Welcome Speech Wen-Hsien SUN Chairman, the Executive Board of International Mathematics Competition President, Chiu Chang Mathematics Education Foundation
Respected Chief Guest Hon’ble Shri Pankaj Singh, MLA and General Secreatry, of ruling BJP Uttar Pradesh (India), the distinguished guests and their delegations from all countries, Dr. Jagdish Gandhi & Dr. (Mrs.) Bharti Gandhi, Founders of City Montessori School, the beautiful people of India, Friends, Ladies and gentlemen, Good Evening! Welcome to India International Mathematics Competition (InIMC 2017) happening right here in the wonderful City of Lucknow. 印度Uttar Pradesh 副州長、甘地博士及夫人、各位貴賓、來自二十八個國家地區的代表團員們、可愛的印度民眾們、朋友們、各位女士、各位先生:大家好 ! 歡迎大家來到美麗的勒克瑙市參加2017國際數學競賽。
今天我是全世界最高興的人,因為我見到來自亞洲、非洲、澳洲、歐洲與北美洲等五大洲的參賽者歡聚在InIMC 2017。 It makes me the happiest person today to see participants from five continents: Asia, Africa, Australia, Europe and North America gathering for the InIMC 2017. 今天我是全世界最高興的人,因為我見到來自亞洲、非洲、澳洲、歐洲與北美洲等五大洲的參賽者歡聚在InIMC 2017。 3
雖然受到媒體對印度治安衛生的負面報導,今年的參賽人數略低於去年,但本競賽活動仍是最龐大的國際中小學數學活動。 Despite the media coverage of Indian public security and health, this year's number of participating countries is slightly lower than last year, but this competition is still the largest international primary and secondary school mathematics activities. 雖然受到媒體對印度治安衛生的負面報導,今年的參賽人數略低於去年,但本競賽活動仍是最龐大的國際中小學數學活動。 4
印度數學是幾個古文明之一,大約在公元前三世紀中葉,Brahmi數碼已經開始出現。 Indian mathematics is one of the several oldest in any civilizations, about the middle of the third century BC, Brahmi digital has begun to appear. 印度數學是幾個古文明之一,大約在公元前三世紀中葉,Brahmi數碼已經開始出現。 5
These are the earliest digital, after many changes, eventually developed into today's numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. The development of digital and bit-value systems has a lot of researches on Indian digital papers 這些是最早的數碼,經過多次改變,最終發展成今天使用的數碼1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9。 數碼與位值制系統的發展在關於印度數碼的論文中有許多研究。 6
Bhaskara, Lilavati Leaf 24 The main topics of Jaina mathematics in around 150 BC were: the theory of numbers, arithmetical operations, geometry, operations with fractions, simple equations, cubic equations, quartic equations, and permutations and combinations. 大約在公元前150年的Jaina數學的主題是 數學理論,算術運算,幾何學,分數運算,簡單方程,三次方程,四次方程,排列和組合。 Bhaskara, Lilavati Leaf 24 7
更令人驚訝的是,Jaina發展了一個無限的理論, 其中包含在不同層次的無限,對指數的初步理解,及一些基底為2對數的記號。 More surprisingly the Jaina developed a theory of the infinite containing different levels of infinity, a primitive understanding of indices, and some notions of logarithms to base 2. 更令人驚訝的是,Jaina發展了一個無限的理論, 其中包含在不同層次的無限,對指數的初步理解,及一些基底為2對數的記號。 8
The main mathematicians of the tenth century in India were Aryabhata II and Vijayanandi, both adding to the understanding of sine tables and trigonometry to support their astronomical calculations. Bhaskara II is considered a high point of Indian mathematics. 印度第十世紀的主要數學家是Aryabhata II和Vijayanandi,他們增加了對正弦表與三角學的研究,以支持他們的天文計算。Bhaskara II被認為是印度數學的一個高點。 9
Another peak of Indian mathematics is the age of Ramanujan, Srinivasa Ariyangar (1887-1920). Ramanujan was born poor in the Brahman family. 印度數學的另一高峰是拉馬奴金(Ramanujan, Sriinivasa Ariyangar , 1887-1920)的年代。 拉馬奴金出生貧窮信奉婆羅門教的家庭。 10
