創意英文寫作 Writing English with Creative 指導老師: 學號9934113 姓名:林嘉蓉.


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Presentation transcript:

創意英文寫作 Writing English with Creative 指導老師: 學號9934113 姓名:林嘉蓉


擬人法 People are like whirligig. It always thinks continually. The soap opera is like a thief. It always takes me much time. People are like whirligig. It always thinks continually. The movie is like life. It has delight, anger, sorrow, and happiness. The life is like candy. It has sore sweet bitter spicy. The dog is like people. It has feelings and action.

擬物法   My younger brother is likes summer. It sometime’s persistent, sometime’s taken the fling. The baby is like an apple. It always keeps rosy. My sister is like sticky note. It can help everyone finish anything. My father is like a dictionary. It always teaches me much philosophy. My mom is like a clock. It always runs all time. 

景點介紹 睡美人與哈巴狗岩

SLEEPING BEAUTY SKERRY AND PEKINGESE DOG ROCK It ‘s miracle that was made by the ocean waves corroded and volcanic eruption. Pekingese Dog Rock is like a guardian. It is surrounded by ocean. Sleeping Beauty Skerry is like its master. It has beautiful face as if a model . There are the famous scenic spots at Green Island.


He knows that his English is not good, so he wants to improve it.

He listens to English radio for 30 minutes at night, and watches English movies twice a week.

Writing down the questions that he does not understand.

Trying to chat with people in English Trying to chat with people in English. Dare to ask questions, and interact with foreigners. By doing so, his English ability get progress.

Everything is possible Everything is possible. You can turn difficult things into simple and easy .



產品 夏日享受 Enjoy for your summer

標語: Melts your heart 溶化你心,冰心沁涼

產品介紹 Frozen food with glittering jewels to delight the eye. TO satisfy someone's desire to ice cream. To remove summer heat, people can not help but repeatedly tasting.

價格優惠 NT$50/bowl More ingredients, no more bucks.









interesting entertainment news 范瑋琪表情哀怨滿臉是血,驚傳家暴?在旁的老公陳建州卻一臉無所謂笑得開懷,難不成兩人感情出現危機?其實是范瑋琪和友人共同策劃驚喜整人生日派對,雖然成功整到壽星,但她也無辜成為「受害者」。 今天是陳建州(黑人)36歲生日,范瑋琪(范范)特地和一票友人偷偷構思派對內容打算惡整黑人,雖然計畫如願成功,但她自己也被反整。黑人於凌晨一點多上傳兩人合照到臉書,說道:「今天一回家范范跟朋友們準備了一場驚喜想整我…確實有被整到!但玩到後面看看誰被整到啦……哈哈哈!」 照片中的范瑋琪臉上沾有像血的紅色液體,哀怨表情透露出內心不滿情緒,網友笑稱乍看還以為范范被黑人家暴,差點要打電話替她報警,還有人意外發現范范很適合演日本女鬼,建議她往大銀幕發展。 小倆口玩得開心,好感情令人稱羨,黑人中午也Po照說:「感謝范范貼心的安排,讓我有一個難忘的生日!」

summarize 范瑋琪and a couple of friends threw a birthday party for 黑人。Beside, she played a trick on birthday boy. However she became a victim at the same time. 黑人 uploaded their photo on the internet. There was some red liquid like blood on 范瑋琪‘s face. 范瑋琪 looked sad. She conveyed the bad feelings without words. People could tell that she was not happy because of her facial expression. Key pal though that 范瑋琪 was suffered from domestic violence and tried to call the police man.

Chinese phrases Eight-pole could not beat 八竿子打不著 Harm to others 害人害己 make a mountain out of a molehill 把小土堆說成大山(小題大作) on a good note 盡歡而散 play it by ear不用看譜(隨機應變) walk on air(高興得)腳不點地,飄飄然 wrapped around his/her little finger 化為繞指柔(玩弄於股掌之間) read someone like a book 對這個人一目了然


第一部份 Mother is like a bee. She is always busy at work. The cell phone is like a sparrow. The sparrow small but perfectly formed. The ocean is like a sponge. It always absorbs anything. My roommate is like a sun. She always smiles to me. A sudden English quiz is like a joke. It always let me panic.

第九部分 Tom is so thirsty that he drinks up the Pacific Ocean water. 誇飾法 因口渴喝掉整個海洋的水太誇張了 The sky just told me a secret. 模糊 天空告訴我ㄧ個秘密(說變就變,陰晴不定)

第九部分 You are the last one I will get married with on earth. 諷刺 世界上剩下你一個我也不會和你結婚 My parents told me that they never had a child. 欺騙 父母告訴我他們沒有小孩,那我哪來的呢? I can can a can. 用多義字來讓人看不清語意


Today is not my day 我說:我今天錢包被偷了… 媽媽說:她今天踩到狗大便.. 爸爸說:他被公司炒魷魚 弟弟說:打球跌倒受傷了

It is a good smell flower 花店老闆說:為了將商品銷售出去 路人甲:看到店門口人潮,故前來看看 男生送花給女生,女生說:男生告白會成功 餐廳老闆娘說:增加店裡擺設,讓客人喜歡來消費 家庭主婦:媽媽用心於家裡擺設

YES, I DO. 由我口中說出:相信自己做得到 由女生口中說出:我願意嫁給你 由犯人口中說出:承認自己的罪行 由小孩口中說出:表示事情已經完成


演講廳使用規範 Lecture do not allowed to bring food and drinks into the interior. If the demand for posters, please contact the museum before the event reader service group colleagues. Into the lecture hall before the phone off or set to vibrate or silent mode, in order to maintain a library of tranquility. Also, please note the volume when using the venue's control.

演講廳使用規範 Lecture absolutely can’t eat and drink. If the demand for posters, please contact the museum before the event reader service group colleagues. Into the lecture hall before, please be sure to turn the phone off or vibrate or silent mode, so that it can maintain a quiet library. Also, please pay attention note the volume when using the venue's control.

希望達到什麼效果 原本複雜的文意讓人看到還需要思考一下,但是改完之後句子簡單明瞭,而且更加地強調了哪些是不能做的事。


Iphone is as smart as Doraemon.

Air conditioning is as cold as the wind in the winter.

A diamond is as beautiful as the rainbow in the sky.


Mom is like a sun for me. She always smiles to me. I have a happy family. Because my mom never angry. And my home is always in peace.

心得 很開心這學期了這門課,學習到好多英文課學不到的”創意“,像是剛開始的諺語,就讓我大開眼界啊!!完全不知道諺語使用如此生活化,還有上課總是需要思考,才能創作出屬於自己的句子好棒,每一句都是絞盡腦汁才想出來,再使用圖文並茂(加入圖片)的方式讓讀者更能了解我的想法,好酷唷~~從來沒想過英文也能學習得如此輕鬆呢! 謝謝老師,態度總是很好,不會因為我不懂一直去詢問就不理我 XD