年度扶輪基金前受獎人協調人 邵偉靈前總監RFAC Dens


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Presentation transcript:

2008-09年度扶輪基金前受獎人協調人 邵偉靈前總監RFAC Dens 前受獎人關係Alumni Relations 2008-09年度扶輪基金前受獎人協調人 邵偉靈前總監RFAC Dens

曼谷扶輪基金前受獎人協會 配合獎助金保齡球募款活動 這張照片是曼谷的一個扶輪基金前受獎人協會為一筆配合獎助金所舉辦的保齡球募款活動。 Pictured here is an alumni association in Bangkok at a bowling fundraiser for a matching grant.

AGENDA 概述及最新資訊 Overview and updates 全球前受獎人人道服務獎 Global Alumni Service to Humanity Award 扶輪基金前受獎人慶祝會 Rotary Alumni Celebration 扶輪基金前受獎人協調人 Rotary Foundation alumni coordinators 議程 概述及最新資訊 全球前受獎人人道服務獎 扶輪基金前受獎人慶祝會 扶輪基金前受獎人協調人

概述及最新資訊Overview and Updates 這張是在芝加哥一場戶外音樂音樂會與國際扶輪秘書長Futa合影的照片。 Here is a photo of an alumni event at an outdoor music concert in Chicago, with General Secretary Ed Futa.

目的Purpose 要在扶輪與其前受獎人之間造成一種終身的關係。 To create a lifelong relationship between Rotary and its alumni 扶輪基金前受獎人關係的目的是要在扶輪與其前受獎人之間造成一種終身的關係。我們希望這關係對扶輪和前受獎人都有所助益。 這張照片所顯示在第一屆扶輪世界和平專題討論會上扶輪世界和平獎學金前受獎人Gert Danielsen和Scott Lang與國際扶輪前社長季愛雅合影。兩位前受獎人承諾在他們有生之年每年捐贈1,000美元給扶輪基金會。 The purpose of Alumni Relations is to create a lifelong relationship between Rotary and its alumni. We hope this relationship is beneficial to both alumni and Rotary. This photo shows Rotary World Peace Fellow alumni Gert Danielsen and Scott Lang w/ PRIP Luis Giay at the first Rotary World Peace Symposium. Both committed to donate US$1000 to TRF annually for the rest of their lives.

誰是扶輪基金前受獎人? Who are Foundation alumni? Ambassadorial Scholars GSE team members and leaders Grant for University Teachers recipients Rotary World Peace Fellows Rotary Volunteers who have received specific Foundation grants Rotary Peace and Conflict Studies Program Participants 誰是扶輪基金前受獎人? 大使獎學金獎學生 團體研究交換團員及領隊 大學教師獎學金得獎人 扶輪世界和平獎學生 接受扶輪基金獎助金諸如發現獎助金、個人獎助金及義工服務獎助金等之扶輪義工 扶輪和平及衝突研究計劃參與者

扶輪基金前受獎人統計資料Alumni Statistics 105,000 total alumni: 39,000 Ambassadorial Scholars and University Teachers 60,000 GSE participants 5,000 Rotary Volunteers 250 peace program participants 15,000 Rotarians 1,700 joined Rotary as an alumnus 15,000位扶輪社員(大多為團體研究交換團領隊和扶輪義工) 1,700扶輪計畫參與者(獎學生、團體研究交換團團員) 這些數目可能低估,實際上估計數字或許會加倍,然而這些數字是依照我們那些有用的資源來決定的。 這顯示出驚人的潛在的社員。 我們大每年約是以5,000位扶輪基金前受獎人數來增加到名冊的趨勢。 15,000 Rotarians includes mostly GSE team leaders and Rotary volunteers. 1700 joined as a result of program participation (scholars, GSE team members) These numbers may be low…these are estimated numbers that in reality, are probably double, but these are the numbers we have determined with the resources we have available. This shows the tremendous potential for membership. We tend to add approximately 5,000 alumni to the roster each year.

