Chapter 7 International Cargo Transport


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 7 International Cargo Transport

7.1 Modes of Transport 各种运输方式对比 7.2 Clause of Shipment 装运条款 7.3 Major Shipping Documents 主要装船单据

教学要求及目的: 使学生了解国际货物运输方式、运输单据及合同装运条款等。 本章重点: 合同中如何表示货物的交付 货物交付中的转运与分批装运 国际货物运输方式 运输单据 本章难点: 合同中如何表示货物的交付条件 运输单据的种类

7.1.1 Ocean Carriage 海洋运输 1. Features of Sea Transportation 海洋运输的特点:  Advantages: The first advantage is the easy passage since about 70% of the earth is covered by water. Secondly, ocean transport has a large capacity. Thirdly, because of such large capacity, the unit distribution cost is reduced. Finally, ocean transport has good adaptability to cargoes of different size, weight, shape, etc.

1. Features of Sea Transportation 海洋运输的特点: 7.1.1 Ocean Carriage 海洋运输 1. Features of Sea Transportation 海洋运输的特点:  Disadvantages: Of course, there are also disadvantage, one of which is the slow passage of ocean transport. In addition, ocean transport is also vulnerable to bad weather and less punctual if compared with road or air transport.

7.1.1 Ocean Carriage 海洋运输 2. Major Ocean Carriage 海洋运输经营方式:  Conference Line Vessels 班轮公会定期班轮  Non-conference Line Vessels 非班轮公会班轮/班轮公司班轮 Tramp Ships 不定期船  Charter Ships 租船

Liner Transport 班轮运输特点 “四固定”,按固定的船期表( Fixed Sailing Schedule)、沿着固定的航线(Set Routes)和港口(Fixed Ports of Call)往来 运输,并按相对固定的运费率(Fixed Freight Rate)收取运费。 2. 船方负责配载装卸,装卸费包括在运费中,船货双方也不计算滞期费(Demurrage)和速遣费(Dispatch Money)。 3. 船货双方权利、义务和责任豁免以船方签发的提单条款为依据。 4. 班轮承运货物的品种、数量较为灵活,货运质量有保证。

班轮运费计算实例 步骤: [例3] 某企业出口柴油机一批,共15箱,总毛重为5.65公吨, 总体积为10.676立方米。在青岛装中国运洋运输公司轮船, 经香港转船至苏丹港,试计算某企业应付船公司运费多少? (参见表1-3) 表一:货物等级表 表二:中国至香港航线费率表 In US$ (FT) 表三:香港至红海运价表 (单位:美元) [解答] [课堂练习1]

Freight paid for the carriage by a charter For a voyage charter For a time charter ---rent Other Means of Transportation Air Transport Rail Transport Container Transport International Multi-modal Transport Land Bridge Transport

二、铁路运输(Rail Transport) (一)国际铁路货物联运 《国际货约》与《国际货协》 (二)国内铁路运输 1、对香港的运输 2、对澳门的运输 三、航空运输(Air Transport) (一)国际空运货物的运输方式 (二)航空运输的承运人 (三)航空运输的运价

四、集装箱运输(Container Transport) (一)集装箱运输的含义及种类 不同型号的集装箱一般折算成TEU计算。 (二)集装箱运输的优点 (三)集装箱运输的交接方式和交接地点

五、国际多式联运和大陆桥运输 (一)国际多式联运(International Multimodal Transport) 1、国际多式联运的定义 2、构成国际多式联运的条件 3、多式联运经营人(Multimodel Transport Operator) 多式联运经营人是事主,而不是发货人的代理人或参加多式联运的承运人的代理人,并负有履行合同的责任。他可以是实际承运人,也可以是无船承运人(NVOCC)。 4、国际多式联运的优点

六、其他运输方式 (二)大陆桥运输(Land Bridge Transport) 1、公路运输(Road Transportation) 1、大陆桥运输的含义 大陆桥运输是“海——陆——海”的运输方式,属于国际多式联运。 2、世界主要的大陆桥运输路线 六、其他运输方式 1、公路运输(Road Transportation) 2、内河运输(Inland Water transportation) 3、邮政运输(Parcel post Transport) 4、管道运输(Pipeline Transportation)

Shipping Clause Time of Shipment F组与C组 装运 = 交货 E组与D组 装运 ≠ 交货 Methods used for fixing the shipment date ※ Shipment date is clearly and specifically stipulated ※ Shipment is set to be made some days or months after the receipt of the relevant L/C ※ Shipment date is made in a general manner

