Salem, Good Morning 大家早上平安


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Presentation transcript:

Salem, Good Morning 大家早上平安

THIS WEEK’S READING 这一周读经 October 28th, 2012 THIS WEEK’S READING 这一周读经 Righteousness of Go Righteousness of d 神的义

THIS WEEK’S READING 这一周读经 What Does God Want From Us? October 28th, 2012 THIS WEEK’S READING 这一周读经 What Does God Want From Us? 神要在我们里面得什么呢? Righteousness of Go Righteousness of d 神的义

What Does God Want From Us? Word of Promise应许的话 What Does God Want From Us? 神要在我们里面 得什么呢? Jeremiah 32 : 17 "Ah, Sovereign LORD, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you. 耶利米书 32: 17 主耶和华阿, 你曾用大能和 伸出来的膀臂 创造天地,在 你没有难成的 事。

What Does God Want From Us? Word of Promise应许的话 What Does God Want From Us? 神要在我们里面 得什么呢? Psalms 14 : 1 The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good. 诗篇 14 : 1 愚顽人心里说, 没有 神。他 们都是邪恶, 行了可憎恶的 事。没有一个 人行善。

What Does God Want From Us? Word of Promise应许的话 What Does God Want From Us? 神要在我们里面 得什么呢? Romans 8 : 28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. 罗马书 8 : 28 我们晓得万事 都互相效力, 叫爱 神的人 得益处,就是 按他旨意被召 的人。

October 28th, 2012 AMEN 啊们