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Presentation transcript:

School of Foreign Studies Book 1 New Horizon College English Unit 8 : Section B Similarities and Differences: Friendship across Cultures School of Foreign Studies Nantong University

Teaching Objectives A B C D To be at home with finding the main idea of a paragraph To decode Text B through finding the main idea of a paragraph To derive knowledge from Text B To learn how to conduct a debate on cross-gender friendship

Reading Skills Text Study Notes to the Text Words and Expressions Pre-reading Activities Reading Skills Text Study Notes to the Text Words and Expressions Idea Sharing

Questions & Answers Listen & Answer Watch & Discuss

Pre-reading Activities Short answer questions 1. What qualities are friends supposed to have? Tips Willing to listen to you when you are sad; Willing to share joy with you; Ready to help you when you are in trouble; Sure to keep your secrets; Always faithful to you even you have ups and downs…

Pre-reading Activities Short answer questions 2.Can older generation be true friends with the younger generation? Why or why not? Tips It is possible if they share the same hobbies, have the same thoughts and values.

Questions & Answers Listen to a passage and answer the following questions. Passage 1. What do people attach more importance to in the modern age? 2. What does the power of a man of charisma lie in?

On friendship Everyone needs friendship. No one can sail the ocean of life single-handed. We need help from, and also give help to, others. In the modern age, people attach more importance to relations and connections. A man of charisma has many friends. His power lies in his ability to give.

Watch a video clip and answer the following questions According to the video clip, how do you understand friendship in Chinese culture? Tips 2. What does friendship mean in America? Tips Video Watching

1. According to the video clip, how do you understand friendship in Chinese culture? Generally speaking, Chinese attach too many responsibilities and expectations to friendship. For them, friends should treat each other with sincerity and loyalty. If necessary, friends should make sacrifice and take risks for each other. So, there is almost no limit to what a Chinese can expect financially or emotionally from a friend. The proverb of “A friend in need is a friend indeed” mirrors the Chinese people’s understanding of a genuine friendship.

2. What does friendship mean in America? Due to cultural difference, American friendships develop quickly and change quickly. At first, people may seem friendly and chat easily with strangers. They even exchange information about their families, hobbies and work. The close relationship may not survive life changes such as moving to another city, graduation from a university or marriage. If people do not see each other often, friendship is likely to die.

Text Study Text Translation Understanding Summary Reproduction

各有异同:不同文化中的友谊 Text Translation 1 从五岁起,我就有幸周游世界各地。 我很幸运,曾在欧洲、非洲和北美洲生活过,并且在那里结交了很多外国朋友。 我的家人、朋友和同事总是饶有兴趣、充满好奇地向我提出一大堆的问题,例如:在外国你怎么开始一段友谊? 外国人跟我们有区别吗? 那些国家的人看重友谊吗?

其实,友谊的准则和价值在全世界都是普遍存在的,而且是相似的。 但是友谊的表达方式则因国家的不同而有着巨大的差别。 当来自两个国家的陌生人相遇时,交友的困难不是不珍视友谊,而是想当然地认为对方跟自己一样。

他们没有想到的是,在什么是友谊、如何建立友谊、如何表达友谊这些方面,双方有着不同的期待和微妙的差异。 因此,谁是朋友? 朋友之间该如何相待? 这都取决于你身在何处!

2 在美国,社会流动性极高,人们因为新工作、教育或其他许多原因而在国内搬来搬去是司空见惯的事。 所以,“朋友”这个称谓可以宽泛地适用于一系列关系——朋友可以是与你一起做礼拜的人,可以是亲密的生意伙伴,可以是儿时的玩伴,也可以是可依赖的盟友。朋友可以是男的,也可以是女的。 他们可以是孩子朋友的家长、邻居家的客人、某个委员会的委员,或者来自另一个城镇、甚至另一个国家的生意上的客户。

对美国人而言,这些关系是有着真正的区别的;友谊可以是浅浅的、泛泛的、应景的,也可以是深厚而长久的。 但是,一个到美国家庭做客的外国人几乎看不出其中的任何差别。 对一个外来人而言,他们只看到表面的表现。

即使他们发现其中有任何差别,他们也觉得这种差别似乎并非美国人有意为之。 朋友之间气氛很轻松,也不太讲究礼数。 不管老少,多数人都直呼其名。而且家人和朋友们都自由地交流,轻松随意地谈话。

