Xing Guang Primary School


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Presentation transcript:

Xing Guang Primary School Unit 4 My nice ruler Xing Guang Primary School MissWang

Let’s sing a song to greet the teachers in our class room ,ok? 让我们来唱首歌欢迎在我们教室的老师们,好吗?

Let me check your review. Can you read?

a crayon a pen a ruler a rubber

1 which word is so easy? 哪个单词很简单? pen 2 which word is difficult to read? 哪个单词难读呢? crayon 3 How to tell rubber from ruler? 怎样区分橡皮和尺子呢?

Work in groups Discuss these two words.

ruler rubber 哪个是橡皮,哪个是尺子?想一想说一说。

My thinking map about these two words. ru er ruler ru er rubber

Let’s practise. 我们来练习一下 。

Listen and do!(听录音做动作)

Your action is just like the boy,can you say a sentence. This is my pen. 这是我的钢笔。

Work in groups Everybody says a sentence. 每人说个句子。

that Look at me carefully and judge what I say. 认真听, 想想我说的对吗? That is a … .

That is my pen. 那是我的钢笔。

that Tips: this 是这的意思,指近的东西。 that是那的意思,指远的东西。 this

Work in pairs,say as much as you can. 小组合作,尽可能多说 This is a … . That is a … .

Chant time: Pen, pen, That’s my pen. Nice, nice, Very, very nice. Rubber, rubber, That’s my rubber. New, new, Very very new.

Check your review again a nice pen 漂亮,好看 Nice to meet you. 高兴 a new pen 新的

A:That ’s my new pen 那是我的新钢笔。 B:It’s very nice. 它非常漂亮。 These are easy for you. A:That ’s my new pen 那是我的新钢笔。 B:It’s very nice. 它非常漂亮。

work in pairs A:That’s my new … . B:It’s very nice.

Do you know these? 只要别人让你看新(new)东西,你一定要夸赞(nice)。这是一种礼貌。 British & American culture 英美文化 只要别人让你看新(new)东西,你一定要夸赞(nice)。这是一种礼貌。

Cartoon time 1 Are they polite? 他们是否礼貌? 2 what are they talking about? 他们在谈论什么东西呢?

Can you act?

New task If you meet your classmates in a stationery shop(文具店), … ?

A;Hello ,… . B:Hello,… . A:This is … . B:Nice to meet you. C:Nice to meet you,too. A:Look(看),that’s a new …. B: It’s nice. What colour? C: It’s … . B: Thank you. Goodbye. A,C: Goodbye.

Your stationery is beautiful. Is it your toy? No ,it isn't . Don’t play with your stationery. It is dangerous. It will hurt you.

Listen ,read Unit4 five times. Homework: Listen ,read Unit4 five times.