Module 6 Animals in danger


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Presentation transcript:

Module 6 Animals in danger Unit 3 Language in use

Grammar 动词不定式

Revision 当我们要表示“想做某事、需要 做某事或决定做某事”时,就会 出现两个动词连用的情况,这时 应如何表达呢? 同学们自然会想到want to do sth., need to do sth.和decide to do sth. 等表达方式。

什么是动词不定式? 主要行为动词后面的动词都采用了 “to+动词原形”的结构,我们把这种 结构称为动词不定式(有时可以不带 to)。动词不定式没有人称和数的变 化,在句子中不能作谓语。下面我们 一起来看一下动词不定式有哪些语法 功能。

不定式作宾语 学习不定式作宾语时,要注意掌握:后接不 定式作宾语的动词。常见动词有: want, hope, wish, like, begin, try, need, forget, agree, help 等。 Many people decide to protect animals in danger. 许多人决定去保护濒危动物。 I want to go to the library. 我想去图书馆。

1. 我们需要帮助动物生活在安全的环境里。 We need ________ the animals live in peace. 2. 他决定去参观香港迪士尼乐园。 He decided ________ Disneyland Hong Kong. 3. 我忘记帮我姐姐买一支笔了。 I forgot __________ a pen for my sister. to help to visit to buy

exercises 1. 许多人决定不去想这件事。 Many people _____ _____ ____ ____ about it. 2. 我想去图书馆。 I ____ _____ ____to the library. 3. 我忘记帮我姐姐买一支笔了。 I ____ _____ _____ a pen for my sister. decided not to think want to go forgot to buy

Observe to get 1. It allows people ______ (get) closer to them. 2. We all need _______ (help) animals live in peace. 3. Let’s find out what else we can do _______ (save) as many animals as possible. 4. In order to ______ (protect) pandas in the world, the government is setting up nature parks. 5. …so the WWF is working hard _______ (save) them all. to help to save protect to save

6. Your money pays ___________ (look after) the animals. 7. That means we can give money _______ (help) protect the animals. 8. Scientists are doing a lot of research _______ (help) pandas produce more babies and help baby pandas live. 9. Pandas born in zoos may go back _______ (live) in the nature parks. 10.There will be more bamboo ______ (feed) the pandas. to look after to help to help to live to feed

我们可以发现动词不定式的另外两种语法功能: ①在“动词+宾语+动词不定式”的结构中充当宾语的补足语 ② 在句中表示行为动作的目的,作目的状语

动词不定式作宾语补足语 可用于“动词+宾语+动词不定式”这一结构的动词有很多,除本模块出现的allow,choose等词外,常见的还有:want, tell, ask, invite, help, need,等。 We want you to help us. 我们想要你来帮助我们。 Please tell Betty to come to school earlier. 请告诉Betty早点来学校。

需要注意的是: 1)以上动词接不定式作宾语补足语时,若要表达否定的意思,要在to do前加not, 构成not to do的形式。例如: My mom tells me to play football in the street. (改为否定句) My mom tells me ____ _____ ____ football in the street. Mr Han tells us not to sleep in class. 韩先生告诉我们上课不要睡觉。 She told me not to buy the concert ticket. 她告诉我不要去买音乐会的票了。 not to play

2)有些动词后接动词作宾语补足语时,可以接不带to的不定式,常见的这类动词有:make, let, have,help,等。例如: Let me make a cake for you. 让我做个蛋糕给你吧。 His words made everyone laugh. 他的话( His words )让大家哄堂大笑。

exercises 1. 妈妈让我多读书。 My mother asked me ________ more books. to read 2. 我叫妈妈买一些花。 I told my mother __________ some flowers. 3. 我妈妈想我呆在家里。 My mother wants me ________ at home. to read to buy to stay

动词不定式作状语 1. 很高兴见到你! I’m glad ____ ____ you! 2. 我来北京看望我爷爷的。 I came to Beijing _____ _____my grandpa. 3. 我太累了,走不动了。 I’m too tired _____ _____. 原因 to meet to see 目的 结果 to walk 不定式常常作目的状语、原因状语、结果状语等。不定式作状语时,要注意不定式的逻辑主语应与句子的主语保持一致。

exercises 1. 他早起是为了赶上早班车。 He got up early ____ ____ the early bus. 2. 看到这么多礼物他们很兴奋。 They were excited ____ _____ so many presents. to catch 目的 to see 原因

1. 不定式作主语 不定式作主语时,常用 it 作形式主语,而将作主语的不定式放在句子后部。句式是:It is + adj. +(for sb.) to do sth. (做某事是……的) eg. It is good for you to help others. = To help others/helping others is good. 帮助他人是件好事。 It is exciting to watch football matches. = To watch/watching football matches is exciting. 观看足球比赛是件令人兴奋的事。

nice/polite有礼貌的 /rude粗鲁的 exercises 1. 游长城是很兴奋的。 It is exciting to visit the Great Wall. 2. 对我们来说,学好英语是重要的。 It is important for us to learn English well. 3. 你能帮我真是太好了。 It is very kind of you to help me. 对某人评价用 of nice/polite有礼貌的 /rude粗鲁的