扶輪基金前受獎人為什麼重要?Why are alumni important? 扶輪家庭的一部分 Part of the Rotary family 扶輪基金計畫強有力的倡導者Powerful advocates for Foundation programs 潛在的捐獻人Potential donors 潛在的社員Potential members 扶輪基金前受獎人為什麼重要? 扶輪家庭的一部分 扶輪基金計畫強有力的倡導者 潛在的捐獻人 潛在的社員 Why are alumni important? Part of the Rotary family Powerful advocates for Foundation programs Potential donors Potential members

再聯繫 Reconnections 所有的扶輪基金前受獎人都會收到扶輪基金半年期刊的通訊 All alumni receive Reconnections, the Foundation’s bi-annual newsletter. 再聯繫 所有的扶輪基金前受獎人都會收到扶輪基金半年期刊的通訊Reconnections。 Reconnections All alumni receive Reconnections, the Foundation’s bi-annual newsletter.

全球前受獎人人道服務獎 Global Alumni Service to Humanity Award 這張照片是1995-96年度扶輪基金保管主委PRIP Paulo Costa頒發第一個扶輪基金前受獎人獎項給Laxmi Singhvi博士。Singhvi博士是位傑出的印度國會議員和律師,而在2007年11月去世。 之後,該獎項被稱作獎學生前受獎人成就獎。 Back then, the award was called the “Scholar Alumni Achievement Award.” This photo shows PRIP Paulo Costa as Trustee Chair presenting the first alumni award to Dr. Laxmi Singhvi in 1995-96. Dr. Singhvi was a prominent Indian parliamentarian and lawyer who passed away in Nov 2007.

全球前受獎人人道服務獎 Global Alumni Service to Humanity Award 傑出國際人道服務與職業上的成就 奇數地帶有資格提名2008-09年度該獎項之扶輪基金前受獎人 每年會於扶輪國際年會頒獎給獲勝者 全球前受獎人人道服務獎 傑出國際人道服務與職業上的成就 奇數地帶有資格提名2008-09年度該獎項之扶輪基金前受獎人 每年會於扶輪國際年會頒獎給獲勝者 Global Alumni Service to Humanity Award Outstanding international service to humanity and professional achievements Odd-numbered zones are eligible to nominate alumni for this award in 2008-09 Winner honored annually at the RI convention

Member, Rotary Club of Washington, DC District 7620, Zone 32 2007-08 Winner Dr. Young Woo Kang 2007-08年度全球前受獎人人道服務獎的獲獎人為Young Woo Kang博士。 Kang博士是於1973-74年度派至賓州匹茲堡大學的一位扶輪基金獎學生。他成為第一位韓國盲人去攻讀一個碩士學位(心理學)以及一個博士學位(特殊教育)。他建立韓國基礎教育和更新交流國際基金並且服務於國際親善企業的理事會,殘障者的世界上最大的雇主。 他目前也是總統所指派至殘障國家委員會。 The winner of the 2007-08 Global Alumni Service to Humanity Award is Dr. Young Woo Kang. Dr. Kang was a Foundation Scholar in 1973-74 to the University of Pittsburgh, PA. He became the first blind Korean to earn both a Master’s Degree (Psychology) and a doctorate (Special Education). He founded the Korea-based Education and Rehabilitation Exchange Foundation International and serves on the Board of Directors for Goodwill Industries International, the world’s largest employer of people with disabilities. He is also currently the Presidential Appointee to the National Council on Disability. Member, Rotary Club of Washington, DC District 7620, Zone 32

扶輪基金前受獎人慶祝會Rotary Alumni Celebration 首次扶輪基金前受獎人慶祝會將在洛杉磯國際年會的6月13-14日來舉行。 此次國際年會會前會活動將取代過去在大會上所舉行2-3個小時的重聚。 The inaugural Rotary Alumni Celebration will take place 13-14 June at the Los Angeles Convention. This precovention event takes the place of the 2-3 hour reunion that was held at conventions in the past. 首次扶輪基金前受獎人慶祝會將在洛杉磯國際年會的6月13-14日來舉行。

