The European Union 歐洲聯盟


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The European Union 歐洲聯盟 European Economic and Trade Office 歐 洲 經 貿 辦 事 處

European Union 歐 盟 27 Member States 490 Million citizens    歐  盟 27 Member States 490 Million citizens 25% of the world’s economy 23 official languages

歐盟機構 歐洲委員會駐台代表處- 歐洲經貿辦事處 European Economic and Trade Office http://www

歐洲高等教育 高度多元化: 歷史悠久的大學 私立、公立大學 減輕學生財務負擔的機制 (免學費) 信仰自由 綜合教學與研究 語言高度多樣化

歐盟高等教育機構: 歐盟境內約有3300 所大學 13,000,000學生 多元文化體驗 旅遊 (申根協定15國、歐元區13國) 多語系課程 。。。。。。。。。。

ERASMUS MUNDUS 歐盟 碩士課程及獎學金

ERASMUS MUNDUS Erasmus Mundus的涵意 Erasmus: 十五世紀荷蘭籍人文主義學者 遊歷足跡遍佈歐洲 What is the Erasmus World response? Erasmus World does not attempt to cover all possible aspects of the challenges European higher education faces. Many of these can be addressed at national or intergovernmental level; some can be tackled within existing programmes. Erasmus world provides a targeted, coherent response bringing European Community action where it can be most effective. Mundus: 拉丁文,原意是”世界”

ERASMUS MUNDUS 目的 提倡歐洲國家提供的“高品質高等教育(碩士)課程” 促進國際學術交流 註:第三國家-即歐盟成員國以外的國家 歐洲學生 歐洲教授 第三國家 學生 第三國家 教授 第三國家 大學 What is the Erasmus World response? Erasmus World does not attempt to cover all possible aspects of the challenges European higher education faces. Many of these can be addressed at national or intergovernmental level; some can be tackled within existing programmes. Erasmus world provides a targeted, coherent response bringing European Community action where it can be most effective. 建立 夥伴關係 第三國家大學 學習 第三國家大學 執教 歐洲學習 歐洲執教 歐洲大學 註:第三國家-即歐盟成員國以外的國家

ERASMUS MUNDUS 實行計劃 Action 1: 碩士課程 Action 2: 獎學金 What is the Erasmus World response? Erasmus World does not attempt to cover all possible aspects of the challenges European higher education faces. Many of these can be addressed at national or intergovernmental level; some can be tackled within existing programmes. Erasmus world provides a targeted, coherent response bringing European Community action where it can be most effective.

ERASMUS MUNDUS 獎助金額 2004-2008 €230Million What is the Erasmus World response? Erasmus World does not attempt to cover all possible aspects of the challenges European higher education faces. Many of these can be addressed at national or intergovernmental level; some can be tackled within existing programmes. Erasmus world provides a targeted, coherent response bringing European Community action where it can be most effective.

2013 €950m (新台幣400億) 2009 2009-2013 獎助金額 €950 million

ERASMUS MUNDUS 實行計劃 1: Erasmus Mundus 碩士課程 學科: 2008年學年度完成規劃103個跨各領域 3個以上國家、3個以上大學規劃聯合碩士課程 學科: 2008年學年度完成規劃103個跨各領域 的碩士課程 What is the Erasmus World response? Erasmus World does not attempt to cover all possible aspects of the challenges European higher education faces. Many of these can be addressed at national or intergovernmental level; some can be tackled within existing programmes. Erasmus world provides a targeted, coherent response bringing European Community action where it can be most effective.

ERASMUS MUNDUS 實行計劃1: Erasmus Mundus 碩士課程 由整合學習計劃組成 聯合入學許可、甄選標準 攻讀期間,至少於2個以上學校、國家修課 所提供的課程語言選擇廣泛 What is the Erasmus World response? Erasmus World does not attempt to cover all possible aspects of the challenges European higher education faces. Many of these can be addressed at national or intergovernmental level; some can be tackled within existing programmes. Erasmus world provides a targeted, coherent response bringing European Community action where it can be most effective.

ERASMUS MUNDUS 分類學科表 詳細學科訊息,請參考”學科總表(含專屬網站連結)” What is the Erasmus World response? Erasmus World does not attempt to cover all possible aspects of the challenges European higher education faces. Many of these can be addressed at national or intergovernmental level; some can be tackled within existing programmes. Erasmus world provides a targeted, coherent response bringing European Community action where it can be most effective. 詳細學科訊息,請參考”學科總表(含專屬網站連結)”

ERASMUS MUNDUS 實行計劃 1: Erasmus Mundus 碩士課程 多元化的學習方案 碩士課程: 任何第三國碩士課程申請人, 不論是否獲得獎學金皆可申請入學 申請人將經由聯合申請及聯合甄選過程, 獲得入學許可 提供高水準的軟、硬體服務及設備 What is the Erasmus World response? Erasmus World does not attempt to cover all possible aspects of the challenges European higher education faces. Many of these can be addressed at national or intergovernmental level; some can be tackled within existing programmes. Erasmus world provides a targeted, coherent response bringing European Community action where it can be most effective.

