Using the relativity principle, Einstein is able to derive that the energy of an object can be written as For v = c, the energy is infinite. Hence you are never able to push an object faster than the speed of light! Even at rest, an object still contain an energy due to its mass: It opens up the possibility to convert mass into energy or vice versa.
但光是以光速 c 前進: 除非 事實上電磁波的能量與動量密度有一個關係: 光子質量為零,Massless 無質量的粒子必定以光速前進。
如果火箭快過光速,光將永遠趕不上火箭! (光速恆定),也就無法反射回來! 若有超過光速的物體,光速恆定就錯了!
因事件B的時間變號,事件A在後,事件B在前,小鬼以兩倍光速在事件B及事件A間傳遞訊息! 為何物體不能快過光速? 從一個以4/5 c 速度移動的座標系來觀察: t t’ B 1 A 2c x x’ 2c A 1 B 因事件B的時間變號,事件A在後,事件B在前,小鬼以兩倍光速在事件B及事件A間傳遞訊息! 以兩倍光速在事件A及事件B間傳遞訊息! 事件B是因,事件A是果。 事件A是因,事件B是果。 因果顛倒! 如果可以以超光速交換信息,因果率會被破壞!
CNGS CERN Neutrinos to Gran Sasso
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) CERN The LHC 27 km in circumference 8.6 km across Lake Geneva Jura mountains Geneva airport CERN main site France Switzerland
The LHC tunnel – with bending magnets as far as the eye can see
ATLAS Event Display: A Jet Event at 2.36 TeV
Screen capture of a proton-proton collision events in the CMS detector at a centre of mass energy of 2.36 TeV under "quiet beam" condition. 16 December 2009.
Gran Sasso
Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS)
Oscillation Project with Emulsion-tRacking Apparatus (OPERA)
CERN Neutrinos to Gran Sasso (CNGS),
? 神秘的微中子 Neutrino ν
COSMIC GALL- John Updike Neutrinos, they are very small. They have no charge and have no mass And do not interact at all. The earth is just a silly ball To them, through which they simply pass, Like dustmaids through a drafty hall Or photons through a sheet of glass. They snub the most exquisite gas, Ignore the most substantial wall, Cold-shoulder steel and sounding brass, Insult the stallion in his stall, And scorning barriers of class, Infiltrate you and me! Like tall And painless guillotines, they fall Down through our heads into the grass. At night, they enter at Nepal And pierce the lover and his lass From underneath the bed - you call It wonderful; I call it crass.
太陽是一個大微中子工廠 在地表一平方公分的面積上,每秒有上百萬個微中子通過。
Neutrino oscillations
太陽製造出的 e 微中子變臉為 μ 微中子。 地面測得的 e 微中子與 μ 微中子數量比與理論計算不符,但總數是符合的。 微中子在行進中會變臉!
2010年Opera 看到了第一顆在地表變臉的微中子,在CERN製造出的 μ 微中子變臉為 τ 微中子。
where erf is the error function where erf is the error function. To 12 decimal places, the values for the 1-, 2-, up to 6-sigma points are:16 Dark blue is less than one standard deviation from the mean. For the normal distribution, this accounts for about 68% of the set, while two standard deviations from the mean (medium and dark blue) account for about 95%, and three standard deviations (light, medium, and dark blue) account for about 99.7%.
n個 σ Confidence Level i.e. 1 minus ... or 1 in ... 1 0.682689492137 0.317310507863 3.15148718753 2 0.954499736104 0.045500263896 21.9778945080 3 0.997300203937 0.002699796063 370.398347345 4 0.999936657516 0.000063342484 15,787.1927673 5 0.999999426697 0.000000573303 1,744,277.89362 6 0.999999998027 0.000000001973 506,797,345.897
十天之後….. 平均一天有十篇論文……
狹義相對論是對的,但角色有點混淆: 只有微中子是以狹義相對論的光速移動 光與其他物質因為黑暗物質的牽引所以移動較慢
實驗結果漏掉一些誤差沒有考慮進去! 鐘可能因為地球引力影響而有不同走速!
實驗結果根本不可能看到許多微中子: 結果根本是錯的!
What now?
Opera 會繼續收集數據! 其他實驗也會開始嘗試複製它們的結果! MINOS - Main Injector Neutrino Oscillation Search