扶輪基金前受獎人慶祝會Rotary Alumni Celebration 首次扶輪基金前受獎人活動 鼓勵地區派代表 降低新近的扶輪基金前受獎人與來賓的註冊費用 卓越的主講人Keynote speakers 讓前受獎人建立網絡的機會Networking opportunities for alumni 歡迎會Reception 降低了7年內扶輪基金前受獎人參與者的註冊費用。這表示,2000-01年度或遲至2008年國際年會參與計畫的扶輪基金前受獎人以及2001-02年度或遲至2009年國際年會參與計畫的扶輪基金前受獎人。這個比率只適用於在他們的扶輪基金計畫經驗期間不是扶輪社員的新近的扶輪基金前受獎人。新近的大使獎學金獎學生,扶輪世界和平獎學生,非扶輪社員的大學教師,和團體研究交換團團員,不管他們是一個扶輪社內現有的扶輪社員都有資格。令人遺憾的是,團體研究交換團領隊,扶輪社員大學教師和扶輪義工(在他們的計畫經驗時已經是扶輪社員的扶輪基金前受獎人)是沒資格特別折扣的。非扶輪社員的扶輪基金前受獎人或者具備資格到這個優惠比率的扶輪社員的扶輪基金前受獎人只能使用文件表格來註冊。 Reduced fee for alumni within 7 years of participation. This means alumni that have participated in programs in 2000-01or later for the 2008 Convention and 2001-02 or later for the 2009 Convention. This rate only applies to recent alumni who were not Rotarians during their Foundation program experience. Recent Ambassadorial Scholars, Rotary World Peace Fellows, non-Rotarian University Teachers, and GSE team members are eligible regardless of their current membership in a Rotary club. Unfortunately, GSE team leaders, Rotarian University Teachers, and Rotary Volunteers (alumni that were already Rotarians at the time of their program experience) are ineligible for this special rate. Non-Rotarian alumni or Rotarian alumni who qualify to receive this rate can only register using the paper form. 主要主講人︰派至英國的前美國大使Phil Lader Tentative keynote: Phil Lader, Former US Ambassador to the UK.

主講人 Keynote speaker 英國的前美國大使 Phil Lade 雷德,他於政府部門與事業有一段卓越的經歷,於2007年扶輪國際年會中受贈扶輪基金會的全球前受獎人人道服務獎。 雷德,他於政府部門與事業有一段卓越的經歷,於2007年扶輪國際年會中受贈扶輪基金會的全球前受獎人人道服務獎。 Lader, who has led a distinguished career in government and business, received The Rotary Foundation's Global Alumni Service to Humanity Award during the 2007 RI Convention.

扶輪基金前受獎人網絡 Rotary Foundation Alumni Network (RFAN) 扶輪基金前受獎人慶祝會Rotary Alumni Celebration是年度會議 目前國際間有60個地區/地帶之前受獎人聯誼會 鼓勵所有的地域成立新的前受獎人聯誼會 扶輪基金前受獎人網絡(RFAN) 所有的前受獎人和前受獎人聯誼會都是扶輪基金前受獎人網絡(RFAN)的成員 扶輪基金前受獎人慶祝會是年度會議 目前國際間有60個地區/地帶之前受獎人聯誼會 鼓勵所有的地域成立新的前受獎人聯誼會 Rotary Foundation Alumni Network (RFAN) All alumni and alumni associations are members of RFAN Annual meeting is at the Rotary Alumni Celebration Currently 60 district/zone alumni associations internationally All regions are encouraged to form new alumni associations

扶輪基金前受獎人聯誼會Alumni Associations 前受獎人聯誼會活動的點子︰ 與當地扶輪社著手做服務計畫 與其他前受獎人見面分享彼此情誼 舉辦募款活動來支持扶輪基金會 與全世界其他的前受獎人聯誼會建立網絡 協助獎學生和團體研究交換訓練和徵選工作Orientations and Selection. 為該區域Area目前之前受獎人舉辦活動 扶輪基金前受獎人聯誼會 前受獎人聯誼會活動的點子︰ 與當地扶輪社著手做服務計畫。 與其他前受獎人見面分享彼此情誼。 舉辦募款活動來支持扶輪基金會。 與全世界其他的前受獎人聯誼會建立網絡。 協助獎學生和團體研究交換訓練和徵選工作。 為該區域目前之前受獎人舉辦活動。 Alumni Associations Ideas for alumni association activities: Work on service projects with local Rotary clubs. Meet to share fellowship with other alumni. Hold fundraisers to support The Rotary Foundation. Network with other alumni associations around the world. Help with scholar and GSE orientations and selection. Hold events for current alumni in the area.

