Official admissions process


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Presentation transcript:

Official admissions process 报名考试报到流程 Official admissions process Event Title (14pt, bold) Date: Month 00, 2010 (14pt, bold)


When Who How 3

We will open the application for Grade 1,in January 2015. When 计划于2015年1月底,接受小一的申请报名。 We will open the application for Grade 1,in January 2015. 4

Who : 国藉: 中外籍兼收 年龄: 小一新生年满6周岁 户籍: (2008.9.1-2009.8.31出生的儿童) 户籍: 京藉开发区户籍或非开发区户籍 在开发区长期居住的适龄儿童(以 房产证为准) 非京藉适龄儿童,按照社会发展 局具体要求。 5

网上注册报名并提交资料(on-line registration) How 网上注册报名并提交资料(on-line registration) 6

报名 Register 申请小学一年级 填写完整的网上报名表 一寸证件照(电子版) Apply for Grade 1 Completed online application form One-inch identity photo

报名 Register 申请初中部 (插班生) 提供过去两年的成绩证明 老师推荐信 300字以上的个人推荐信(4年级以上) 家长推荐信 申请初中部 (插班生) 提供过去两年的成绩证明 老师推荐信 300字以上的个人推荐信(4年级以上) 家长推荐信 Apply for Middle school(and transfer students) Report cards for past 2 years Recommendation letter from teacher Recommendation letter from parents ( above grade 4) 300 word essay


Entrance interview for Grade 1 could be in March of 2015. When 计划于2015年3月,进行小一的入学评估。 Entrance interview for Grade 1 could be in March of 2015. The entrance test for transfer students could be in May of 2015 10

How 小一新生: 学生面试:40分钟 家长面试:20分钟 For Grade 1 candidates: Entrance interview : about 40 minutes; Parents interview: 20 minutes 11

How 申请中文部初中部: 语文/数学/英语/科学/体育 一对一面试 Apply for English track middle school (from E5) Reading/Math/Listening/Speaking/Writing The students who pass the above paper test could be arranged to take the interview. 12

How 转学生: 语文/数学/英语(中文部) 面试 For transfer students: Reading/ Math (E2-E5) Reading/Math/Listening/Speaking\Writing(E6-E8 ) The students who pass the above paper test could be arranged to take the interview. 13




How 17

确定录取(Acceptance or not) 统一以短信的方式通知和网上公布考试结果。家长可以在网上查询考试结果。 Check the online admissions system for your admissions status.


报到 ( Complete the admission procedures) 保健室:体检报告、健康档案、疫苗接种本、并现场办理学生保险(一张白底一寸证件照); Health room:physical check report, healthy records, vaccine certificate, safe students comprehensive insurance if needed,1 ID photo of 1 inch white background 财务部事先办一张建行卡并存入相应的金额,财务会以划账的方式以学期为周期划款. Financial department: Open an account of construction bank, and deposit enough money for tuition fee and other fees. 招生办: 先在此领取报到表后,去相关部门完成报到手续。 Admission: Draw the registration form and then go to other related departments to complete the admission procedures

报到( Complete the admission procedures) 学籍管理( XueJi management): 1. 学生基本信息表: 网站下载自行打印填写(学生及家长基本信息) Students basic information form: download from web and print it and then fill out it. 2. 户口本复印件(中国籍):首页和学生本人页复印于同1页A4纸上;护照复印件(外籍);港奥台地区学生提供身份证件复印件; Hard copy of Hukou or passport. 3. 照片:2张1寸白底证件照; Photos : 2 ID photo of 1 inch white background 4. 有北京学籍的学生提供教育ID号码(8位阿拉伯数字); 中国大陆外地学籍学生提供全国学籍号码(英文字母L开头的学籍号码); ------>  这两个号码均是由原就读学校提供 5. 转学证明/转学联系表。 Certificate for transfer students

报到( Complete the admission procedures) 总务: 如申请校车,请填表。现场购买校服。 General Affair Department: Fill out the transfer request form if you need the school bus. And fill in the uniform application form according to the size reference and pay on spot in cash.

谢 谢 23