New words and expressions of Unit 12, Book 1


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Presentation transcript:

New words and expressions of Unit 12, Book 1 制作人: 张少林

blankets, jeans and jumpers (voice) to be filled with annoyance New words and expressions in phrase contexts U12A.1, B1 to be cluttered with … blankets, jeans and jumpers (voice) to be filled with annoyance an open and trusting face to slug sb the distant past to find a quiet spot to spot the criminal among the crowd to hit upon a solution 乱七八糟地塞满… 毯子、牛仔裤、和无袖长衣 (声音)充满了烦恼 开朗而信任的面孔 重击某人 久远的过去 找到一个安静处所 在从群中看到罪犯 偶然发现解决方案

to feel estrangement with to show up occasionally to sign sb out New words and expressions in phrase contexts U12A.2, B1 to feel estrangement with to show up occasionally to sign sb out to flounder about an answer to flounder through sth to talk about sth on the outing to tease sb good-humorously to question sb’s honesty to romanticize the war romanticized version 感到对……疏远 时不时地露面 签字领出某人 对答案支支吾吾 慌乱做事 在外出游玩时谈论某事 善意地取笑某人 怀疑某人的诚实 美化战争 浪漫的形式

to awaken reminiscences of a journey of reminiscence about New words and expressions in phrase contexts U12A.3, B1 bittersweet moments to awaken reminiscences of a journey of reminiscence about to turn down an invitation to extend an invitation to break away to establish one’s own identity the horrible phrases to be grounded 悲喜交集的时刻 唤起对……的回忆 一场怀旧之旅 拒绝邀请 发出邀请 突然离开 建立独立的身份 糟糕的话语 不准出去

to bolt off to catch the train to sway the minds of men New words and expressions in phrase contexts U12A.4, B1 the tips for parents a time of transition a package of goodies to stroke sb’s hair to bolt off to catch the train to sway the minds of men to smear jam on the chair to let go of 给家长的建议 过渡时期 一包美味甜食 抚摸头发 飞跑去赶火车 动摇人心 往椅子上抹果酱 放手

to speak in an oblique way an inarticulate debater New words and expressions in phrase contexts U12B.1, B1 an oblique leaf to speak in an oblique way an inarticulate debater to be inarticulate with astonishment a tall cottonwood by all objective accounts a sentimental soap opera a pretty girl on crystal 两边不对称的叶子 转弯抹角地说 不善辞令的辩论者 吃惊得说不出话来 高高的白杨树 按客观的说法 伤感的肥皂剧 服用兴奋剂的女孩

an amateur performance to ride the subway topless romantic degradation New words and expressions in phrase contexts U12B.2, B1 业余演出 穿裸胸衣乘地铁 浪漫情调降格 勤勉地努力 离题, 不中肯 吓瘫 神经疲乏 引起同情 空中拍的照片 某人名字的首字母 给...拍快照 an amateur performance to ride the subway topless romantic degradation to strive assiduously beside the point to be paralyzed by fear the neurotic lassitude to engender sympathy an aerial photograph sb’s initials take a snapshot of

a sociopolitical snapshot of sb. veterans of a guerrilla war New words and expressions in phrase contexts U12B.3, B1 a sociopolitical snapshot of sb. veterans of a guerrilla war to dread sb’s call to vandalize the museum the Monument to the People's Heroes to own a ranch to recall an anecdote a horehound drop 对某人的社会政治印象 游击战的老兵 害怕某人的电话 任意破坏博物馆 人民英雄纪念碑 拥有一个大农场 回想起一件轶事 苦薄荷水果糖

in a shaft of afternoon sun strawberry-marshmallow ice cream New words and expressions in phrase contexts U12B.4, B1 to trail off the dust motes in a shaft of afternoon sun strawberry-marshmallow ice cream slats of the crib to ambush enemy the ambushes of family life to pledge sb. a picnic a xylophone and a sundress 减弱, 变小 尘埃 在午后光线下 草莓糖稀冰淇淋 婴儿床的拦板 伏击敌人 家庭生活隐藏的危险 保证带某人野餐 一把木琴和一个背心裙

fill slight anger hit hard place no sympathy find by accident New words and expressions in phrase contexts U12A.5, B1 fill slight anger hit hard place no sympathy find by accident be present sometimes act confusedly laugh at clutter annoyance slug spot estrangement hit upon show up occasionally founder tease

narration of past experience refuse offer move away stop st going out New words and expressions in phrase contexts U12A.6, B1 short pleasure trip sentimental sad narration of past experience refuse offer move away stop st going out very unpleasant piece of advice outing romanticized bitter reminiscence turn down extend break away ground horrible tip

change from one state to another sth nice to eat run away suddenly New words and expressions in phrase contexts U12A.7, B1 change from one state to another sth nice to eat run away suddenly move slowly from side to side spread over a surface untidily stop holding sth/sb a sleepless dress transit goodie bolt sway smear let go of jumper

to leave for university to be off with friends to scream at sb Collocations of old words U12A.8, B1 离开家上大学 出去会朋友 朝某人尖叫 极力想 有意义的事 对……感到兴奋 某人的面部表情 对某事守口如瓶 青春期的女儿 营救性袭击 to leave for university to be off with friends to scream at sb to struggle to think something meaningful to be excited about sth the look on one’s face to keep sth secret an adolescent daughter rescue raids