攻略的英语能力,教学过程中,通过课堂模拟真实的任务训练,给学生提供丰富的实践和操作的机会。 课程目标:使学生具备基本的英语旅游攻略制定能力;培养学生在旅游生活中正确地使用英语解决问题的能力;使学生能基本运用英语,完成相应的英语书写任务;提高英语知识普及性,提高英语学习兴趣。了解并熟练应用常用的旅游英语,增强语言运用的准确性;掌握英语地理历史人文等常识性知识;熟悉订房、订票、制定路线,办签证所用的应用型英语;具备自我学习,自我提高的能力。

英语经典影视及歌曲欣赏选修课 课程类型: 兴趣特长类 课程内容:课前读电影背景知识、剧情介绍及主要演员、导演的介绍;课堂教学中视听英语歌曲及电影片段剪辑;课前或课后视听完整的影片;对歌曲、电影的视听内容进行角色扮演、讨论等口头练习;学唱歌曲;诵读经典对白或独白;写电影的英文简单概要或影评课程内容突出训练学生各种文体的写作能力,教学过程中,通过课堂模拟真实的写作任务训练,给学生提供丰富的实践和操作的机会。 课程目标:通过学习和欣赏西方经典影片,更好地了解西方文化,从而开阔视野,提高鉴赏能力;通过视听练习,逐步能在轻松愉快的氛围中提高听说技能,从而增强语感、提高英语综合能力;通过学习和欣赏英文经典歌曲,增强学英语的兴趣和能力;通过欣赏经典影片及歌曲,更广泛地了解相关的学科知识。(历史学、人文学等)


课程简介 课程类型:知识拓展类 授课对象:高一学生 课程内容:本课程通过观看美剧《摩登家庭》,填台词,模仿配音来提高学生的听力以及口语表达能力,巩固必修词汇并积累一些日常生活中常用词汇,增加学生对美国文化的了解,激发学生对英语学习的热情。《摩登家庭》是一部情景喜剧,故事以独特的视角讲述了极具代表的三个典型的美国家庭的日常生活。本剧获得过多项艾美奖,是美国总统奥巴马最爱美剧之一。借着本剧喜剧的特点,让学生们在快乐中学英语。 课时安排:每周一课时,共18课时 课程特色:在本课程的第一节课末让学生从Phil, Claire,

Hayley and Alex四个主角中选择自己要模仿的角色,整个学期的学习每个学生模仿自己特定的那个角色的发音). 课程重难点: 学生能听懂美国人的日常对话; 学生能巩固必修课本里的词汇并积累一些课本以外,但在日常生活中较实用的词汇; 学生通过模仿配音使语音语调得到提高并让学生通过锻炼敢于说英语。 课程总目标: 巩固必修词汇以及增加词汇量;英语口语得到提高。 培养学生学习英语的兴趣以及跨文化交际的意识,增强家庭观念,重视亲情。

理论基础:创建循序渐进式有层次的动态课堂,利用交际法进行语言实践,以表演的形式展现,最终达到听说能力的提高作为必修课程的补充。 教学目标: 1. 学生能巩固必修词汇:come up, actually, set up, though, completely, point, power, blame等; 2. 学生能将观看的内容用自己的语言复述出来。 3. 学生的语音语调模仿得更贴近片中的角色。

课堂实录:Part 1 Step 1: Watch the video. Step 2: Watch the first five scenes again and choose the right word in the box to complete the lines.

again Thanksgiving sky coming up belt happen lucky by the way actually mistake so boring asleep set up throw anything dream though gift suggest fan completely present hurt

(Episode 9) Scene: Hospital Jay: Do we know ________? Mitchell: Oh, no, they’re in there now with the doctor. We’re ______, _______ – the paramedics said it could’ve been a lot worse. Jay: My god, how did this even ________? Scene: A few days earlier at Claire & Phil’s house Phil: There he is! Big day’s _____ _____. What do you want for your birthday, big dog? Luke: It’s okay; I’m good. Phil: Come on. _____’s the limit. _____ big, my boy. Luke: Well, I guess I could use a ______. Claire: A belt? Luke: Yeah, you’re right. I don’t need it. The extension cord works pretty good.

