假如当初乖乖听话 What if….


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Presentation transcript:

假如当初乖乖听话 What if…

现在的学生不用树皮打草稿,而是依赖于价格较高的石板。可要是石板掉地上摔碎了该怎么办呢?他们就没法写字了! Students today can’t prepare bark to calculate their problems. They depend on their slates which are more expensive. What will they do when the slate is dropped and it breaks? They will be unable to write! 教师会议 1703

如今的学生太过于依赖纸张了。他们不知道怎样在石板上写字才不会沾得一身粉笔灰,也不会正确地擦石板。看他们纸写完的时候怎么办? Students today depend on paper too much. They don’t know how to write on a slate without getting chalk dust all over themselves. They can’t clean a slate properly. What will they do when they run out of paper? 校长协会 1815

现在的学生过分依赖墨水,连用小刀削铅笔都不会。钢笔和墨水绝不可能取代铅笔。 全国教师协会 1907 Students today depend too much upon ink. They don’t know how to use a pen knife to sharpen a pencil. Pen and ink will never replace the pencil.

如今的学生总是从商店里买墨水,却不会自己配。墨水用完了得赶紧去商店买,不然就没法写单词或数字了。这真是现代教育的遗憾。 美国乡村教师 1928 Students today depend upon store bought ink. They don’t know how to make their own. When they run out of ink they will be unable to write words or ciphers until their next trip to the settlement. This is a sad commentary on modern education.

美国乡村教师 1928

现如今的学生用惯了昂贵的自来水笔,不再用蘸墨水的直杆笔了。我们家长可不能纵容孩子们,这不利于他们学会应付现实,社会上哪有这么奢侈啊? Students today depend on these expensive fountain pens. They can no longer write with a straight pen and nib. We parents must not allow them to wallow in such luxury to the detriment of learning how to cope in the real business world which is not so extravagant. 家长教师联合会公报 1941

家长教师联合会 PTA Gazette 1941

圆珠笔对我国的教育将会是一个危害。学生们用完了就扔,将美国人勤俭节约的价值观抛之脑后。这种奢侈浪费的行为在商界与金融界绝不会得到认同。 Ballpoint pens will be the ruin of education in our country. Students use these devices and then throw them away. The American values of thrift and frugality are being discarded. Business and banks will never allow such expensive luxuries. 联邦教师 1950

Federal Teachers 1950

你们不能在考试中使用计算器。如果我允许你们这么做的话,你们就再也不会学习怎样通过查表求值来计算三角函数了。 You can’t use those calculators on the test. If I let you do that, you wouldn’t ever learn how to use the tables in the back of the book and use interpolation to figure out your trig ratios. 高中数学教师 1980

High School Math Teacher 1980

我们不能允许中学生使用计算器。如果计算器的使用得到了许可,学生们就会忘记长除法或者三位数相乘法则。万一找不到计算器,看他们怎么算? We can’t let them use calculators in middle school. If we do, they’ll forget how to do long division or how to multiply three digit numbers by three digit numbers. What will they do when they don’t have access to a calculator? 初中数学教师 1989

Middle School Math Teacher 1989

您怎么能允许孩子在课堂用图形计算器呢?别说我们课上不让用,即使可以用,那也仅仅是在我们班,其他班的家长是绝不会给自己孩子买这些计算器的。 Why are you writing a grant for a classroom set of graphing calculators? We’ll never be allowed to use them and – even if we can – that’s only one class, and parents in other classes will never buy them for their students. 高中数学教师 1993

High School Math Teacher 1993

你怎么会想到让学生们用互联网?这不过是一时的潮流罢了, 还是让他们去泡图书馆吧。 学区职员 1995 Why would you ever want the Internet for student use? It’s just the latest fad – have them use the library.

District Employee 1995

学校要网页干什么?会有人看吗? 学区职员 1995 You don’t need a web page [for AHS]. Who’s ever going to look at it?

教师们永远不可能使用电子邮件。 Teachers will never use email 学区委员会的教师 1996

干吗要给每位教师的办公桌都装上网络接口?难道您要给每人都配一台电脑? Why do you want network drops at every teacher’s desk? You’re not thinking of getting a computer for all of them are you? 物业管理人员 1999

Building Administrator 1999

胶片投影机不能做的事情,要一台液晶投影仪又能有什么用? What can you do with an LCD Projector that you can’t do with an overhead projector? 学校职责委员会委员 1999

Member of School Accountability Committee 1999

给高中生买笔记本电脑?大部分家长甚至连自己用过的旧电脑都不愿意给孩子,更别说给他们买新的了。 Why are we talking about students having laptops in high school? I don’t think most parents will even give their kids their old computer, much less buy them a new one. 笔记本电脑委员会委员 2000

Member of Laptop Committee 2000

教师 2001 干嘛要在网上发布学生成绩? 有人来看吗? Why would I want to put my grades on the web? Who’s going to look at them? 教师 2001

鄙人不认为短期内 在AHS中学能用上无线网络。 I don’t think we’ll have a wireless network at AHS anytime soon. AHS教员 2005春

Me spring 2005

上课期间请把所有的手机、iPod、以及所有其他电子玩意儿统统关掉放一边去。 AHS校内标语 2006年秋 Turn off and put away all Cell Phones, iPods, and Electronic Devices during class!

Signs around AHS Fall 2006

干吗要在课堂里安装 这么华而不实的玩意儿? 干吗要在课堂里安装 这么华而不实的玩意儿? 某某某 2008.11

假如当初乖乖听话, 今天的我们将会在哪儿? What if We’d listened? What if We’d listened?