與袮合一 ONE WITH THEE Hymnary 404
因信與袮成一靈; 得袮包羅萬有的死, 和非受造的生命。 1a 與袮合一,永遠之子, 因信與袮成一靈; One with Thee, Thou Son eternal, Joined by faith in spirit one, 得袮包羅萬有的死, 和非受造的生命。 Share we in Thy death inclusive And Thy life, O God the Son.
藉恩成為袮一部; 與袮同為父的後嗣, 並作聖靈的房屋。 1b 與袮合一,蒙愛之子, 藉恩成為袮一部; One with Thee, Thou Son beloved, Part of Thee become thru grace, 與袮同為父的後嗣, 並作聖靈的房屋。 Heirs with Thee of our one Father, We're Thy Spirit's dwelling place.
2a 與袮合一,化身之子, 作袮奧秘的肢體; One with Thee, Thou Son incarnate, Born with Thee, the Man of worth, 因袮誕生與袮連枝, 與袮一同客此地。 We, the members of Thy body, Sojourn with Thee here on earth.
同得聖靈的能力; 日復一日,時復一時, 與袮合作不稍離。 2b 與袮合一,受膏之子, 同得聖靈的能力; One with Thee, Thou Son anointed, sharing too the Spirit's power, 日復一日,時復一時, 與袮合作不稍離。 We in full cooperation Labor with Thee hour by hour.
3a 與袮合一,被棄之子, 經過審判和咒詛; One With Thee, Thou Son forsaken, Judgment and the curse we've passed; 永遠同袮向罪而死, 並勝兇惡的陰府。 We to sin are dead forever, Hell beneath our feet is cast.
脫離墳墓的埋沒; 因袮更生,同袮更始, 靠袮逐日結義果。 One with Thee in resurrection, 3b 與袮合一,復活之子, 脫離墳墓的埋沒; One with Thee in resurrection, Death can never us oppress; 因袮更生,同袮更始, 靠袮逐日結義果。 Live we in Thy new creation, Bearing fruits of righteousness.
4a 與袮合一,升天之子, 同登寶座來管治; One with Thee, Thou Son ascended, Seated with Thee on the throne, 袮的權柄我也掌執, 因我和袮同位置。 Thine authority we share and Rule with Thee, Thy rank our own.
同得榮耀同臨世; 那時都要顯袮殊姿, 與袮合一無已時。 One with Thee, Thou Son returning, 4b 與袮合一,再來之子, 同得榮耀同臨世; One with Thee, Thou Son returning, Glorified with Thee we'll be, 那時都要顯袮殊姿, 與袮合一無已時。 E'er to manifest Thy beauty, One with Thee eternally. 4/4 End