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Presentation transcript:


请你思考:什么是形容词? 形容词用于修饰名词,表示人或事物的 属性或特征等。

形容词的级别 大多数形容词有三个等级: 原级 比较级 最高级

early earlier earliest interesting more interesting most interesting 请你观察:形容词比较等级的变化规律 long longer longest nice nicer nicest big bigger biggest early earlier earliest interesting more interesting most interesting carefully more carefully most carefully friendly more friendly most friendly friendlier friendliest good better best many/much more most 原级 比较级 最高级

请你总结:形容词比较等级构成的规律 一. 规则变化: 1.单音节和部分双音节词,在词尾直接加-er,-est 2.以字母e结尾的,加-r,-st 3.以重读闭音节结尾且末尾只有一个辅音字母, 双写此字母,再加-er,est 4.以“辅音字母+y”结尾的,把y变成i,再加- er,est 5.多音节词和大部分双音节词,在词的前面加more 或most 6.有些双音节词既可用more,most形式,又可用- er,-est形式 二. 不规则变化

请给出下列形容词的比较级和最高级 tall near large able thin hot funny happy beautiful quickly quiet little taller tallest nearer nearest larger largest abler ablest thinner thinnest hotter hottest funnier funniest happier happiest more beautiful most beautiful more quickly most quickly quieter quietest more quiet most quiet less least

一,要双写再加-er,-est的词有哪些? 请你牢记: 一,要双写再加-er,-est的词有哪些? hot big fat thin red wet sad glad … 二. 不规则变化的词有哪些? 原级 比较级 最高级 good/well better best bad/ill/badly worse worst many/much more most little less least old older oldest elder eldest far farther farthest further furthest

温馨提示: 类似 slowly, quickly 这样的双音节词,虽然也是辅 音字母加y结尾,但这里的 -ly 是表示后缀,因 此比较级和最高级的构成是在单词前加more和most。 2. 强调程度时,形容词前可加上too,very,so, quite等。比较级前则要加上much, even, a little, a lot, still, a bit 等词(组),表示程度。 3. farther 常指时间、距离上的远。further可以代替 farther,还常用于引伸和抽象的意义,表示“进一步, 更深刻,更深入等”。 4. older表示年龄大小或年代的久远,elder表示兄弟姐 妹之间的长幼关系。

形容词原级的用法: 用来直接描述人物或动作。 John is a tall boy. Rabbits run fast. Our country is beautiful and strong. 2. … as + 原级 + as … “……和……一样” You are as tall as me. = You are as tall as I (am). He has as many books as I (have). This computer runs as fast as that one. 3.… not as(so) + 原级 + as … “……不如/没有……” This jacket is not as(so) cheap as that one. She has not as(so) many books as I have. Henry doesn’t study as(so) hard as his elder brother. 注:as在这里既可作介词又可作连词。作介词时,后接人称代词的宾格。作连词时,后接一个省略的比较状语从句。

形容词比较级的用法: 1. … 比较级 + than … “……比……更……” You are taller than me. = You are taller than I (am). I don’t think his writing is more beautiful than yours. 注:than在这里既可作介词又可作连词。作介词时,后接人称代词的宾格。作连词时,后接一个省略的比较状语从句。 2. 比较级 ( 特殊疑问句),… or …? “哪个更……?” Which is longer, this one or that one? 3. 比较级 + and + 比较级 “越来越……” The weather is getting warmer and warmer. Our school is getting more and more beautiful. 4. the + 比较级…,the + 比较级… “越……,越……” The more exercise you do, the healthier you will become.

形容词最高级的用法: …the + 最高级 + (名词) + 表示范围的短语或从句 “……是最……” Bob is the tallest boy in our school. He is the kindest man that I have ever met. Li Tao jumps (the) farthest of all. She is the most careful student of us three. 2. …the second(third …)+最高级+(名词)+ 表示范围 的短语 “……是第二(三……)……” The Chongming Island is the third biggest island in China. 3.最高级 ( 特殊疑问句),…,… or …? “哪个更……?” Who is the youngest, Jim, Tom or Jenny? 4.…one of the+最高级(形)+名词(复)+表示范围的短语 “……是……当中最……之一” Shanghai is one of the biggest cities in China. 注:形容词最高级前一般要加the,副词最高级前可加可不加

