超人特攻隊總是打擊不安分守己的人 The incredibles always cleanup bad guys who don’t behave properly.(p.38)
媽媽(Helen)因為懷疑爸爸(Bob)有外遇 一直很心煩意亂 Helen was on tenterhooks because she suspected Bob is a two-timer.(p.45)
但是媽媽(Helen)知道爸爸(Bob)有危險 就赴湯蹈火的去救他 When Helen knew Bob was in danger, she went through fire and flood to save him.(p.64)
事實上爸爸(Bob)是被壞人監禁了 Actually, Bob was in irons by Syndrome.(p.74)
這個大惡人(Syndrome)把整個城市 搞的雞犬不寧 The evil guy threw the whole city into great disorder. (p.80)
超人特攻隊和辛拉登(Syndrome)都是棋逢對手(p.80) The incredibles and Syndrome were well-matched.
超人特攻隊竭盡全力去對抗辛拉登 The incredibles bust their butts to against Syndrome.
最後辛拉登中終於自食惡果了 Finally, Syndrome was fried in his own grease.(p.156)
他們為人民立了汗馬功勞 人民永遠也不會忘記他們 All of them have performed outstanding military exploits for the people and will never be forgotten by the people.(p.80)
超人特攻隊真是部充滿歡樂氣氛的好電影 The incredibles is really a good movie which was filled with gayety.(p.70)