Between 1907 and 1911 he had no fixed work Between 1907 and 1911 he had no fixed work. But the stability of life did not affect his interest in mathematics. During this period, he studied the magic square, even the scores, super-geometric series, prime and synthesis, elliptical points and other contents to write a full three notebook. 在1907-1911年間,他一直沒有固定的工作。但生活的不安定並沒有影響他對數學的興趣,這段期間,他研究了幻方、連分數、超幾何級數、素數與合成數、橢圓積分等內容足足寫了三大本筆記本。 11
Ramanujan留下了一些未發表的筆記本,充滿了數學家必須繼續深入研究的定理。 Ramanujan left a number of unpublished notebooks filled with theorems that mathematicians have continued to study. Ramanujan留下了一些未發表的筆記本,充滿了數學家必須繼續深入研究的定理。 12
G. N. Watson, Mason Professor of Pure Mathematics at Birmingham from 1918 to 1951 published 14 papers under the general title Theorems stated by Ramanujan and in all he published nearly 30 papers which were inspired by Ramanujan's work. Ramanujan was one of India's greatest mathematical geniuses. 1918年至1951年,伯明翰純粹數學的梅森教授G. N. Watson在Ramanujan發表了14篇論文,總標題為"Ramanujan",並受到Ramanujan的作品啟發出版了近30篇文章。 Ramanujan可說是印度最偉大的數學家之一。 13
This competition does not only provide children from different countries an occasion to compete among themselves. Unlike other mathematical competitions, which consist only of pen and pencil tests, we also design problem solving activities requiring good team work. 本競賽活動不僅是一個提供各國學童競技的場合,不同於其他只有紙筆測驗的數學競賽,我們設計了須要與隊友通力合作、互相討論,齊心協力共同解決難題的隊際賽測驗。 14
同時也提供許多可以接觸到世界各地不同的人種、文化、宗教與生活習俗的文化交流活動,讓大家增廣見聞,學習互相包容,促進世界和平。 At the same time, this event is a cultural exchange, an opportunity provide to students to get to know people, their cultures, religions and traditions of all kinds. Through this, we can broaden their horizon, learn to understand each other’s cultural diversity and in this manner we can help building a peaceful world. 同時也提供許多可以接觸到世界各地不同的人種、文化、宗教與生活習俗的文化交流活動,讓大家增廣見聞,學習互相包容,促進世界和平。 15
Today's technological development requires scientists from all over the world to cooperate with each other to enhance human well-being. One of the most important examples is: Te-Tzu Chang, a professor of Taiwan, cooperated with agricultural experts from the Philippines, India and other countries to successfully breed rice with a new high-yielding and resistant new type of fertilizer IR8, known as the "miracle" rice. 現今的科技發展都須要世界各國科學家互相合作,以提升人類的福祉。其中一個重大的例子為:臺灣張德慈教授Te-Tzu Chang與菲律賓、印度等國農業專家合作,成功育種命名為IR8 之高產耐肥新品種的稻米。 16
The results have been solved in the world, especially in India - Food problem. The Indian Agriculture Minister, Shri Sudarshan Bhagat, describing the introduction of IR8 as "a great moment in India's history". 此成果解決了世界各地, 特別是印度的糧荒問題。印度農業部長Shri Sudarshan Bhagat特別讚揚道: 引進IR8是印度歷史上重大的事件。 17
Therefore, we are thankful to the very kind support of the Government of Uttar Pradesh, Dr. Gandhi with his team of CMS and the people of Lucknow. Their support enables us to arrange more interesting program items. 感謝印度Uttar Pradesh州政府與Mr. Gandhi 率領全體CMS 師生的鼎力支持,由於他們的努力籌劃促使本競賽增加了許多精彩的活動。 18
We shall stay in this beautiful and historic city for a week We shall stay in this beautiful and historic city for a week. So we have enough time to enjoy the warm hospitality of the organizer, and also feel the kindness from the friendly smiles of the Indian people. Let us actively engage in the program and make this splendid occasion a fruitful one. 我們將在這個美麗且 古老的城市一起生活 近一星期。我們有充 足的時間來享受主辦 單位為我們提供的熱 情款待與印度民眾給予的親切笑容,讓我們積極投入各項活動,使本次盛會創造輝煌的成果 19
各位女士,各位先生,各位參賽代表們,讓我們一起快樂擁抱數學、盡情享受數學、盡情享受競賽吧! Ladies and Gentlemen, Participants, let us happily embrace mathematics, enjoy mathematics, and enjoy the competition! Thank you. 各位女士,各位先生,各位參賽代表們,讓我們一起快樂擁抱數學、盡情享受數學、盡情享受競賽吧! 20