(Commentary) Phil: Every year, Luke’s birthday falls right around ________, and so it gets lost in the holiday shuffle. Claire: Yeah, one year we forgot _________ and we had to improvise a cake of stuffing. Phil: Which, ____ _____ ______, he was fine with. He’s one of those kids: you get him a gift and all he want to do is play with the box. Claire: Yeah, one year we ________ just… got him a box. A really nice box. Phil: And we made the _______ of putting it in a gift bag. Claire: So he played with the gift bag. Phil: …We can’t get it right. Claire: No.

(Cut back to scene) Phil: I feel terrible. Claire: Oh… Phil: We’ve got to do something. Claire: Yeah… Um, well, you know the family is gonna be together for Thanksgiving for the first time in I-don’t-even-know-how-long, so… Phil: I am ____with you. We should blow this out and _____ Luke the best birthday party of all time. Claire: Yes! Yes, we’ll order a whole bunch of pizzas and, and then ____ ____ an arts and crafts table. Phil: A what? Claire: Y-yeah, a crafts table! You know, everybody… gathers around and they make stuff and then bam! They’ve got their own party favour. Phil: (snorts) Sorry, I fell _____ while you were describing the most _____ party ever. (gets hit by Claire) Ow!

Scene: Cameron & Mitchell’s house Cameron: See you in a few hours. Phil: Yeah. Thanks _____ for the karaoke machine. I’ll give it back to you right after the party. Cameron: That’ll be great. Mitchell: (whispers to Phil) Please don’t. I beg you. Don’t… don’t bring it back. Phil: (whispers back) Oh. Cameron: Hey Phil. Are, uh, you getting a clown for today? Phil: Oh… no. Luke, uh, Luke’s not much of a clown _____. Cameron: …Really? Phil: Yeah, he never liked them. Cameron: Has he ever seen a good one? Phil: Has… has anyone? Really, so… thanks again. Cameron: (after Phil is gone) No clown? No… no clown?

Mitchell: Let it go. Cameron: Who throws a party without a clown? Mitchell: Since the late 30’s, I’d say most people. Cameron: You know what? We haven’t gotten Luke a _______ yet. Maybe a clown could be our present. Mitchell: Cameron, Cameron… If Phil and Claire wanted to get Luke a clown, they would have. But this is not our party. Cameron: But- Mitchell: This is not. Our. Party. Cameron: But I just… fine. What would you _______ we get him then? Mitchell: Mhhh, get him a _____ card. Cameron: …A gift card? Mitchell: Yeah. Cameron: Who ______ you?

When did the story in this episode probably happen? A. around April Fool’s day B. around Children’s Day C. around Thanksgiving D. around Mid-Autumn Day 2. Whose birthday is coming up? A. Luke’s B. Jay’s C. Hayley’s D. Manny’s 3. Guess why Cameron mentioned a clown for several times.

Part 2 Step 1: Watch the rest of the video again and fill in the blank to complete the lines.

Scene: Jay & Gloria’s house Jay: Hey Gloria, you got any idea how to wrap one of these things? Gloria: Is that a crossbow? Jay: Yeah. Am I the ______ grandpa in the world or what? Gloria: We can’t give Luke a crossbow. He pokes himself in the eye ____ ______ he uses a straw. Jay: Are you kidding? I used to have one when I was his ____. My dad used to give me a quarter for every crow I bagged. Gloria: And I used to have a machete. But times have ______. Jay: He’ll be fine. I’ll teach him how to use it. (Manny enters) Hey pal. How’s it going? Manny: Am I charming? Jay: Oh boy… Gloria: Of course you’re charming! Who said you were not charming? Manny: No one. But there is a girl at my school and I want her to like me. I need your ______, Jay. Jay: Really?