3 相比之下,在其他国家,友谊似乎更为复杂。 在法国,如同在许多其他欧洲国家一样,朋友一般是同性的。 许多法国人都对异性之间的友谊持怀疑态度。 对法国人而言,友谊是一种一对一的关系,需要十分了解对方的个性和特殊兴趣。

友谊作为一种特殊关系,是基于法国人最为重视的一些方面,即拥有共同的思想、一致的世界观、对艺术表现的共同欣赏、对美食的喜爱、相同的人生哲学或者对体育的喜爱。 法国人的友谊是带有明确界限的一种私人关系。 一个人可30年来与一位朋友下棋或者与另一位朋友讨论诗歌,但他可能对这两位朋友的私生活或家庭情况一无所知。

4 在德国,友谊更多的是一种感觉和喜爱。 年轻男孩和女孩结成灵犀相通的盟友,一起漫步、交谈,其目的与其说是为了变得更有智慧,不如说是为了分享他们的希望、忧虑和理想,以及为了共同参与对彼此内心世界的挖掘。

在家庭中,一生中最亲密的关系是兄弟姐妹之间的关系。 德国男性和女性在他们最亲密的同性朋友身上可以找到兄弟般的忠诚或者姐妹般的挚爱。

5 英国人的友谊则又是另一种模式。 英国人友谊的基础是共同参与活动。 他们或许拥有共同的文学爱好、在一个委员会共事、一起享受体育活动或都喜欢散步。

英国人之间的亲密友谊可以建立在同性之间,也可以是异性之间;朋友关系可以建立在两个人、两对夫妻甚至是一小群人之间。 英国人的友谊是在家庭以外形成的,但是往往因其成为家庭社交生活的组成部分而得到进一步发展。

我的朋友们各不相同。 他们中有些彼此也是朋友。 另一些则相反,他们甚至互不喜欢! 这就是友谊的奇怪之处。 仅仅因为我喜欢两个人并不能保证这两个人也彼此喜欢。 不过,我对他们都心怀感激。

无论在哪个大陆、哪个国家,人们都伸出友谊之手,欢迎我走进他们的生活。 通过向我打开友谊之门,他们在我的心中占据着一个特殊的位置。 他们极大地丰富了我的生活经历,因为无论我在哪里,只要跟朋友们在一起,我就感到舒适自在。 友谊的奇妙之处是一样的。 只是人们需要时间去理解世界各地表达友谊的许多不同方式。

6 那么,什么是友谊?友谊的意义何在? 概括而言,友谊是人类的一个重要品质,它能使人们一生紧密相连。 而且,和家庭不同的是,友谊具有选择的自由。 朋友就是你选择了他、他也选择了你。

II. Understanding Answer the following questions: Text Study—Understanding II. Understanding Answer the following questions: 1. What makes it difficult for strangers from different countries to become friends? They don’t expect subtle differences of what constitutes friendship.

2. Why can the term friend be applied casually to a wide range of relationships for Americans? Because American society is highly mobile and there are different kinds of friends.

3. What does the author say about friendship for Americans? On the surface, different types of friends are treated in the same way.

4.According to the author, in which country is friendship least likely to be cross-gender? France.

5. What is essential to friendship for the French? The same thoughts, values, hobbies, or interests.

6. According to the author, which country values friendship in terms of a feeling of liking and caring? Germany.

7. In Germany, for boys and girls, what is the purpose of forming friendship? To explore each other’s inner world.

8. What does the author say about his friends? They are different from each other.

II. Structure Analysis A. Analysis of the whole text structure : Text Study—Structure analysis II. Structure Analysis A. Analysis of the whole text structure : (Para. 1)The framework and value of friendship is universal around the world, but the way friendship is expressed differs greatly from country to country. (Para. 2) What does friendship mean in the U.S.?

II. Structure Analysis A. Analysis of the whole text structure : Text Study—Structure analysis II. Structure Analysis A. Analysis of the whole text structure : (Paras. 3-5) What does friendship in France, Germany and England mean respectively? (Para. 6)Friendship is a vital human quality that can bind people together for life.

II. Structure Analysis B. Reading skills : Text Study—Structure analysis II. Structure Analysis B. Reading skills : Finding the main idea of a paragraph One of the important reading skills is finding the main idea of a paragraph. The main idea of a paragraph is the thought that is present throughout the paragraph, and it is what the author is trying to get across to the reader.

Why must we find the main idea of a paragraph while reading? In a well-written paragraph, most of the sentences support, describe or explain the main idea. If you fail to read for the main idea, the individual sentences would be practically meaningless. Therefore, in order to understand the information you are reading, you must know what the main idea of the paragraph is.

