Explore your career interests and career options


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Presentation transcript:

Explore your career interests and career options Rejoyce Wang Career Advisor Admissions and Career Development Office AB228

Explore yourself 职业 性格 专业 能力 价值观 优势 兴趣 知己知彼,方可百战宝生。我们可以从这五方面来了解自己,从而思考有哪些可能适合自己的职业岗位:职业兴趣、职业性格、专业、价值观和能力无方面

Interests and Career Development ACDO provides online assessments for all students in terms of career interest inventory, personality types (MBTI), value-based indicator of motivation. Please visit workspace link to take online psychometric test and the page also provides you website, access code ad password for you to take an assessment. You will receive report by email after you finish your assessment. You can also make an appointment with career advisor Tuesday afternoon to receive 1 on 1 career advice service;

Psychometric test?

Career Interest Islands You have a holiday to visit one of the six islands for free. You have to live in the island with the local people for at least half a year Please don not consider other factors, but only your interests. Please choose one island that you like to spend your holiday

兴趣岛小游戏 R:自然原始的岛屿 I:慎思冥想的岛屿 A:美丽浪漫的岛屿 S:友善亲切的岛屿 E:显赫富裕的岛屿 C:现代、井然的岛屿 免费旅游,喜欢哪个岛屿度假,与当地居民生活半年?(不考虑任何其他因素) R:自然原始的岛屿 I:慎思冥想的岛屿 A:美丽浪漫的岛屿 岛上保留良好的自然生态,有相当规模的动物园、植物园、水族馆。居民以手工见长,自己种植菜蔬,修缮屋舍,打造器物,制造器械。 岛上人迹较少,适合夜观星象。有天文馆、科博馆和科学图书馆。居民喜好观察、学习、探究、分析,崇尚追求真理,和来自各地的哲学家、科学家、心理学家等交换心得。 岛上充满了美术馆、音乐厅、街头雕塑和街边艺人,弥漫着浓厚的艺术文化气息。当地居民很有艺术,创新和直觉能力,许多文艺界的朋友都喜欢来这里找寻灵感。 S:友善亲切的岛屿 E:显赫富裕的岛屿 C:现代、井然的岛屿 岛民豪爽热情,能言善辩,善于岛际贸易,到处是高级旅馆、乡村俱乐部、高尔夫球场,熙熙攘攘,十分热闹。来往者以企业家、经理人,政治家、律师居多,曾数次在这里召开财富论坛和其他行业巅峰会议。 岛上居民个性温和、十分友善、乐于助人,社区自成一个密切互动的服务网络,人们重视互助合作、重视教育、关怀他人、充满人文气息。 岛上建筑十分现代化,是进步的都市形态,以完善的户政管理、地政管理、金融管理见长。岛民个性冷静保守,处事有条不紊,善于组织规划,细心高效。 了解自己的职业性格 免费旅游 喜欢哪个岛屿度假,与当地居民生活半年? (不考虑任何其他因素) 选择3个岛屿,排序,记住字母

Island A It is a beautiful and romantic island There are many art gallery, concert hall, carving in the street, full of art sense. Locals maintain the traditional dance, music and painting. Many artists are visiting this island to seek art spirit

Island C It is a modern society Lots of high buildings, lofty towers, which represent the rapid economic and political development. Perfect administration management, finance and economic development Local people ’s personality: calmness, conservative, dealing business in good order good at organizing with high efficiency

Island E Full of wealth Local people full of passion Be good at doing business and trading, Have good eloquence in communication Most of local people are entrepreneurs, managers, lawyers etc With rapid economic development, many hotels, clubs and golf courses Hold many conference about wealth and business forums

Island I Has not many people It is a good place to watch sky Lots of planetarium, museum of Science and Technology Local people like to observe, study, investigate, analyze and seek truth. Lots of philosophers, scientists and pgyshologhist are visiting this island to communicate with each other.

Island R It is a natural island with ecosystem: Botanical garden, zoological garden, aquarium Local people are good at doing handwork, gardening, planting fruits and vegetables, making tools, repairing houses and outdoor activities

Island S Full of warmness and friendship Local people have sweet temper, are happy to help each other Focus on team work Focus on the education of their descendents The community has a good and close relationship

List the 3 islands that you would like to live in the order The first one is the island that you would like most to live in Write down and remember these three letters, otherwise known as your "code"!

Exercise 1 Discuss your interests and dream career (group yourself by codes)

John Holland’s Theory of Career Choose In our culture, most people are one of the six personality types: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising and Conventional People of the same personality type working together in a job create a work environment that fits their type.eg, when artistic persons are together on a job, they create a work environment that rewards creative thinking and behavior There are 6 basic types of work environments and 6 types of personalities: realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising and conventional.

