Ma Yun -- the swordsman 马云——书生剑客


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Presentation transcript:

Ma Yun -- the swordsman 马云——书生剑客

"Forbes" the cover article once like this introduced him: Protrudes the cheekbone, the distortion hair, the mischievous dew tooth smiles, has five foot high, 100 pound heavy naughty child appearances, this appearance strange person has the Napoleon same stature, simultaneously also has Napoleon same great ambition ...... <dnt> </dnt> is this section introduced that Ma Yun <dnt> the </dnt> who can give me English first edition <dnt> </dnt> to be deeply grateful ~ 《福布斯》的封面文章曾这样介绍他:凸出的颧骨,扭曲的头发,淘气的露齿而笑,拥有一副五英尺高,一百磅重的顽童模样,这个长相怪异的人有拿破仑一样的身材,同时也有拿破仑一样的伟大志向……

Ma was born in the city of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China Ma was born in the city of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China. Ma attended Hangzhou Teachers College and graduated in 1988 with a bachelor's degree in English. Ma initially failed the entrance exam twice. While at the school, Ma was elected student chairman.[2] He later became a lecturer in English and International Trade at the Hangzhou Dianzi University. Ma first started building websites for Chinese companies with the help of friends in the US. Ma has commented that "The day we got connected to the Web, I invited friends and TV people over to my house," and on a very slow dial-up connection, "we waited three and a half hours and got half a page.... We drank, watched TV and played cards, waiting. But I was so proud. I proved (to my house guests that) the Internet existed"[original research?] In 1995, Ma founded China Pages, widely believed to be China’s first Internet-based company. From 1998 to 1999, Ma headed an information technology company established by the China International Electronic Commerce Center, a department of Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation. He founded in 1999, a China-based business-to-business marketplace site which serves more than 50 million members from more than 240 countries and territories. Ma now serves as chairman and CEO of Alibaba Group, which is a holding company with five major subsidiaries—; Taobao, Alipay, Alibaba Cloud Computing and China Yahoo!.

Like many entrepreneurs, Ma's success story started with borrowed capital and a dream. In 1999, Ma, a former English teacher, invited 18 people over to his home, pitched the idea of a business-to-business e-commerce site, and snagged $60,000 in funding. Today Alibaba's multitiered empire, which includes e-commerce, consumer retail, and payment platforms and ownership of China Yahoo, now plays a major role in China's booming economy. 就很多企业家一样,马云的成功开始于一个风险投资商和一个梦想。在1999年,当时还在做英语老师的马云把自己的十八个朋友叫到家里告诉他们自己想做B2B的电子商务网站,并且募集了50万人民币。今天马云的多层次商业帝国在中国的迅速发展中扮演者重要的角色,这个商业帝国不仅仅涉及电子商务,还涉及零售业、支付平台和雅虎中国的拥有权。

Ma Yun classic quotations马云经典语录 1, and if I can venture Humayun successful, then I think China can be 80 per cent of the young people of success. 如果我马云能够创业成功,那么我相信中国80%的年轻人都能创业成功。 2, the survival of an enterprise and why? Mission! This I very confident. 一个企业为什么而生存?使命!这一点我很自信。 3, the Internet is affecting the future of humanity living in 30 of the 3,000 m run, you have to run as fast as rabbits, but also the same as the turtle-resistant run. 互联网是影响人类未来生活30年的3000米长跑,你必须跑得像兔子一样快,又要像乌龟一样耐跑。 4, I tell new employees, we believe that if a madman please leave, if you please the left, such as listing, we should do so in 80 enterprises. 我告诉新员工,如果认为我们是疯子请离开,如果你专等上市请你离开,我们要用80年做企业 5, we must change before people change their own. 我们必须在别人改变之前先改变自己。 6, the difference between e-commerce and TV is GREat, because e-commerce is a means, how it is a good use of skills, does not mean that we can use a remote control. 电子商务和电视机的区别还是很大,因为电子商务是一个手段,怎么把它用好是一个技能,不是说用遥控器就可以了。 7, rich lobster catch heard, heard that the rich whaling. 听说过捕龙虾富的,没听说过捕鲸富的 8, I also like things free, but free is often the most expensive things. If a girl with Hello, she does not want to marry you, big trouble. It spent its time to waste, and to spend more time than real growth. 我自己也喜欢免费的东西,但免费的东西往往是最贵的。如果一个女孩跟你好,她又不想嫁给你,麻烦就大了。与其花这点时间去浪费,不如花一点时间去真正成长

9, I was learning English, I did not think I was English a GREat help 9, I was learning English, I did not think I was English a GREat help. therefore, to do anything as long as you like, if you think, we can do it. If you thought highly utilitarian issues, will certainly encounter trouble. 我当年学英语,我没有想到后来英文帮了我的大忙。所以,做任何事情只要你喜欢,只要你认为对的,就可以去做。如果你思考问题功利性很强的话,肯定会遇到麻烦的 10, we have created a culture of the team, instead of complaining about culture. 我们一起创建的是团队的文化,而不是抱怨的文化 11, we must learn to respect and understand others. We often found that a lack of calcium is not, but love! ! ! 我们必须学会尊重和理解别人。很多时候发现我们缺的不是钙,而是爱! 12, everyone should work conscientiously Institute, generous man. 每个人都应学会认真做事,大度做人。 13 Chinese enterprises have a kid from Shaolin to tai chi master process. Shaolin Kids will play several, a tai chi master Chapter law, overcast with Yang, China's enterprises from the first day alone the idea of才行practicing tai chi. 中国企业都有一个从少林小子到太极宗师的过程。少林小子都会打几下,太极宗师有章有法,有阴有阳,中国企业要从第一天就有练太极的想法才行 14, we have new staff performance well, okay, if we betray our values to deceive customers, good, you do not talk about the sentence. You do not say that I have died. 我们新来的员工业绩不好,没关系,如果违背我们的价值观去欺骗客户,好,你就一句话都不要讲了。不要你说,我也要死了。 15, we all parts of the country do not have a wall close to the company values. Things affixed to the wall on the end, so bad. 我们全国各地的公司墙上没有一个贴着价值观的。东西贴在墙上就完了,做不好了。