Where can we find the main idea of a paragraph? The main idea directly stated is often found in the first sentence in a paragraph (known as “inverted triangle” in form— ▼), followed by supporting details. Some authors prefer to give supporting details first and end with the main idea (known as “triangle” in form—▲).

Where can we find the main idea of a paragraph? Others put the main idea in the middle of a paragraph (known as “diamond” in form—◆). There are also many cases in which the main idea of a paragraph is not directly stated.

In order to figure out the main idea, you may need to know some strategies. One way is to ask yourself the following questions after you read a paragraph. To figure out the main idea, you may ask yourself the following questions as you read the paragraph. The answer to the last question is the main idea of the paragraph: 1. What is the subject of the paragraph? 2. What is the purpose of discussing the subject? Is the purpose to inform, explain, discuss, define, defend, or criticize the subject? 3. What idea is the author trying to convey about the subject?

Text Study—Summary III. Summary The framework and value of friendship is ______ all over the world. But the way friendship is expressed is _____ from country to country. The difficulty is that people do not anticipate the diverse expectations and subtle differences of what constitutes friendship, and how it should be______. In the United States, the term friend can be applied casually to a ____ range of relationships. In France, universal different expressed wide (to be continued)

friends generally are of the _____ sex friends generally are of the _____ sex. In Germany, friendship is much more a matter of feeling and _____. For English people, their friendship is based on __________. To summarize, friendship is a vital human quality that can _____ people together for life. same affection shared activity bind

Text Study—reproduction IV. Reproduction Work in pairs and make a dialogue on the topic “How does the Chinese notion of friendship differ from that of the French, Germans and the British?”. Use as many words & phrases learnt in Section B as possible.

Notes to the Text 1 Active Expressions 2 Focus Study

Notes to the Text—Active Expressions I. Active Expressions In English, you may find some expressions formed by very common words, but they are active and powerful. 1. shower sb. with sth. give sb. a lot of things 帮助问题儿童的最好方法是给予他更多的爱。 The best way to help a troubled child is to shower him with love.

Active expressions Translation Key 2. a lack of Focus Study—Word Using Active expressions 2. a lack of when there is not enough of sth. or none of it Translation 该小组资金匮乏,因此必须慎重利用其资源。 Key This group suffers from a lack of money and has to use its resources carefully.

Active expressions Translation Key 3. come into being start to exist Focus Study—Word Using Active expressions 3. come into being start to exist Translation 现代英语大约诞生于16世纪。 Key Modern English came into being from about the 16th century.

Active expressions Translation Key 4. depend on 最终的决定取决于我们能筹到多少款。 Focus Study—Word Using Active expressions 4. depend on ① if sth. depends on sth. else, it is directly affected or decided by that thing Translation 最终的决定取决于我们能筹到多少款。 Key The final decision will depend on how much money we can raise.

Active expressions Translation Key 这个项目的成功要依靠国际合作。 Focus Study—Word Using Active expressions ②need the support, help, or existence of sb. or sth. in order to exist, be healthy, be successful, etc Translation 这个项目的成功要依靠国际合作。 Key The program’s success depends on international cooperation.

Active expressions Translation Key 如果你需要帮助,你知道你可以来找我。 Focus Study—Word Using Active expressions ③ trust or have confidence in sb. or sth. Translation 如果你需要帮助,你知道你可以来找我。 Key If you need any help, you know you can depend on me.

Active expressions Translation Key 5. back and forth Focus Study—Word Using Active expressions 5. back and forth going in one direction and then in the opposite direction, and repeating this several times. Translation 那位父亲沿着海岸来回地走,焦急地等待着渔船载着儿子归来。 Key Anxiously waiting for the fishing boat with his son to return, the father walked back and forth along the shore of the sea.

Active expressions Translation Key 6. apply to 这些规定既适用于员工,也适用于兼职人员。 Focus Study—Word Using Active expressions 6. apply to have an effect on or concern a particular person, group, or situation Translation 这些规定既适用于员工,也适用于兼职人员。 Key These rules apply to employees as well as part-time workers.

Active expressions Translation Key 7. a range of Focus Study—Word Using Active expressions 7. a range of a number of people or things that are all different, but are all of the same general type Translation 在会上,双方就感兴趣的一系列问题交换了看法。 Key At the meeting, both sides exchanged their views on a wide range of topics they were interested in.

Active expressions Translation Key 8. feel/be at home Focus Study—Word Using Active expressions 8. feel/be at home ①feel comfortable in a place or with a person Translation 我觉得住在这里很舒适。女房东对我很好。 Key I feel at home living here; the landlady is very kind to me.