Holland Code Career Model The Holland Codes is a system to classify jobs into job categories, interest clusters, environments. In the Holland Model, these categories represent work types. People search for environments where they can use their skills and abilities and express their values and attitudes. Eg This is based on Dr. John Holland’s theory Your Career Code is unique to you, however it does change over time.  You should re-take the career test every seven years or after any major life changing event such as losing a job

Holland Interest Theory 实干型(Realistic) 常规型:(Conventional) 物 研究型:(Investigative) 理念 了解自己的职业性格 根据霍兰德职业兴趣理论, 霍兰德职业兴趣自测(Self-Directed Search)是由美国职业指导专家霍兰德(John Holland)根据他本人大量的职业咨询经验及其职业类型理论编制的测评工具。 霍兰德认为,个人职业兴趣特性与职业之间应有一种内在的对应关系。根据兴趣的不同,人格可分为研究型(I)、艺术型(A)、社会型(S)、企业型(E)、传统型(C)、现实型(R)六个维度,每个人的性格都是这六个维度的不同程度组合。 社会型(S) 共同特征: 喜欢与人交往、不断结交新的朋友、善言谈、愿意教导别人。关心社会问题、渴望发挥自己的社会作用。寻求广泛的人际关系,比较看重社会义务和社会道德 典型职业: 喜欢要求与人打交道的工作,能够不断结交新的朋友,从事提供信息、启迪、帮助、培训、开发或治疗等事务,并具备相应能力。如: 教育工作者(教师、教育行政人员),社会工作者霍兰德职业兴趣测试企业型(E) 追求权力、权威和物质财富,具有领导才能 喜欢竞争、敢冒风险、有野心、抱负。为人务实,习惯以利益得失,权利、地位、金钱等来衡量做事的价值,做事有较强的目的性。 喜欢要求具备经营、管理、劝服、监督和领导才能,以实现机构、政治、社会及经济目标的工作,并具备相应的能力。如项目经理、销售人员,营销管理人员、政府官员、企业领导、法官、律师。 霍兰德职业兴趣测试常规型(C) 共同特点: 尊重权威和规章制度,喜欢按计划办事,细心、有条理,习惯接受他人的指挥和领导,自己不谋求领导职务。喜欢关注实际和细节情况,通常较为谨慎和保守,缺乏创造性,不喜欢冒险和竞争,富有自我牺牲精神。 喜欢要求注意细节、精确度、有系统有条理,具有记录、归档、据特定要求或程序组织数据和文字信息的职业,并具备相应能力。如:秘书、办公室人员、记事员、会计、行政助理、图书馆管理员、打字员、投资分析员。 霍兰德职业兴趣测试实际型(R) 又称为“现实型”。 愿意使用工具从事操作性工作,动手能力强,做事手脚灵活,动作协调。偏好于具体任务,不善言辞,做事保守,较为谦虚。缺乏社交能力,通常喜欢独立做事。 喜欢使用工具、机器,需要基本操作技能的工作。对要求具备机械方面才能、体力或从事与物件、机器、工具、运动器材、植物、动物相关的职业有兴趣,并具备相应能力。如:技术性职业(计算机硬件人员、摄影师、制图员、机械装配工),技能性职业(木匠、厨师、技工、修理工、农民、一般劳动)。 霍兰德职业兴趣测试调研型(I) 又称为“探索型”。 思想家而非实干家,抽象思维能力强,求知欲强,肯动脑,善思考,不愿动手。喜欢独立的和富有创造性的工作。知识渊博,有学识才能,不善于领导他人。考虑问题理性,做事喜欢精确,喜欢逻辑分析和推理,不断探讨未知的领域。 喜欢智力的、抽象的、分析的、独立的定向任务,要求具备智力或分析才能,并将其用于观察、估测、衡量、形成理论、最终解决问题的工作,并具备相应的能力。 如科学研究人员、教师、工程师、电脑编程人员、医生、系统分析员。 霍兰德职业兴趣测试艺术型(A) 有创造力,乐于创造新颖、与众不同的成果,渴望表现自己的个性,实现自身的价值。做事理想化,追求完美,不重实际。具有一定的艺术才能和个性。善于表达、怀旧、心态较为复杂。 喜欢的工作要求具备艺术修养、创造力、表达能力和直觉,并将其用于语言、行为、声音、颜色和形式的审美、思索和感受,具备相应的能力。不善于事务性工作。如艺术方面(演员、导演、艺术设计师、雕刻家、建筑师、摄影家、广告制作人),音乐方面(歌唱家、作曲家、乐队指挥),文学方面(小说家、诗人、剧作家)。 环境也可分为6大类型: 员工的工作满意度与流动倾向性,取决于个体的人格特点与职业环境的匹配程度.当人格和职业相匹配时,会产生最高的满意度和最低的流动率 职位可以按照2个维度,可以分成四个类型: 第一个维度:偏向于与物接触还是与人打交道;R更偏向于物接触;S更偏向于与人打交道。第二个维度:偏向于用数据或事实来做事情,还是偏向于用观念理念(idea)来做事情;I、A更偏向于用理念做事情,C和E更偏向于用数据判断 做测评,选出自己的霍兰德code,根据code,得知相应的职业岗位;注意,测评不是给自己贴标签,而是认识自己,扩充适合自己的大量潜在的工作岗位;后面我会给出一贴测评的工具网站。 数据 艺术型:(Artistic) 人 企业型:(Enterprising) 社会型:Social