B. the follows should be noted: 《Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits No.500》 ------UCP500 1、2、3、4、5、 Port of Shipment and Port of Destination A. Methods used for setting the port of shipment or destination B. The follows should be noted Time of Loading and Discharging / Laydays Typical terms as to the calculation of a day Demurrage and Despatch Money

Partial Shipment and Transshipment ※ Relevant stipulations of UCP500 Transshipment Shipping Advise 例7 contract No., the name and weight of the goods, the invoice amount, the vessel’s name and the date of shipment . OCP Clause (Overland Common Points) --- 内陆地区 [课堂练习]

Nature of Bill of Lading Bill of Lading----B/L Nature of Bill of Lading Types of Bill of Lading Contents of Bill of Lading [练习]

优越性: 运输量大 通过能力大,不受道路和航道的限制 动力燃油消耗少,运输成本低,运费低廉 不足之处 : 连续性差 送达速度慢 返回

Liners---- Regular Routes, Fixed Ports, Fixed Sailing Schedules, Common Freight Rates. 基本特点: 四固定-----固定航线、固定港口、固定船期、相对固定费率 运费相对稳定,且运价中已包括所有装卸等在内的费用,不 计算滞期费(demurrage)或速遣费(dispatch money) 承运人与托运人之间处理纠纷所依据的是班轮提单 返回

Charter -----coal, ores, wheat, rice etc 基本特点: 航线、装卸港口、船期都不固定,租船合同 有关运价会按市场供求变化进行调整 种类: 返回

单程航次租船 (Single Voyage Charter) Voyage (Trip) Charter 来回程航次租船 定程租船 (Return Voyage Charter ) 连续航次程租船 (Consecutive Voyage) Charter Time Charter---定期租船 Bareboat Charter---光船租船 ※期次航租(Time Charter on Trip Basis----TCT) 返回

W---重量吨(Weight Ton) Freight Ton (运费吨) M ---尺码吨(Measurement Ton) W/M ---容重 [例1] Ad Val ---从价运费, FOB价 W/M or ad. Val--- 按货物毛重或体积或从价计收 W/M plus ad. Val ---先按容重计,再加上从价运费 According to the Number of the Goods ----按货物的个数计收 Open Rate ---临时议价 返回

有一货,毛重为59KGS,体积为30 × 40 × 50CM3,计费标准为容重,应按什么计? 0.059/(6000 x 10-6)<1,选M 返回

班轮附加费: ⑴从货物自身考虑 ⑵从市场角度考虑 ⑶从港口方面考虑 ⑷从航道方面考虑 ⑸从船方面考虑 返回

Heavy Lift Additional---超重附加费 ---每转船一次,需加收一次 ---5MT [例2] Long Length Additional---超长附加费 ---每转船一次,需加收一次 ---9米 Fumigation Charge ---熏蒸费 Other Additional Ice Surcharge ---冰冻附加费 返回

假定COSCO的超重附加费率如下,请计算班轮运费: 5—8MT 5元/FT; 8—12MT 8元/FT; …… 30—35MT 400元/FT。 班轮运费=10 × 基本运费率 + 10 × 8 返回

Bunker Surcharge---燃油附加费 ---一般按基本运价的一定百分比(30%)加收 Currency Adjustment Factor---货币贬值附加费 Port Congestion Surcharge---港口拥挤附加费 ---临时性的附加费 Port Surcharge---港口附加费 Additional on Optional Discharge Port---选卸附加费 返回

Direct Additional---直航附加费 ---货量达到一定数量(一般为1000FT) Transhipment Surcharge---转船附加费 ---或按一固定值加收, 或按基本运费的一定百分比加收 返回

表一:货物等级表 返回 货名 COMMODITIES 级别 计费标准 牙膏 toothpaste 11 m 电动玩具 toys, electrically operated 10 m 童车 tricycles, children vehicles 9 m 热水袋 vacuum flasks(thermos) 8 m 柴油机 diesel engine 10 w/m

表二:中国至香港航线费率表 In US$ (FT) 返回 表二:中国至香港航线费率表 In US$ (FT) Qingdao---Hong Kong, Japan, Bangkok, Persian Gulf Class Hong Kong, Japan, Bangkok, Persian Gulf 9 21.00 51.50 32.00 73.00 10 22.00 52.00 33.00 75.00 11 22.50 53.00 34.00 77.00 Remark : Hong Kong: transshipment additional US$13.00/FT

表三:香港至红海运价表 (单位:美元) 目的港 运费等级 拼箱费率1 拼箱费率2 Port of destination Class LCL(M) LCL(W) Port Sudan 1-7 90 8-13 95 14-20 100 Demark: Port Sudan: port congestion surcharge 10% 返回

