98學年度彰化縣e化教室數位教材 方向性英語教學


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Presentation transcript:

98學年度彰化縣e化教室數位教材 方向性英語教學 實施年級: 八年級 教材單元: 配合國中二年級翰林版上學期課本 Unit 6 How Do We Get to Martin’s Department Store? 教學時間: 一節 設計者: 吳昱儒 老師

教學活動 老師以有關單字的謎語做為開場,並以圖片連結單字做為複習。 開始文法的分解教學。方向教學相對位置描述Sentence Pattern 1 (某人如何抵達某地的問句?)+ 練習  Sentence Pattern 2 (如何抵達某地的答句。) + 練習 Activity Homework 教學目標 有鑑於e化時代的來臨,電腦輔助教學已成為普遍的趨勢。倘若教師對於科技的的掌握駕輕就手,教學也就可以多元化,並且給予學生更多的思考空間和時間。此教材設計配合國二翰林版課本,主題為地圖的方向性教學,此設計運用PPT配合圖片,動畫及分段式文法解說,引導學生學習文法句型。並且能將所學運用於日常生活中,基於此,教師以情境式的活動讓學生能回憶整課的學習重點,最後,在交待回家作業同時,也不忘融入所教的內容,並以小組合作方式呈現其作品。整課充分的設計為了就是能學生能看懂簡略的地圖並用英文描述位置的方向性。並且使學生能在多元化呈現下愉快的學習。

1. Warm-up 2. Grammar Teaching 3. Practice 4. Activity 5. Homework

What is the poorest bank in the world? “Bank” has a different meaning. 河岸 What the other meaning ? Let’s review it !

1. bank 2. police station 3. railway station 4. fast food restaurant 5. Library 6. movie theater 7. coffee shop 8. bookstore


police station

railway station

fast food restaurant


movie theater

coffee shop


1. go straight 2. turn right 3. turn left 4. go down the street

Go straight

Go straight

turn left

turn right

1. next to 2. across from 3. between A and B 4. on the corner of A (and B) 5. on the left (right)

The police station is next to the church. Pink Street I’m Tina Green Road The police station is next to the church. The bus stop is across from the skyscraper. The church is between the police station and the skyscraper. The temple is on the corner of Pink Street and Green Road. The bank is on the left (on Tina’s left).

Sentence Pattern1 如何抵達某地的問句? 疑問詞 + 助動詞 主詞 動詞 地點 + + + Q : How do I get to the department store? you does he/she How 問方法或工具的疑問詞 擺句首 到達某地 也可以寫成 go to 中文譯:百貨公司的路怎麼走? (主詞:我)

Practice 1 例句 1. 公園的路如何抵達?(主詞:I) How do I get to the park? How does He get to the bank? 3. 圖書館的路是如何抵達的? (主詞: She) How does she get to the library?

Sentence Pattern 2 如何抵達某地的答句 Q: How do I get to the department store? A: Go straight for two blocks. or Turn right/left. or Go down the street. 祈使句開頭, 先告知方向 It’s across from the park. next to the park. between the park and the library. on the right/left. on the corner of ( Pink Street and Green Road) 接著說明地點的相對位置

Practice 2 例句 1.Q: How do I get to the railway station?  Turn right. It’s next to the church. 2.Q: How do I get to the temple? A: 這條街直走。廟宇就在Pink Street and Green Road的街角。  Go down this street. It’s on the corner of Pink Street and Green Road. 3. Q: How does he get to the movie theater? A: 直走兩個街塊。就在警察局的對面。  Go straight for two three blocks. It’s across from the police station.

What Happened to Richard? Activity Activity What Happened to Richard? Let’s find out! Grandpa Richard is a new comer in the big city. He is going to visit his old friend, Tony and some places but he doesn’t know how to get to the places. Please help him! 

Please follow steps and keep notes. Step 2: 老師會給予到達地點的提示,學生必須循著提示找出Richard想到的地方,是哪一棟建築物? 並試著用老師所教的相對位置加以描述。

Pink Street Brown Road Green Road

Hint 1 (Peter’s House) Go straight for one block and turn left on the Pink Street. Go down the Pink Street. Peter’s house is on the corner of the street. Hint 2 Turn left at first and then go for one block. Go down the street and there is a white building on your right. What is it ? Hint 3  Go straight on the Green Road and then turn left. Go for one block and turn right. There are two building next each other and both of them are on the corner. What are they?

Question 1 Where is Peter’s house?

Pink Street Brown Road

Question 1 Where is Peter’s house? Answer 1 It is next to the clothes store. or It is a house with a red roof.

Question 2 Which building is it?

Pink Street Brown Road Green Road

Answer 2 It’s a hospital. It’s on the corner of the Pink Street Question 2 Which building is it? Answer 2 It’s a hospital. It’s on the corner of the Pink Street

Question 3 What are two buildings?

Pink Street Brown Road Green Road

Answer 3 They are the clothes store and the church. Question 3 What are two buildings? Answer 3 They are the clothes store and the church.

Homework Review today’s lesson. Draw a poster about the surroundings of our school in group. Next time, present it in class and describe the location of each building in group.