Holland's theory can be summarized in six statements In our culture, most people are one of six personality types People of the same personality type working together in a job create a work environment that fits their types There are six basic types of work environments. In our culture, most people are one of six personality types: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional. People of the same personality type working together in a job create a work environment that fits their type. For example, when Artistic persons are together on a job, they create a work environment that rewards creative thinking and behavior -- an Artistic environment. There are six basic types of work environments: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, Conventional. People search for environments where they can use their skills and abilities and express their values and attitudes. For example, Investigative types search for Investigative environments; Artistic types look for Artistic environments, and so forth. People who choose to work in an environment similar to their personality type are more likely to be successful and satisfied.

Holland's theory People search for environments where they can use their skills and abilities and express their values and attitudes. People who choose to work in an environment similar to their personality type are more likely to be successful and satisfied. How you act and feel at work depends to a large extent on your workplace (or school) environment. People search for environments where they can use their skills and abilities and express their values and attitudes. For example, Investigative types search for Investigative environments; Artistic types look for Artistic environments, and so forth. People who choose to work in an environment similar to their personality type are more likely to be successful and satisfied. How you act and feel at work depends to a large extent on your workplace (or school) environment. If you are working with people who have a personality type like yours, you will be able to do many of the things they can do, and you will feel most comfortable with them. Job Satisfaction, stability, Achievement

根据优势才干管理团队 (唐僧:SAI) 霍兰德职业兴趣测试 最后面一点,如果你对你的能力有了一个很好的盘点, 很多HR或者管理者甚至可以用这种方式帮自己的管理团队。 左边的这个图形叫霍兰德,他事实上是我们在做职业规划的时候,蛮著名的一个工具,他把人分成 六种职业类型,有人说,那么多的职业分类工具 disc, mbti, 九型,为什么你特别喜欢用霍兰德,因为霍兰德是唯一一个星格和职业是一一对应的,最紧密的一个工具,所以一般说职业规划的工作师,一般对会用这个模型来工作,他比其他的人格模型好用很多, 我来谈谈看我是怎么自己的团队,我的代码是sai, 第一是社会型,艺术,和investigator研究型,所以我最擅长的是什么啊,做一些公众演讲,表达,研究, 但是我最为一个公司管理者,一个公司是不是挺不靠谱的啊,我天天在那儿逮谁跟谁,跟人家瞎BB,所以请注意,我在搭建团队的时候,我就找了特别企业型的** 同学,他负责所有的商业交往,一个是特别实操型的,他专门负责我们公司的财务管理,一个是特别c型的**同学,他负责所有的教学和教务的管理,你看到没有我最缺的三个角,都被补齐了,所以** 是非常有战斗力的。我可以不太商业,不那么进取,但有人注意,, 我不那么细节,但有人,, 我不那么实操,但有人。。 这是关于性格的 但这种中间我三个很强的, 直觉、整合和表达,所以从此以后我就想明白一件事了,我就只要做三个工作,在团队当中,把其他配齐就可以了 所以当一个人,他明白自己的优势和才干以后,他就可以拼装出一个最适合他的, 或进入一个最适合的管理团队,像创业公司,或者组织, 这一点呢也是我们去学习能力管理里面很重要的一个部分,最后我送两句话我自己和欣赏的。 德鲁克说:我们只雇佣性格,不要雇佣技能,“改变人是上帝的事,我们只负责用好人” 所以1 了解自己该学生么 2 什么时候该从u盘型人才转换成云盘型人才, 3 怎么搭建自己的团队, 这是关于凭什么的话题 霍兰德职业兴趣测试

Search for jobs your are interested in Exercise 2 Search for jobs your are interested in O*nethttps://www.onetonline.org/explore/interests/Realistic/ Review document paper and discuss with your group members

Word of Caution No assessment instruments can make your career decisions for you. They can serve as reference tools for gathering information about your interests, skills, personality style, and the world of work enabling you to form informed career decisions. Do you agree with these results, or do you think that other interests are more important to you? Don't take these scores too literally - their main purpose is to get you thinking about how they might relate to possible careers. The fundamental technology behind our Career Test has been in use for over 50 years.

Search for jobs and how to prepare for these jobs Exercise 3 Search for jobs and how to prepare for these jobs Know job details: job descriptions, work context, abilities and knowledge required http://www.yingjiesheng.com/ https://www.shixiseng.com/ Internships

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