单位运费=22+95+13+95×10%=139.5美元 基本运费 附加运费 总运费=10.676 × 139.5=1489.302美元 返回

出口一批斧头,共19.6公吨,14.892立方米,由上海装船经香 港转运至温哥华港。经查,上海至香港,该货运费计算标准 为W/M,8级,基本费率为每运费吨20.50美元,香港至温哥 华,计算标准为W/M,8级,基本运费为每运费吨60美元, 另收香港中转费每运费吨13.00美元。试计算该批货的总运费。 总运费=19.6 × (20.50+60+13)=1832.60 美元 返回

例题: 出口箱装货物共100箱,报价为每箱4000美元FOB上海,基本费率为每运费吨26美元或1.5%,以W/M or Ad Val 选择法计算,每箱体积为1.4m × 1.3m × 1.1m,毛重为每箱2公吨,并加收燃油附加费10%,货币贬值附加费20%,转船附加费40%,求总运费。 练习题:我某公司出口箱装货物一批,报价为CFR利物浦每箱35美元,英国商人要求改报FOB价。该批货物的体积为45×40 ×25(厘米),每箱毛重为35公斤,商品计费标准为W/M,基本运费为120美元/运费吨,并加收燃油附加费20%,货币贬值附加费10%。问:我方应如何报价?

按运费率(rate of freight) Fright Rates 整船包价(lump-sum freight) Loading and Discharging free in and out- F.I.O. ---散货 free in and out, stowed and trimmed-F.I.O.S.T. free out-F.O. free in-F.I. gross terms, liner terms, berth terms ---木材和包装货物 返回

规定某月装运 Shipment during March 2003 规定跨月装运 Shipment during Feb./Mar./Apr. 2003 规定在某月月底或某日前装运 Shipment at or before the end of May 2003 Shipment not later than the end of June 2002 返回


迅速装运 prompt shipment 立即装运 immediate shipment 尽快装运 shipment as soon as possible 返回

1、Expressions such as “prompt”, “immediately”, “as soon as possible” and the like should not be used. If they are used bank will disregard them. 下一页 返回

2、The words “to”, “until”, “till”, “from” and words of similar expressions applied to any date or period in the credit referring to shipment will be understood to include the date mentioned. The words “after” will be understood to exclude the date mentioned. 下一页 返回

3、If the expression “on or about ” and similar expressions are used, banks will interpret them as a stipulation that shipment is to be made during the period from the five days before to five days after the specified date, both end days included. 返回 下一页

4、The term “first half”, “second half” of a month shall be construed respectively as the 1st to the 15th, and the 16th to the last day of such month, all dates inclusive. 下一页 返回

5、The terms “beginning”, “middle”, or “end” of a month shall be construed respectively as the 1st to the 10th, the 11th to the 20th, and the 21st to the last day of such month, all dates inclusive. 返回

Weather working days of 24 consecutive hours Day of running or consecutive day ---日或连续日 Weather working day of 24 hours ---累计24小时好天气工作日 Weather working days of 24 consecutive hours ---连续24小时好天气工作日 Customary quick dispatch ---港口习惯速度尽快装运 返回

Unless the credit stipulates otherwise, partial shipment and transshipment are allowed. 返回 下一页

Transport documents which appear on their face to indicate that shipment has been made on the same means of conveyance and for the journey, provided they indicate the same destination, will not be regarded as covering partial shipments, even if the transport documents indicate different dates of issuance and/or different ports of shipments, places of taking in charge, or dispatch. 下一页 返回

If any installment is not shipped within the period allowed for that installment, the credit cease to be available for that and any subsequent installments, unless otherwise stipulated in the credit. 返回

卖方在货物装船后,应立即将合同号、品名、件数、毛重、净重、发票金额、载货船名及装船日期以电报通知买方。 The sellers shall, upon completion of loading, advise immediately the buyers by cable of contract number, name of commodity, number of packages, gross and net weights, invoice value, name of vessel and loading date. 返回

  国内某出口公司向韩国出口大米1000公吨,报价是CFR价,合同规定3—4月份装运,由韩国开来的信用证上也是“shipment during March / April 2001”。当我方在租船订舱时,由于一时找不到足够的舱位,便于3月20日和3月25日分两批将货物运出。请问,我方的行为是否构成违约? 下一页

2. 大连某贸易公司向日本出口一批货物,共6000公斤。国外开来的信用证上规定,不允许分批装运,在9月30日以前装船。我方于9月8日和9月10日分别在大连及烟台分别装3000公斤于“东方”轮运往神户,提单上也注明了不同的装船港和不同的装船日期。请问,我方的行为是否构成了违约? 下一页