形容词比较级和最高级的 20个雷区

Correct the mistakes: Mary’s hair is longer than my sister. The weather in Beijing is colder than in Shanghai. The apples in this basket are better than them in that basket. The Changjiang River is longer than any river in China. China is larger than any other country in Europe. His older brother is elder than I. Our country is getting more beautiful and more beautiful. This classroom is three times as bigger as that one. Who is tallest student in our school? Which do you like better, apples, bananas or pears? my sister’s _______ __________ that … ____ those any other ___ ________ any ____ ____ elder older _____________________ more and more _____ big _____ the tallest (the) best _____

11. This box is more heavier than that one. Correct the mistakes: 11. This box is more heavier than that one. 12. Tom is the youngest in the three. 13. He is taller of the two. 14. Today is our the busiest day. 15. I think math is very more difficult than Chinese. 16. There are much more people in the street than usual. 17. Mike is so tall as Jack. 18. Li Ying jumped farther than Jim jumped. 19. The Yellow River is the second longer river in China. 20. We must get farther information. ___________ heavier __ of ____ the taller ______ our much ____ _____ many __ as ______ (did) _____ longest ______ further

用括号内形容词的适当形式填空: This horse is very ________ (strong), but that horse is much _________ (strong) than this one. It’s so late, so I drive the car ___________(slowly) than usual. 3. He went ______________(far) than the other explorers. 4. The ____(little) you eat, the _________(thin) you are. 5. The Beijing Library is one of __________(big) libraries in China. 6. The street is as _______(long) as that one, but it is_____ (wide) than that one. 7. His drawing isn’t so _______(good) as yours. 8. When a piece of ice is taken into a warm room, it becomes __________(small) and __________(small). 9. This piano is ______________(expensive) than the other two. It is __________________(expensive) of the three. 10. Which is ________________(difficult), English, physics or biology? strong stronger more slowly farther/further less thinner the biggest long wider good smaller smaller more expensive the most expensive the most difficult

合并句子,每空一词: Lucy is 8 years old. Lily is 8 years old, too. Lucy is ______ ______ ______ Lily. 2. Danny is 15. Jenny is 12. Jenny is ______ ______ __________ than Danny. 3. Jim jumps 2 metres high. Tom jumps 3 metres high. Tom jumps ________ _______ Jim. 4. Jenny jumps far. Brain jumps farther than Jenny. Danny jumps farther than Brain. Danny jumps ________ _______ the three. 5. A car runs 150 kilometres per hour. A bike runs 50 kilometres per hour. A car runs ______ _______ ______ ______ as a bike. A car runs _____ _______ than a bike as older as three years younger higher than farthest of three times as fast twice faster

同义句转换,每空一词: 1. Mike is not so/as tall as Jack. Jack is ________ ________ Mike. 2. He is the youngest in his class. He is younger than _____ _______ _______ in his class. He is younger than ______ ______ ________ in his class. 3. The cheetah is faster than any other animal in the world. The cheetah is ____ ________ animal in the world. (同上) The ________ fastest animal is the cheetah. 4. Japanese is less useful than Chinese. Japanese _____ as/so useful _____ Chinese. 5. I am as diligent as her. I am as diligent as ____ ____. 6. Li Ying jumped farther than Jim. Li Ying jumped farther than Jim ________. taller than any other student the other students the fastest world’s isn’t as she is did

汉译英: Jack和Mike一样高。 Lily和Lucy跳得同样远。 他的英语不如我说得好。 格林小姐的房间比布朗小姐的干净得多。 北京变得越来越美丽。 Jack is as tall as Mike. Lily jumps as far as Lucy. He doesn’t speak English as/so well as me/I (do). Miss Green’s room is much cleaner than Miss Brown’s. Beijing is becoming more and more beautiful.

汉译英: 6. 你越仔细,出错就会越少。 7. 在所有人当中Bob跳得最远。 8. 长江是世界上最长的河流之一。 9. Jim在他班上到校最晚。 10. 哪个最难,英语,物理还是数学? The more careful you are, the fewer mistakes you would make. Bob jumps (the) farthest of all. The Changjiang River is one of the longest rivers in the world. Jim came to school (the) latest in his class yesterday. Which is the most difficult, English, physics or maths?

Make your own sentences with comparative degrees and superlative degrees.

Thank you ! Goodbye!