Active expressions Translation Key 西蒙骑起马来得心应手。 Focus Study—Word Using Active expressions ②feel happy or confident about doing or using sth. Translation 西蒙骑起马来得心应手。 Key Simon feels very at home on a horse.

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Word Using Translation Key Focus Study—Word Using Word Using 2. Wanting to do sth. or wanting other people to do sth. Translation 与会者渴望通过与合作伙伴会面来交流意见, 并建立新的联盟。 Key Participants were keen to share ideas and form new alliances through meetings with partners.

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Word Using Translation 公园附近是理想的安家之地。 Key Focus Study—Word Using Word Using a. of the best or most suitable type Translation 公园附近是理想的安家之地。 Key An ideal place for a home would be near a park.

Word Using Translation Key 4.enhance Focus Study—Word Using Word Using 4.enhance vt. improve sth. Translation 良好的计算机技能和出色的英语能力将增加你得到 高薪工作的可能性。 Key Good computer skills and high English proficiency should enhance your chances of getting a job with high pay.

Word Using Translation Key 5. guarantee Focus Study—Word Using Word Using 5. guarantee v.① make it certain that sth. will happen Translation 金钱不能保证带来幸福和满足感。 Key Money cannot guarantee happiness and fulfillment.

Word Using Translation Key Focus Study—Word Using Word Using n. ② promise to do sth. or promise that sth. will happen Translation 如果你把简历和申请表寄给他们,我保证你会得到一个 面试的机会。 Key If you send them your resume and the application form, I can guarantee you an interview.

Word Using Translation Key 6. extend Focus Study—Word Using Word Using 6. extend vt.① stretch out a hand or leg Translation 乔治伸出手,把我拉了起来。 Key George extended his hand and helped me get up.

Word Using Translation Key Focus Study—Word Using Word Using ②(fml) officially offer sb. help, sympathy, thanks, etc Translation 我想对所有在这个项目上帮助过我的人表示感谢。 Key I’d like to extend my thanks to all those who helped me with this project.

Word Using Translation Key Focus Study—Word Using Word Using v. continue for a longer period of time, or make sth. last longer Translation 我们有些培训项目为期一年多。 Key Some of our training programs extend over one year.

Matching Game a visible d enhance f diverse __boundary __keen Focus Study—Matching Game Matching Game a visible d enhance f diverse __boundary __keen __arbitrary a. able to be seen b. decided or arranged without any reason or plan, often unfairly c. the limits of an activity or experience d. improve sth. e. very strong f. very different from each other c e b

Chinese to English 没有;缺乏 来回地 (对…)适用 一系列 恩情 自在;不拘束 Focus Study—C to E Chinese to English 没有;缺乏 来回地 (对…)适用 一系列 恩情 自在;不拘束 a lack of back and forth apply to a range of debt of gratitude feel at home

Idea Sharing Group Work Around the world, in every culture, people value and love their friends. Discuss with your group members, then make a report on what people should do to strengthen friendship.

Procedures of a debate Developing ideas Organizing ideas Presenting ideas

Debate Conduct a debate on cross-gender friendship. Can there be true friendship between men and women? Some people think it is possible, while others don’t think so. What’s your opinion about this?

Debate Step 1 Divide the class into two groups. Group A supports the idea that cross-gender friendship is possible while Group B opposes the idea. Form small teams of four within each group and discuss reasons for supporting or opposing the view assigned to each group.

Debate Step 2 After class, each team should do research and collect supporting materials for its viewpoint. Each team should come up with at least four reasons to support its viewpoint.

Debate Step 3 In the next class, teams from the same group first have a discussion about their viewpoint, and then each group selects four to six debaters to have a class debate on the topic.

Read for reference the reasons listed below for each side. Reasons for cross-gender friendship Friendship is the comfort of feeling safe with a person. People of the opposite gender can also be friends as long as they find this comfort in each other. Some people are aware of the personal boundaries and can distinguish between a friendship and a romantic relationship. So it is possible to develop true friendship with the opposite gender. Some people not only develop a deep cross-gender friendship, but also strengthen their relationship by involving their friends of the opposite gender in their family activities.

Reasons against cross-gender friendship When friends of the opposite gender share feelings with each other, this is likely to develop into romance. The cross-gender friendship is extremely complex: One can never be sure of the true feelings of a friend of the opposite gender. Cross-gender friendships may affect family life in a negative way.