制作:豆喜朋 贾 露 宋碧波 蔡龙洲 贾 英 郑朋涛 The Breath of Life.


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Presentation transcript:

制作:豆喜朋 贾 露 宋碧波 蔡龙洲 贾 英 郑朋涛 The Breath of Life

Breath control Breath control Sixteen hundred years ago the great Tao alchemist Ko Hung advocated breathing techniques. To strengthen the breath, he said, Tao novitiates should exhale the maximum amount of stale air from their lungs, then fill their lungs with the maximum amount of fresh air. Today when my patients complain of chronic fatigue I often follow Ko Hung’s lead and encourage them to indulge in spells of EPIC breathing . 1600年前,伟大的道家炼金术士——葛洪,主张呼吸技术。为了能够加强呼吸,他说,见习道士应该从肺中呼出最大量的废气,然后吸进最大量的新鲜空气。今天,当我的病人为习惯性的疲劳而抱怨时,我常常学习葛洪所提倡的呼吸方法,鼓励他们用EPIC呼吸法。

indulge oneself in: 沉溺于;纵情享受 indulge oneself in sth / doing sth: 沉溺于某事 indulge in: 沉溺于;沉湎于;沉迷于;从事 indulge oneself in: 沉溺于;纵情享受 indulge oneself in sth / doing sth: 沉溺于某事 indulge in sth :: 沉迷于 <例句>: Those who always indulge themselves in delights of leisure will amount to nothing. 一味的贪图安逸享受的人 到头来会一事无成.;一味的贪图安逸享受的人到头来会一事无成. He indulges in reminiscences of his youth. 他完全沉溺于对青年时代的回忆中。

This remedy can be applied whenever appropriate This remedy can be applied whenever appropriate .When carried out first thing in the morning it helps to banish the drowsiness of the night ; when used in the evening it helps to counteract the tiredness of the day’s work .When employed during moments of mental exhaustion it assists in clearing the head and overcoming tension and fatigue. 这种治疗的方法适用于任何合适的时候。在早上做EPIC呼吸时,它能够帮助驱逐晚上遗留的瞌睡。在晚上使用时,它可以消除白天工作的疲劳。在脑力筋疲力尽时使用这种呼吸方法,它可以帮助消除头痛、克服紧张和疲劳。

banish ['bæniʃ] (1)vt.放逐,流放:被官方法令强迫离开某国或某地;放逐 The king banished the traitor from the realm. 国王把背叛者驱逐出王国。 (2)vt.赶走;排除;消除 We banished all our doubts and fears. 我们消除了所有的怀疑与恐惧。

EPIC breathing The exercise is performed in four simple stages: exhalation –pause—inspiration—containment .Each of these phases ['feisi:z] has its own particular significance[siɡ'nifikəns] . EPIC呼吸练习法可以按照四个简单的步骤执行:呼气—间歇—吸气—屏气。每一个阶段都有各自的重要意义。

1.Exhalation [ekshə‘leiʃən] 呼气 When people set out to improve their breathing their initial thought is invariably to suck in the maximum possible draught of air .But you can’t pour wine into a full bottle. In the same way you can’t fill the lungs with fresh air unless you’ve first drained them of every drop of stale air .Even at the best of times only a sixth of the air in the lungs gets changed with each fresh breath we take. 当人们开始着手去改善他们的呼吸时,它们的最初的想法总是尽可能的吸进最大量的气流。但是,你不能将酒倒入一个满的瓶子里。同样的道理,在你将废气都排出去之前,你不可能将新鲜的空气吸入肺里。即使在最好的时候,仅仅有1/6的气体被我们吸入的新鲜空气所替换。

invariably [in'vɛəriəbli] adv. 总是;不变地;一定地 draught [drɑ:ft, dræft] set out to 着手做某事 invariably [in'vɛəriəbli] adv. 总是;不变地;一定地 draught [drɑ:ft, dræft] n. 气流;汇票;草稿

drain [drein] of 1. 排去,倒出(盛装的液体): He drained the tank of all water. 他排去储水箱中所有的水。 2. 使枯竭,耗费掉: He felt as if he had been drained of all his energy (or strength). 他感到好像他的精力衰竭了。 The company has been drained of its cleverest men. 该公司的最优秀人才都流失了。

If we breathe shallowly, or fail to clear the lungs of devitalised air, this poor rate of turnover declines still further. So always start your deep breathing exercises by collapsing the lungs as fully as possible. While you breathe out, imagine that you’re hot air balloon collapsing slowly to the ground. This has a relaxing effect, particularly if you quietly intone the word relax …relax…as you exhale. 如果你浅呼吸,或没有将肺里的失去活力的空气排出,气体的周转率将更近一步下降。所以,开始深呼吸时,应尽可能的膨胀你的肺。当你呼气的时候,想像你就像是一个慢慢落下地面的热气球。这会达到放松效果,尤其当你呼气的时候一边默默地轻吟放松……放松……

shallowly ['ʃæləuli] adv. 浅浅地;肤浅地 Quietly intone [in'təun] 默默吟诵;默念

2.Pause expiration [,ekspi'reiʃən] n. 呼气 When you reach the end point of expiration, hold the position for a few seconds while you emphasize the feeling of complete bodily relaxation. Then, when the body prompts you, start to inhale. 当你呼气达到终点时,保持这个姿势几秒钟,这时你明显感觉到全身心的放松。然后你的身体就会强烈的要求你进行吸气。 emphasize ['emfəsaiz] vt. 强调,着重 prompts n. 提示