ERASMUS MUNDUS 學生 或 每位學生申請2年連貫性課程,核准後 可得42,000€ 實行計劃 2: 獎學金 每位學生申請1年學程(10個月),核准後 可獲得21,000€ (約新台幣94萬元) 固定補助(交通、學費) 5,000 € 外加學費補助 10個月 x 每個月 1,600 +16,000 € 共21,000 € (約新台幣88萬元) What is the Erasmus World response? Erasmus World does not attempt to cover all possible aspects of the challenges European higher education faces. Many of these can be addressed at national or intergovernmental level; some can be tackled within existing programmes. Erasmus world provides a targeted, coherent response bringing European Community action where it can be most effective. 或 每位學生申請2年連貫性課程,核准後             可得42,000€ 註:匯率以1歐元=42元台幣計算

ERASMUS MUNDUS 教授 每位申請人經核准後,每期(3個月)授課期間, 可獲 得13,000€ (約新台幣55萬) 實行計劃 2: 獎學金 教授 每位申請人經核准後,每期(3個月)授課期間, 可獲 得13,000€ (約新台幣55萬) 固定補助(交通費用) 1,000€ 外加學術補助 3個月一期 x 每月4,000€ +12,000€ 共13,000€ (約新台幣55萬) What is the Erasmus World response? Erasmus World does not attempt to cover all possible aspects of the challenges European higher education faces. Many of these can be addressed at national or intergovernmental level; some can be tackled within existing programmes. Erasmus world provides a targeted, coherent response bringing European Community action where it can be most effective. 獎助金將由Erasmus Mundus跨校聯合學科規劃組 (Consortium) 直接發放給申請人 註:匯率以1歐元=42元台幣計算

ERASMUS MUNDUS 申請截止日 由各大學自行訂定 最晚的截止日為 2009年1月 2009學年度 What is the Erasmus World response? Erasmus World does not attempt to cover all possible aspects of the challenges European higher education faces. Many of these can be addressed at national or intergovernmental level; some can be tackled within existing programmes. Erasmus world provides a targeted, coherent response bringing European Community action where it can be most effective. 各學科有不同的截止日,建議儘早進行申請事宜

ERASMUS MUNDUS 附註 申請/甄選流程 申請 歐洲 委員會 進行甄選決定名單 第三國家 學生 教授 大學 發放獎學金 附註 申請/甄選流程 進行甄選決定名單 歐洲 委員會 Erasmus Mundus 跨校聯合學科 規劃組 (Consortium) 第三國家 學生 教授 大學 申請 What is the Erasmus World response? Erasmus World does not attempt to cover all possible aspects of the challenges European higher education faces. Many of these can be addressed at national or intergovernmental level; some can be tackled within existing programmes. Erasmus world provides a targeted, coherent response bringing European Community action where it can be most effective. 發放獎學金 核准、提撥款項

ERASMUS MUNDUS 附註 申請/甄選流程 第三國家學生及教授直接向跨校聯合學科規劃組 (Consortium)申請,進行聯合甄選 附註 申請/甄選流程 第三國家學生及教授直接向跨校聯合學科規劃組 (Consortium)申請,進行聯合甄選 跨校聯合學科規劃組 ( Consortium)向歐洲委員會 申請核准獎助金,歐洲委員會權核准後,由校方 直接發給申請人 What is the Erasmus World response? Erasmus World does not attempt to cover all possible aspects of the challenges European higher education faces. Many of these can be addressed at national or intergovernmental level; some can be tackled within existing programmes. Erasmus world provides a targeted, coherent response bringing European Community action where it can be most effective.

ERASMUS MUNDUS 附註 2008學年度,台灣學生有17位獲得本獎學金 2007年,10位 2006年,14位 2005年,5位 附註:另有備取名單上的申請人獲得台灣教育部的每學年約38萬元新台幣獎學金 What is the Erasmus World response? Erasmus World does not attempt to cover all possible aspects of the challenges European higher education faces. Many of these can be addressed at national or intergovernmental level; some can be tackled within existing programmes. Erasmus world provides a targeted, coherent response bringing European Community action where it can be most effective.

ERASMUS MUNDUS 附註 申請/甄選流程 申請小叮嚀 叮嚀: *申請的學科應取決於 個人學術背景專長及大學系所評比 附註 申請/甄選流程 叮嚀: *申請的學科應取決於 個人學術背景專長及大學系所評比 *在申請信件中,附加畢業校所之校譽 、著稱學系等相關資料 申請小叮嚀 What is the Erasmus World response? Erasmus World does not attempt to cover all possible aspects of the challenges European higher education faces. Many of these can be addressed at national or intergovernmental level; some can be tackled within existing programmes. Erasmus world provides a targeted, coherent response bringing European Community action where it can be most effective.

申請單位為各跨校聯合學科規劃組 (Consortium) ERASMUS MUNDUS 附註 申請/甄選流程 - 請特別注意- 申請單位為各跨校聯合學科規劃組 (Consortium) 歐洲委員會及其駐外辦事處不接受申請 What is the Erasmus World response? Erasmus World does not attempt to cover all possible aspects of the challenges European higher education faces. Many of these can be addressed at national or intergovernmental level; some can be tackled within existing programmes. Erasmus world provides a targeted, coherent response bringing European Community action where it can be most effective.

ERASMUS MUNDUS 2008學年,碩士課程已達103個學科 更多學科持續規劃中(2010學年度) 目前有超過100 所大學已參與此計劃,大學所在地幾乎包含所有歐盟國家 What is the Erasmus World response? Erasmus World does not attempt to cover all possible aspects of the challenges European higher education faces. Many of these can be addressed at national or intergovernmental level; some can be tackled within existing programmes. Erasmus world provides a targeted, coherent response bringing European Community action where it can be most effective.

ERASMUS MUNDUS Erasmus Mundus 歐盟碩士課程及獎學金 相關訊息,請參考 歐洲經貿辦事處 網站 歐盟總部網站(英文) What is the Erasmus World response? Erasmus World does not attempt to cover all possible aspects of the challenges European higher education faces. Many of these can be addressed at national or intergovernmental level; some can be tackled within existing programmes. Erasmus world provides a targeted, coherent response bringing European Community action where it can be most effective.

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歐洲經貿辦事處 網站

連結 1。歐盟總部 教育總署 2。會員國網站連結 3。Erasmus Mundus 歐盟碩士課程及獎學金

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