李燦榮 lichanwing@gmail.com 企業發言人培訓 李燦榮 lichanwing@gmail.com.


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Presentation transcript:

李燦榮 lichanwing@gmail.com 企業發言人培訓 李燦榮 lichanwing@gmail.com

大綱 1) 疑問.減.加.乘.除.感歎 2) ABCDEF 模式

疑問 1) 文字/非文字 2) 主觀/客觀 3) 長/短 4) 資深/ 新入行 5) 主流/非主流 6) 目標觀眾

自我檢視進度: 減 創造了怎樣的 標題/sound-bite: 一分鐘學問 快讀法 慢讀法 蛙式 RE-FRAMING

自我檢視進度: 加 創造了怎樣的圖片和影像 眼神.視線 語調. 快慢 身體語言:坐.站立.行. 道具 圖表 電腦 背景

自我檢視進度: 乘 標竿: 1) 自己 2) 公司/其他公司 3) 相關經濟/政治人物 4) 理想

自我檢視進度: 除 傳媒基本要求: 人 地 時 事 為何 如何

自我檢視進度: 觸動人心 人物 公司 比喻 故事情節

大綱 1.ABCDEF 回應框架

ABCDEF回應框架大綱 A:分析analyze B:搭橋bridge C:歸類chunking D:表達delivery E:環境environment F:面子face

A:角度及優次分析圖 六何 程序 人 地 時 事 為何 如何 1.列優次 2.何 “不”?

範本 人 傳媒/當事人版本 你的版本 處理方法 地 時 事 為何 如何

B:搭橋 1.核心何在?----VMV 2.規矩分明---九項檢查單

B2:九前提 1.電話: 前線及發言人準備 2.要求書面問題 3.基本立場 4.新聞稿長度及基本格式 5.問題優次 6.事前五問:歷史.對手.審稿.時間.篇幅 7.正式訪問長短 8.提供基本事實.圖片及動作 9.Q=A+1 14

C:歸類 向上歸類: 大原則 : 情. 法. 理 向橫歸類: 借鑑標準 向下歸類: 小個案. 人的故事

D1:表達 語言: Sound-bite, 標題學 非語言: 眼神. 身體語言. 發言人形象

D2:文稿六部曲 關心 統一口徑 探聽 回顧前瞻 著手改善 身體力行 17

D3: 感性稿 死 傷 受嚴重影響 家屬 傳媒 社區 國家 18

E:環境 時間選擇: 旺淡季 地點選擇: 其他新聞和公關活動的安排 造就意見領袖

F 面子 誰是持份者 怎樣排列先後次序

單向發言稿範本 多謝關心 近期的提問,涉及意見/ 揣測/ 錯誤的資料 先澄清資料: 人. 地. 時. 事. 為何. 如何 涉及以下部份不回答: 揣測/ 其他部門. /執行細節 可以分享/回應的有一點/ 兩點/ 三點 大原則 我們是會借鑑: 還有一個細節: 一句總結是:XXXXXXXXXXXX

Challenger 1986 Ronald Reagan

January 28, 1986 Address to the nation on the Challenger disaster Oval Office A few hours after the disaster, this speech was delivered to the American people via nationwide radio and television. 648 words

Seven heroes Ladies and gentlemen, I'd planned to speak to you tonight to report on the state of the union, but the events of earlier today have led me to change those plans. Today is a day for mourning and remembering. Nancy and I are pained to the core by the tragedy of the shuttle Challenger. We know we share this pain with all of the people of our country. This is truly a national loss. Nineteen years ago, almost to the day, we lost three astronauts in a terrible accident on the ground. But we've never lost an astronaut in flight; we've never had a tragedy like this. And perhaps we've forgotten the courage it took for the crew of the shuttle; but they, the Challenger Seven, were aware of the dangers, but overcame them and did their jobs brilliantly. We mourn seven heroes: Michael Smith, Dick Scobee, Judith Resnik, Ronald McNair, Ellison Onizuka, Gregory Jarvis, and Christa McAuliffe. We mourn their loss as a nation together.

Families . For the families of the seven, we cannot bear, as you do, the full impact of this tragedy. But we feel the loss, and we're thinking about you so very much. Your loved ones were daring and brave, and they had that special grace, that special spirit that says, "Give me a challenge and I'll meet it with joy." They had a hunger to explore the universe and discover its truths. They wished to serve, and they did. They served all of us. We've grown used to wonders in this century. It's hard to dazzle us. But for 25 years the United States space program has been doing just that. We've grown used to the idea of space, and perhaps we forget that we've only just begun. We're still pioneers. They, the members of the Challenger crew, were pioneers.

Children And I want to say something to the school children of America who were watching the live coverage of the shuttle's takeoff. I know it is hard to understand, but sometimes painful things like this happen. It's all part of the process of exploration and discovery. It's all part of taking a chance and expanding man's horizons. The future doesn't belong to the fainthearted; it belongs to the brave. The Challenger crew was pulling us into the future, and we'll continue to follow them. I've always had great faith in and respect for our space program, and what happened today does nothing to diminish it. We don't hide our space program. We don't keep secrets and cover things up. We do it all up front and in public. That's the way freedom is, and we wouldn't change it for a minute. We'll continue our quest in space. There will be more shuttle flights and more shuttle crews and yes, more volunteers, more civilians, more teachers in space. Nothing ends here; our hopes and our journeys continue.

god I want to add that I wish I could talk to every man and woman who works for NASA or who worked on this mission and tell them: "Your dedication and professionalism have moved and impressed us for decades. And we know of your anguish. We share it." There's a coincidence today. On this day 390 years ago, the great explorer Sir Francis Drake died aboard ship off the coast of Panama. In his lifetime the great frontiers were the oceans, and a historian later said, "He lived by the sea, died on it, and was buried in it." Well, today we can say of the Challenger crew: Their dedication was, like Drake's, complete. The crew of the space shuttle Challenger honored us by the manner in which they lived their lives. We will never forget them, nor the last time we saw them, this morning, as they prepared for their journey and waved good-bye and "slipped the surly bonds of earth" to "touch the face of God."