3. 出口茶叶600箱,合同与信用证均规定“Each month shipment 200 cartons commerce from April”。如我方于4月装200箱,5月不装,6月装200箱,7月装200箱,可否? 下一页

4. 5月份装运,由伦敦至上海。卖方应在装运月份前45天将备妥货物可供装船的时间通知买方,允许分批和转船。 4. 5月份装运,由伦敦至上海。卖方应在装运月份前45天将备妥货物可供装船的时间通知买方,允许分批和转船。 Shipment during May from London to Shanghai. The seller shall advise the buyer 45 days before the month of shipment of the time the goods will be ready for shipment. Partial shipments and Transshipment allowed. 返回

Receipt for the Goods ---货物收据 Document of Title ---物权凭证 Evidence of the Contract of Carriage --运输契约证明 返回

Straight B/L, Bearer B/L and Order B/L On Board B/L and Received for Shipment B/L Clean B/L and Unclean B/L Straight B/L, Bearer B/L and Order B/L Direct B/L, Transshipment B/L and Through B/L Liner B/L and Charter Party B/L Long Form B/L and Short Form B/L Original B/L and Copy B/L 一式两份或三份、全套(full set)提单 On Deck B/L, Stale B/L Anti-dated B/L and Advanced B/L 返回

----根据货物是否已经装船: 已装船提单和备运提单 ----已装船提单签发日期即为装船日期 ----CIF、CFR要求提供已装船提单 ----买方不愿接受一般备运提单 返回

----对货物外表状况有无不良批注: 清洁提单和不清洁提单 被雨淋湿 --- rain wet 五件损坏 --- five packages in damaged condition 铁条松散 --- ironstrap loose or missing [案例3-1] 不清洁提单的不良后果 返回

bearer -----根据提单收货人抬头的不同或是否可转让 □记名提单 --- 较少使用,多用于展览品或贵重物品 L/C: …Bill of lading consigned to ABC Co … ABC Co. □不记名提单 ---不加背书即可转让,买卖双方的风险都 很大,所以使用很少。 bearer 返回 □指示提单 ---可通过背书进行转让 ,使用广泛 空白抬头,空白背书

◎空白抬头: L/C: …Bill of lading consigned to order… L/C: …Bill of lading made out to order to order ◎记名指示抬头 返回

to order of …(开证行)… bank L/C: …Bill of lading consigned to the order of the issuing bank… to order of …(开证行)… bank L/C: …Bill of lading made out to shipper’s order to shipper’s order L/C: …Bill of lading made out to order of ABC Co. 返回 to order of ABC Co.

○空 白 背 书 L/C: Bill of lading … endorsed in blank L/C: Bill of lading … blank endorsed ABC Co.(签章) April 3, 2002 ○记名背书 Endorsed to: DEF Co. / Delivered to DEF Co.(签章) April 3, 2002 返回

----按运输方式分为直达提单、转船提单和 联运提单 ※多式联运提单 --combined transport B/L, C.T. B/L --要求必须至少有一种是海上或内地水路运输 返回

过期提单---交单日期超过信用证规定期限(提单签发后21天内)或是银行按正常邮程寄单,收货人不能在船到目的港前收到的提单。 银行不接受舱面提单 过期提单---交单日期超过信用证规定期限(提单签发后21天内)或是银行按正常邮程寄单,收货人不能在船到目的港前收到的提单。 例:中国大陆对日本出口货物 返回

倒签提单---是承运人或他的代理人应托运人的要求,在货物 装船以后,以早于该票货物实际装船完毕的日期作为签发日期所签发的提单。 预借提单---因信用证规定的装运期和有效期已到,而货尚未装船,托运人要求承运人预先签发的借 给托运人的提单。 返回

The name of the consignee The name of the shipper The name of the consignee 返回 The name and address of the notifying party Port of shipment and port of destination The name an voyage of the carrying vessel Full description of the cargo Full details of the freight Number of the original bill of lading The signature of the ship’s Master and date The place and date of goods loaded on vessel

According to the agreement, the shipment should 1、根据协议规定,货物必须在6月6日前装运, 并在货物发运后48小时之内通过传真给买方发 一封装船通知。 According to the agreement, the shipment should be effected by 6th of June, and the shipping advice should be sent to the buyer by fax within 48hours after the shipment. NEXT

2、全套可转让的清洁、已装船提单,空白抬头 空白背书,注明“运费未付”,并通知目的港的中 国对外贸易运输公司。 返回 Full set of negotiable clean on board Bill of Lading marked “FREIGHT TO COLLECT” and made out to order, blank endorsed, and notifying the China National Foreign Trade Transportation Corporation at the port of destination.