3.Inspiration The object of this phase is to fill every crevice of the lungs with the maximum possible volume of air. This severs two functions. In the first place it improves the vital ['vaitəl] capacity of the lungs. Secondly it enhances the process of gaseous exchange, for tests reveal that filling the lungs with air increases what physiologists refer to as the “transfer factor,” the ease with which oxygen passes across the walls of the air cells in the lungs and enters the blood stream. 这个阶段(吸气)就是将最大限量的空气容量填入肺里面的每个缝隙。吸气有两个功能。首先,它可以提高肺活量。其次,它可以改善气体交换的过程。因为一些实验表明将肺里装满空气时可以增加生理学家所说的“转移因子”,有了这些转移因子,氧气就可以很容易的穿透肺里的气囊壁,进入血液。

in the first place……首先,第一,原本 beyond all;first and foremost首先,首要地: crevice ['krevis] n. 裂缝;裂隙 in the first place……首先,第一,原本 beyond all;first and foremost首先,首要地: secondly…… gaseous ['ɡæsiəs] adj. 气态的,气体的;无实质的

4.Containment The lungs consist of a mass of approximately 300 million air sacs or alveoli, joined together like an enormous bunch of grapes. Each of these sacs is surrounded by a network of slender capillaries, which are just wide enough to allow the red blood cells to pass by in single file. 肺由将近3亿个气囊和肺泡构成,它们连接在一起就像一大串葡萄。每个液囊都被微薄的毛细血管网所包围,这些毛细血管的宽度仅能通过单个血红细胞。

During normal breathing, the blood corpuscles remain in contact with the alveolar [æl'viələ] walls for no more than three-quarters of a minute. In this brief time they have to discharge their store of carbon dioxide [dai'ɔksaid] waste and take on fresh supplies of oxygen. If the breath is contained in the lungs a little longer, more time is allowed for the vital process of gaseous exchange. 正常呼吸时,血球与肺泡壁接触的时间不超过45秒。在这个短暂的时间内,它们必须排放出所存贮的废弃的二氧化碳,并且吸入新鲜的氧气。如果呼吸在肺里进行的时间长一点,那么更多的时间将被用于进行气体交换。

enormous [i'nɔ:məs] adj. 庞大的,巨大的; vital ['vaitəl] adj. 至关重要的;生死攸关的

“Healing breath” This is a feature of the yogic “healing breath” which consists of a cycle of inspiration, breath-holding and expiration, performed to a count which is always in the ratio 1:4:2. 这是瑜伽中“呼吸疗法”的特点,这个呼吸疗法由吸气、屏气、呼气这一循环组成,它们的时间比率是1:4:2。

According to the Shiva Sanhita, a classical Sanskrit text, the person who regularly practises this healing breath will be rewarded with “good appetite['æpitait] and digestion, cheerfulness, a good figure, courage and enthusiasm [in'θju:ziæzəm] and strength.” 根据古老的梵文记载Shiva Sanhita,如果一个人经常练习这种呼吸方法,他将会拥有“好的胃口和消化系统,愉快的心情,好的形体,勇气,激情和力量”。

美国的K.T.Behanan所进行的一项研究证明了屏气呼吸有强身健体的作用,并且揭示了瑜伽呼吸可以将血液中的氧含量提高25%。 The tonic effect of breath containment is supported by research work carried out in America by K.T.Behanan, which revealed that yogic breathing can increase the oxygenation of the blood as much as 25 per cent. 美国的K.T.Behanan所进行的一项研究证明了屏气呼吸有强身健体的作用,并且揭示了瑜伽呼吸可以将血液中的氧含量提高25%。

reward [ri'wɔ:d] n. 报酬;报答;酬谢 vt. 奖励;奖赏 tonic ['tɔnik] n. 补药;主调音或基音 adj. 滋补的

Many Eastern breathing systems recommend that the breath should be held for two or more minutes. This produces unnecessary tension and is potentially harmful. During EPIC breathing the breath should be held for no longer than tree seconds, just long enough for you to conjure up a mental picture of red blood cells coursing through your body, bearing their precious cargo of oxygen to refresh and invigorate every one of your body cells. 很多东方式的呼吸理论提倡呼吸应该保持至少两分钟。这种呼吸方法带来一些不必要的紧张和潜在的危害。在进行EPIC呼吸时,屏气呼吸不超过3秒钟,在这段时间里,你可以在脑海中想象血红细胞穿过你的身体的画面,更新氧气并且使你身体里的细胞精力充沛。

conjure ['kʌndʒə, 'kɔn-] up 想象

The end! thank you