未來的前受獎人活動 Future Alumni Events 2009年伯明罕國際年會Birmingham Convention—2009年6月18-20日:扶輪基金前受獎人慶祝會Rotary Alumni Celebration以及扶輪世界和平專題討論會 Rotary World Peace Symposium 2010年蒙特婁國際年會Montréal Convention—2010年6月19日:扶輪基金前受獎人慶祝會Rotary Alumni Celebration 未來的前受獎人活動 2009年伯明罕國際年會之2009年6月18-20日的扶輪基金前受獎人慶祝會以及扶輪世界和平專題討論會。 2010年蒙特婁國際年會之2010年6月19日的扶輪基金前受獎人慶祝會 伯明罕國際年會為新近的前受獎人已經批准降低其註冊費。 6月18-19日—扶輪世界和平專題討論會 6月20日—扶輪基金前受獎人慶祝會 Future Alumni Events Rotary Alumni Celebration and Rotary World Peace Symposium at 2009 Birmingham Convention, 18-20 June 2009 Rotary Alumni Celebration at 2010 Montréal Convention, 19 June 2010 Reduced registration fees for recent alumni is already approved for Birmingham. Rotary World Peace Symposium, 18-19 June Rotary Alumni Celebration 20 June

扶輪基金前受獎人協調人 Rotary Foundation Alumni Coordinators RFACs是地帶層級的協調人 使前受獎人成為扶輪不可缺的部份 極力促使扶輪社去認為前受獎人為潛在的社員與捐獻者 運用前受獎人為扶輪基金計畫有效的擁護者 扶輪基金前受獎人協調人 扶輪基金前受獎人協調人是地帶層級的協調人。 使扶輪基金前受獎人成為扶輪不可缺的部份。 極力促使扶輪社去認為前受獎人為潛在的社員與捐獻者。 運用前受獎人為扶輪基金計畫有效的擁護者。 Rotary Foundation Alumni Coordinators RFACs are zone-level coordinators. Make Foundation alumni integral to Rotary. Urge clubs to consider alumni as potential members and contributors. Use alumni as effective advocates for the programs of The Rotary Foundation.

扶輪社員能做什麼? What can Rotarians do? 保持前受獎人參與扶輪社與地區︰ 鼓勵成立扶輪基金前受獎人聯誼會 Alumni Associations 支援前受獎人出席扶輪基金前受獎人慶祝會Rotary Alumni Celebration 要求前受獎人著手做服務計畫 要求前受獎人於扶輪社和地區活動演講 邀請前受獎人參加扶輪社並捐款給扶輪基金會 寄前受獎人更新資料到扶輪基金會 扶輪社員能做什麼? 保持前受獎人參與扶輪社與地區︰ 鼓勵成立扶輪基金前受獎人聯誼會。 支援前受獎人出席扶輪基金前受獎人慶祝會。 要求前受獎人著手做服務計畫。 要求前受獎人於扶輪社和地區活動演講。 邀請前受獎人參加扶輪社並捐款給扶輪基金會。 寄前受獎人更新資料到扶輪基金會。 What can Rotarians do? Keep alumni involved in clubs and districts: Encourage the formation of alumni associations. Support alumni attendance at the Rotary Alumni Celebration. Ask alumni to work on service projects. Ask alumni to speak at club & district events. Invite alumni to join Rotary clubs and contribute to the Foundation. Send alumni updates to The Rotary Foundation.

Questions? Contact: alumni@rotary.org