4. 不定式作定语 不定式修饰名词或代词,起形容词的 作用,在句中作定语,放在被修饰对 象的后面,请看下列句子: I have a lot of homework to do. 我有很多作业要做。 Please give me something to eat. 请给我点吃的吧。

exercises 1. 我没有什么可吃的。 I have nothing ______ ______. 2. 很多动物没有居住的地方。 Many animals have no place ____ _____. to eat to live

疑问词+动词不定式 1. 你知道什么时候离开吗? Do you know _____ _____ ______? 2. 这个男孩不知道怎样去公园. The boy doesn’t know ___ ____ ___ to the park. when to leave how to go


一、用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. Do you know when ______ (have) a picnic? 2. She is very busy today. She has a lot of work _____(do). 3. Our teacher asked us _____(be) careful when we crossed the road. 4. It’s easy for us _________(answer) the question. to have to do to be to answer

单项选择。 1. Would you please tell me next?      A. how to do    B. what to do  C. what do I do D. how I should do 2. The girl wasn’t       to lift that bookcase.  A. too strong   B. enough strong  C. strong enough  D. so strong

3. For a time his grandmother found ____ accept his new idea. A. hard B. it hard C. it hard to D. it is hard to 4. As she has never been there before, I’ll have someone      her the way. A. show B. to show C. showing D. showed 5. You    drive slowly. The roads are wet.  A. had rather  B. would rather  C. had better  D. would better

6. Nothing can make the brave soldier ____ his country.  A. turn against    B. to turn against  C. to turn to     D. turn to 7. In the old days, it was difficult for the poor       a job.  A. find   B. to find   C. look   D. to look for

8. When learning a foreign language, try our best     the spirit of it.  A. master  B. hold   C. take hold of   D. to master 9. It was foolish      his car unlocked. A. for him to leave  B. of him to leave  C. for him leave  D. him to leave 10. Remember     the newspaper when you have finished it.   A. putting back  B. put back   C. to put back   D. will put back

11. Napoleon spoke so loudly as to ___ in front of his soldiers.   A. hear     B. be heard    C. listen     D. be listened to

三、根据所给中文,写出下列英语句子。 1. 我有一些衣服要洗。 2. 苏喜欢谈论动物。 3. 对于我们记住足够多的单词很重要。                                I have some clothes to wash. Sue likes to talk about the animals. It’s very important for us to remember enough words. 4. 玲玲来这儿想拿点钱。 Lingling comes here to get some money. 5. 大明的愿望是成为一名好医生。  Daming’s wish is to be a good doctor.

1 Match the two parts of the sentences. to help. … to become dangerous. …plant more bamboo. …live in the nature park. …to be safe. d) They let the elephants… We want the animals… We should not allow the situation… Help us… They came here… e) b) c) a)

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. develop feed save tell They are working hard to make a better life for pandas. The government is trying _________ plans to protect animals in danger. to develop

2. He sent an email _____ people what was happening. 3. In order _______ pandas, people will grow more bamboo in the mountains. 4. The zoo asks us not ______ the animals. to tell to save to feed

3 Complete the sentences. How many different sentences can you make? I went to the nature park to… They asked the children… Let’s help them… We want…

4 Complete the conversations with the expressions in the box. shall we meet d) to see a film to ask me e) will it start to protect them

Tony: Hi, Tony speaking. Daming: Hi, Tony. It’s Daming. Do you want (1)________________ this evening? Tony: Oh, it’s very nice of you (2)_____________. What’s the film about? Daming: It’s about animals in danger, and what the government is doing (3)______________________? d) to see a film b) to ask me c) to protect them

Tony: Oh, I’d like to see it. I’m doing my homework about that. What time (4)_________________? Daming: At eight o’clock. Tony: So what time (5)________________? Daming: At half past seven, outside the school gate. Tony: OK. See you then. Daming: See you. e) will it start a) shall we meet

7.Complete the sentences with the expressions in the box. in danger in order to in peace in the wild Animals in many places around the world are__________. We can help animals live safety __________. Let’s leave the animals in nature parks ________. We should try hard _________ save animals. in danger in the wild in peace in order to

8.Listen and complete the poster. Wildlife Club We started this club because we want to_____________________. We started this club in order to _____________. help animals in danger get more ideas 3. We would like more student to____________________. 4. We want to decide ___________________ ________ 5. We need to tell people about_______ ___________. Come and join us! come to our meetings which kind of animal to help animals in danger

9.Read the email and choose the correct answer. Sally is writing to her ______. a) aunt b) teacher c) friend 2. Marwell Wildlife helps ______. a) animals in danger b) scientists c) visitors 3. Scientists do research about ______. a) feeding animals b) working with animals c) protecting animals

Thank you!Bye!