口病實驗平時考試 (6) 姓名 學號 日期 組別
(4/3)-1. 口病網頁下載組織病理照片,標示granulation tissue with infiltration of inflammatory cells (lymphocytes & plasma cells), fibrous tissues & proliferation of capillaries之特徵
(4/3)-2. 口病網頁下載組織病理照片,標示osteomyelitis之特徵
(4/3)-3. 口病網頁下載組織病理照片,標示pyogenic granuloma之特徵
(4/3)-4. 口病網頁下載組織病理照片,標示sequestrum之特徵
(4/3)-1. Explain clinical & histopathological diagnosis A 53 years old male was referred to our Perio Dept. for treatment of his periodontal disease. Generalized heavy plaque and calculus deposition with several hyper-mobile teeth was seen. A red colored, pedunculated, lobulated mass over tooth 42, 43 labial interdental area is noted. An excisional biopsy for this lesion was performed, and the specimen was sent to Oral Pathology Dept. for examination(口病網頁下載組織病理照片).
(4/3)-2. Explain clinical & histopathological diagnosis A 68 years old female patient had history of breast cancer. Due to metastatic bone lesion, IV form anti-resorptive drugs was applied every 3 months for more than 2 years. This time, she came to our OS Dept. for swelling of her right cheek with a fistula present in the lower border of right mandible. She stated she had been to LDC for extraction of tooth 47, 48 three months ago. Panoramic X-ray revealed an ill-defined radiolucency over edentulous ridge of tooth 46-48 area(口病網頁下載組織病理照片).