Twelve Zodiac 十二生肖 Oral History Project London Chinatown
Do you know the animal signs in 12 zodiac? vs. Western Star signs
Western Star Signs
The Legend of 12 zodiac Audio Story
Can you put them in correct order? 猴 马 羊 兔 鼠 蛇 龙 鸡 虎 猪 牛 狗
鸡 虎 兔 羊 鼠 蛇 猴 龙 马 狗 牛 猪
鸡 虎 Answer Sheet 兔 羊 鼠 蛇 猴 龙 马 狗 牛 猪
Use measure words 只,条,头,匹 to fill in the blanks: 1、Jerry 是一( )老鼠,而Tom 是一( )猫 。 2、农场里养了三( )牛,六( )兔子、五( )羊、十 ( )鸡和两( )猪。 3、有人说动物园跑了一( )老虎,其实不是,是跑了一 ( )猴子。 4、小王养的狗生了三( )小狗。 5、你看见山上有一( )白马吗?
ANSWER(答案): 1、Jerry 是一(只)老鼠,而Tom 是一(只)猫 。 2、农场里养了三(头)牛,六(只)兔子、五(只)羊、十 (只)鸡和两(头 )猪。 3、有人说动物园跑了一(只)老虎,其实不是,是跑了一 (只)猴子。 4、小王养的狗生了三( 条 / 只)小狗。 5、你看见山上有一( 匹 )白马吗?
善良 shàn liáng 热 情 rè qíng 威 猛 wēi měng 忠 心 zhōng xīn 冷 静 lěng jìng 老 实 lǎo shí Typical characteristics of each animal sign 机 灵 jī ling 开 朗 kāi lǎng 勤 劳 qín láo 温 顺 wēn shùn 威 风 wēifēng 灵 巧 líng qiǎo
Game Time
wáng yáng bŭ láo 亡羊补牢 A man who raised sheep once noticed there was a hole in the walls of his sheepfold. But he neglected to repair it. A few days later, several sheep were missing. His friend advised him: "It is not too late to mend the sheepfold." "Wang Yang Bu Lao" or "Mending the sheepfold after the sheep have been stolen" advises us that even though we have suffered a loss, it is never too late to take steps to prevent further losses.
mǎ dào chéng gōng 马 到 成 功 lóng mǎ jīng shén 龙 马 精 神
不但…而且… [猴子]不但[灵巧], 而且[聪明]。 [兔子]不但[善良], 而且[机灵]。 bú dàn ér qiĕ 不但…而且… hóu zi líng qiăo cōng míng [猴子]不但[灵巧], 而且[聪明]。 tù zi shàn liáng jī líng [兔子]不但[善良], 而且[机灵]。
Match of the 12 earthly branches and the 12 animals:
Twelve Earthly Branches and Ten Heavenly Stems Twelve earthly branches and ten heavenly stems are also used to count. They can be used to measure hours of a day as well as directions.
我叫[海伦],[二零零三]*年出 生,生肖属[羊],今年[九]岁。 Want to know me more? wŏ jiào hái lún ér líng líng sān nián chū 我叫[海伦],[二零零三]*年出 shēng shēngxiāo shǔ yáng jīn nián jiǔ suì 生,生肖属[羊],今年[九]岁。 * 二零零三 can be written in digital numbers as 2003
Acknowledgement: London Chinatown Produced as part of the London China Town Oral History Project with materials from CMHA and Ming-Ai (London) Institute. Lesson plan designed by Ming-Ai (London) Institute. Oral History Project London Chinatown
THANK YOU Oral History Project London Chinatown
Picture References: London Chinatown Oral History Project London Chinatown