Physical Disabilities


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Presentation transcript:

Physical Disabilities 1D2 Group #5 Group Leader: Mark (15) Group Members: Lukas (5) Bernard (1) Leo (3) Devin (18) Oscar (33)

Background We decided to study this topic because we thought about what life would be like if you were Physically Disabled in Hong Kong, and how they overcame their obstacles, and if the government has provided services catered to physically disabled people in Hong Kong. 我們決定研究這個話題,因為我們考慮過如果你在香港身體殘疾,生活如何, 他們如何克服障礙,如果政府為香港的殘疾人士提供服務。

Objectives/Expected Outcomes 1. To understand physical disabilities and physically disabled people in Hong Kong. 了解香港的身體殘疾和身體殘疾人士 2. To raise awareness of physical disabilities in junior students of Delia (Hip Wo) 提高地利亞協和初中學生對身體殘疾的認識 3. To promote harmonious campus and society. 促進和諧校園和社會

Focus Questions 焦點問題 1. What are physical disabilities and it’s related characteristics? 什麼是身體殘疾及其相關特徵 2. How do physical disabilities affect their daily lives? 身體殘疾如何影響他們的日常生活 3. Do junior students in our school have enough understanding of physical disabilities? 我們學校的中一至中三學生對身體殘疾有没有足夠的了解 4. What can we and our government do to improve the lives of the physically disabled? 我們和我們的政府可以做些什麼來改善殘疾人的生活

We have chosen the following data collecting methods 我們選擇了以下數據收集方法 Primary Data Secondary Data Thematic Talk(專題講座)(Dec 2018) Classroom Experiment課堂實驗 Statements and    Questions Survey 聲明和問題調查 Literature study(文學研究)       "Smart Device gives elderly        and disabled more time to        cross Hong Kong's busy        streets“ 智能設備給老年人並禁止更多時間跨越 香港繁忙街道 ●Online research在線研究

Definition of Physical Disabilities 身體殘疾的定義 A physical disability is a limitation on a person's physical functioning, mobility, dexterity or stamina. Other physical disabilities include impairments which limit other facets of daily living, such as respiratory disorders, blindness, epilepsy and sleep disorders. 身體殘疾是對一個人身體機能,靈活性,靈活性或耐力的限 制。其他身體殘疾包括限制日常生活其他方面的障礙,如呼 吸障礙,失明,癲癇和睡眠障礙。

Acquired Physical Disability Comparison between congenital and acquired physical disabilities (explanations with examples) 先天性與獲得性身體殘疾之間的比較(以實例說明) Congenital physical disability Acquired Physical Disability A congenital physical disability is obtained/or is present at or before birth. 先天性身體殘疾在出生時或 之前獲得或存在。 An acquired physical disability is obtained always after birth, and can't be hereditary. 獲得性身體殘疾始終在出生 後獲得,並且不能遺傳

Difficulties faced by physically disabled people in HK 香港身體残障人士面對的困難 They have lower chances of getting a job from a company 他們從公司獲得工作的機會較低 Wheelchair users don’t have much accessibility to most services provided in Hong Kong 香港對輪椅使用者的服務並不多

Purposes of the class physical disability experiment/activity/challenge 班級身體殘疾實驗/活動/挑戰的目的 1. To teach students what it feels like to be Physically Disabled.. 學生對身體殘疾的感覺 2. To show the struggles physically disabled people have to face. 展示人們不得不面對的殘疾 3. To teach students where the various disabled facilities are located 教導學生各種殘疾人設施的位置

How it feels like to be a physically disabled person? 感覺如何成為身體殘疾的人? How did physical disability interfere with my abilities and activities?  身體殘疾是如何干擾我的能力和活 動                                            What was most bothersome about beingphysicallydisabled?  什麼是最困擾身體不適 的                                            What things did I have to do to overcome the difficulties I experienced with physical disability 為了克服身體殘疾帶來的 困難,我必須做些什麼?                 Now that I have had some experience with physical disability, 3 things I could do out of consideration to someone with this disability or to show them that I empathize with the daily problems they encounter. 現在我已經有了身體殘疾方面的 一些經驗,但我可以考慮的三件 事情是考慮到患有這種殘疾的人, 或者向他們表明我同情他們遇到 的每日問題

Special needs of physically disabled people Most of them need assistance from other people throughout the day 他們中的大多數人全天都需要其他人的幫助 Most of them cannot access specific areas without built-in services like a lift for people in wheelchair 如果沒有輪椅人員的電梯等內置服務,大多數人都無法進入 特定區域 They can’t do jobs most other people can do normally 他們不能做大多數其他人可以正常工作的工作

Suggestions to the school 1. Build a ramp going into the entrance of the school, including the gym 搭建一個坡道進入學校的入口,包括健身房 2. Have another disabled toilet at the lower floors, for convenience 方便起見,在較低樓層設有另一個殘疾人廁所

1. 在你的心目,肢體殘障人士是怎麼樣的? 1. In your mind, what are the physical disabilities?

2.你知道肢體殘障人士的生活困難嗎? 2.Do you know that people with physical disabilities have trouble living?

3.你知道有哪些肢體殘障人士的輔助措施. 3.What do you know about assistive measures for physically handicapped people

4.《殘疾人權力公約》為何重要? 4.Why the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities matters?

Summary 總結 From the survey and our findings, our group determines that most of the junior students don’t quite understand what physically disabilities are, or what physically disabled people go through from their daily lives. 從調查和我們的調查結果來看,我們的小組確定大多數初級學生不太了解身體殘疾是什麼,或身體殘疾的人從他們的日常生活中經歷什麼。

“智能設備讓老年人和殘疾人有更多時間穿越香港繁忙的街道” Literature study 文學研究 Literature studied: How can we and our government better cater for the needs of physically disabled people? 我們怎樣才能更好地滿足殘疾人的需 求?   -We can add more services catered to disabled people, like more disabled toilets, or ramps into specific areas 我們可以增加更多服務於殘疾人的服務, 比如更多殘疾人廁所,或者進入特定區 域我們可以增加更多服務於殘疾人的服 務,比如更多殘疾人廁所,或者進入特 定區域 'Smart device gives elderly and disabled more time to cross Hong Kong's busy streets‘ “智能設備讓老年人和殘疾人有更多時間穿越香港繁忙的街道”

Reflection 反思 In general, this is an interesting and learning- rich experience that helps everyone in Group 5 to benefit a lot. We can understand the feeling of being disabled, how schools can cater to them, and how well Delia Hip Wo caters to them. 總的來說,這是一個有趣且學習豐富的體驗,幫助 第5組中的每個成員都獲益良多,我們能夠瞭解被 禁用的感覺,學校如何迎合他們,以及Delia Hip Wo如何迎合給他們。

Thank You謝謝 Group 5 thanks you very much for taking your time to listen, and for paying attention to our presentation .第5組非常感謝您花時間傾聽,並關注我們的 演講