Manny: She’s gonna be at Luke’s party. Jay: Well, I’m… a little thrown. I mean, you don’t usually come to me for advice. Manny: Well, this is one _____ in which you’ve done pretty well. Gloria: He has a ______. Manny: I’ve tried everything to get her ________: opening doors, having her milk sent over in the cafeteria… but nothing’s _______. Jay: Here’s the deal: girl’s don’t go for all that romantic stuff. They go for ______ and ______, and sine you don’t have either one of those things, you’re gonna be the ______ guy.

Scene: Claire & Phil’s house Phil: No, no. No, no, no. I want the most _______ reptile you’ve got. Tanya: I have an iguana that, uh, eats crickets. Phil: That would be ______ if it was a birthday party for crickets. Seriously. Jungle Tanya, I need you to step it up a notch. Is there anything that scares the coocoo out of you? Tanya: Um, not really. I do have a bearded dragon. Phil: Oooh. Does it- Tanya: No, it does not breathe _____. Phil: Well then, we’re back to square one, aren’t we? (Commentary) Cameron: I couldn’t get Luke out of my ______. I know I made a _______ to Mitchell, but… some things are bigger than promises. Fizbo would be at that party. (looks in mirror after applying make-up) Hello, old friend.

Scene: A few hours earlier outside Claire & Phil’s house Scene: Hospital Hayley: It all happened so fast. Jay: I keep thinking there is something I could’ve done. Mitchell: No, don’t ______ yourself. Who could’ve _______ seen that coming? Scene: A few hours earlier outside Claire & Phil’s house Claire: Sweety, that’s a rock wall. Is that even ______? Oh my god. Phil: Honey, ______. (to guy setting up rock wall) Hey, has anyone ever gotten hurt on one of these things? Guy: I don’t know, man. It’s my first day. Phil: See? They wouldn’t let the new guy do it if it was- Claire: That did not make me feel better.

Phil: Don’t worry. I signed, like, a hundred releases. Claire: When did we ______ all this? I… I think it’s too much. Phil: See, I knew you’d say that. That’s why I didn’t tell you, so just relax. Grab a snow cone. Claire: There’s a snow cone machine? Phil: Yeah. Hayley: Mom, just so you know, Dylan can’t have mayonnaise. Claire: That’s random. Why are you telling me that? Hayley: Uh, ’cause he’s coming to the party? Claire; Is that absolutely _______? Hayley: W- Alex: Yes, because she can’t go ten minutes withouut her boyfriend’s tongue in her mouth. It’s like he’s feeding a baby bird. Hayley: Mhhh, don’t be so jealous. I’m sure you’ll meet someone super-hot at computer camp. Claire: Girls.

(Commentary) Phil: Hey, hey… (girls leave) So, what you got there? Claire: Oh, these are supplies for the crafts table. I finally figured out what we’re gonna be making. Phil: Kids _____? Haha, I’m teasing, I’m teasing. It looks good. What is it? Claire: Comb sheaths. I know, I know… but we made them when I was eleven years old at Donna Rigby’s birthday party. At first we thought it was really stupid, and then we had a blast, so… Phil: How could you not? You combined the two things that kids love the most: combs and sheaths. (Claire walks off) I’m kidding! (Commentary) Claire: Where’s my comb? Ah ha, here it is! In my incredibly convenient beaded comb sheath that I made at Luke’s awesome birthday party. Hole in one, Mrs Dunphy. Hole in one.

Step 2: Summarize what we’ve watched in Part 2.

Part 3 Watch the 10th scene “ A few hours earlier outside Claire and Phil’s house” again and read your lines after the video.

Part 4 Practice the lines in groups of 4 and invite some groups to dub the scene.

课后反思 困惑: 怎样使课堂形式变得丰富多样? 在教学资源的选择方面,这部美剧充满了欢声笑语,学生在学习英语的过程中收获了快乐,并且这是一部很生活化的美剧,内容十分贴近学生的生活。 配音这一环节深受学生喜爱,激发了学生学习的热情,提高了学生的听说能力。 这节课本着课改的宗旨,设计语言情境让学生自主操练英语,利用小组合作学习来设计团队协作配音,把课堂还给学生。 困惑: 怎样使课堂形式变得丰富多样?