我進入祢的至聖所 靠羔羊的寶血得進入 祢名是聖潔 I enter the Holy of Holies, 27.003 (For Your name Is Holy) 祢名是聖潔 我進入祢的至聖所 I enter the Holy of Holies, 靠羔羊的寶血得進入 I enter through the blood of the Lamb
I enter to worship You only 我來單單要敬拜祢 I enter to worship You only 我來尊崇祢至高神 I enter to honor I AM
Lord, I worship You, I worship You (x2)
For Your name is Holy, Holy, Lord (x2)
For Your name is Holy, Holy, Lord 因祢名是聖潔 聖潔 主 For Your name is Holy, Holy, Lord
for the Lord God Almighty reigns 27.023 (Agnus Dei) 哈利路亞 哈利路亞 哈利路亞 Alleluia Alleluia 全能主神已掌王權 for the Lord God Almighty reigns
are You Lord God Almighty 哈利路亞 聖潔 聖潔 Alleluia Holy Holy 祢是聖潔 全能主宰 are You Lord God Almighty
尊貴神羔羊(x2) Worthy is the Lamb(x2)
are You Lord God Almighty 主 祢是聖潔 聖潔 Lord, You are Holy Holy 祢是聖潔 全能主宰 are You Lord God Almighty
尊貴神羔羊(x2) Worthy is the Lamb(x2)
are You Lord God Almighty 祢是聖潔 聖潔 You are Holy Holy 祢是聖潔 全能主宰 are You Lord God Almighty
尊貴神羔羊(x2) Worthy is the Lamb(x2) 阿們 A men
哈利路亞 哈利路亞 Alleluia Alleluia
我等候祢 我等候祢 我等候祢 走進這裡 Shekinah 榮耀 We wait for You, We wait for You 33.071 (Shekinah Glory) Shekinah 榮耀 我等候祢 我等候祢 We wait for You, We wait for You 我等候祢 走進這裡 We wait for You, Walk in the room
在這裡等候祢的同在(x2) Shekinah 榮耀降下(x2) Here we are standing in Your presence (x2) Shekinah 榮耀降下(x2) Shekinah, glory come down (x2)
全然釋放 祢寶貴聖靈 Shekinah 降下來(x2) 全然釋放 祢寶貴聖靈 Release fullness of Your Spirit Shekinah 降下來(x2) Shekinah, glory come (x2)
Shekinah, glory come (x2) Shekinah 降下來(x2) Shekinah, glory come (x2)
You move 我們要更多 You speak 我們要更多 You move, We want more You speak 我們要更多 You speak, We want more
You move 我們要更多 You move, We want more 完全得著祢 We want the fullness
渴慕祢 (X6) We want more (x6) 渴慕祢聖靈 More of Your Spirit
The Lord has given us freedom Given us freedom Given us joy
He has risen from the dead, and He is Lord G-002 (He is Lord) 祂是主 祂是主 祂是主 He is Lord, He is Lord 祂是從死裡復活的榮耀主 He has risen from the dead, and He is Lord
萬膝要跪拜 萬口要頌揚 耶穌基督是主 Every knee shall bow, Every tongue confess That Jesus Christ is Lord
萬膝要跪拜 萬口要頌揚 耶穌基督是主 Every knee shall bow, Every tongue confess That Jesus Christ is Lord
That Jesus Christ is Lord 耶穌基督是主 That Jesus Christ is Lord
祢是主 祢是主 祢是從死裡復活的榮耀主 You are Lord, You are Lord You have risen from the dead, and You are Lord
萬膝要跪拜 萬口要頌揚 耶穌基督是主 Every knee shall bow, Every tongue confess That Jesus Christ is Lord
萬膝要跪拜 萬口要頌揚 耶穌基督是主 Every knee shall bow, Every tongue confess That Jesus Christ is Lord
That Jesus Christ is Lord 耶穌基督是主 That Jesus Christ is Lord
榮耀 榮耀 榮耀神羔羊 榮耀 榮耀 榮耀神羔羊 榮耀神羔羊 Glory glory, glory to the Lamb D-002 (Glory To The Lamb) 榮耀神羔羊 榮耀 榮耀 榮耀神羔羊 Glory glory, glory to the Lamb 榮耀 榮耀 榮耀神羔羊 Glory glory, glory to the Lamb
And worthy to be praised 唯有祂是榮耀 For He is glorious 尊貴配得讚美 And worthy to be praised
The Lamb upon the throne 在寶座上的真神羔羊 The Lamb upon the throne
來敬拜祂高聲齊來頌揚 在寶座上的羔羊 And unto Him, we lift our voice in praise The Lamb upon the throne
The Lamb upon the throne 在寶座上的羔羊 The Lamb upon the throne
we praise You, we adore You C-002 (Glorify Thy Name) 榮耀祢聖名 父神 我愛祢 Father, we love You 我們敬拜讚美祢 we praise You, we adore You
glorify Thy name in all the earth 在全地上 榮耀祢聖名 glorify Thy name in all the earth
榮耀祢聖名榮耀祢聖名 在全地上 榮耀祢聖名 Glorify Thy name, Glorify Thy name glorify Thy name in all the earth
we praise You, we adore You 耶穌 我愛祢 Jesus, we love You 我們敬拜讚美祢 we praise You, we adore You
glorify Thy name in all the earth 在全地上 榮耀祢聖名 glorify Thy name in all the earth
we praise You, we adore You 聖靈我愛祢 Spirit, we love You 我們敬拜讚美祢 we praise You, we adore You
glorify Thy name in all the earth 在全地上 榮耀祢聖名 glorify Thy name in all the earth
主啊我神我每逢舉目觀看 祢手所造一切奇妙大工 Bb-020 (How Great Thou Art) 祢真偉大 主啊我神我每逢舉目觀看 O Lord my God, When I in awesome wonder 祢手所造一切奇妙大工 Consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made
看見星宿 又聽到隆隆雷聲 祢的大能遍滿了宇宙中 I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder 祢的大能遍滿了宇宙中 Thy power throughout the universe displayed
當我想到 神竟願差祂兒子 降世捨命 我幾乎不領會 當我想到 神竟願差祂兒子 And when I think, that God, His Son not sparing 降世捨命 我幾乎不領會 Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in
主在十架 甘願背我的重擔 流血捨身 為要赦免我罪 That on the Cross, my burden gladly bearing 流血捨身 為要赦免我罪 He bled and died to take away my sin.
我靈歌唱讚美救主我神 祢真偉大 何等偉大 Then sings my soul, My Savior God, to Thee How great Thou art, How great Thou art
我靈歌唱讚美救主我神 祢真偉大 何等偉大 Then sings my soul, My Savior God, to Thee How great Thou art, How great Thou art
How great Thou art, How great Thou art 祢真偉大 何等偉大 How great Thou art, How great Thou art
當主再來 歡呼聲響徹天空 何等喜樂 主接我回天家 When Christ shall come, with shout of acclamation 何等喜樂 主接我回天家 And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart.
我要跪下 謙恭的崇拜敬奉 並要頌揚: 神啊祢真偉大 Then I shall bow, in humble adoration 並要頌揚: 神啊祢真偉大 And then proclaim: "My God, how great Thou art!“
我靈歌唱讚美救主我神 祢真偉大 何等偉大 Then sings my soul, My Savior God, to Thee How great Thou art, How great Thou art
我靈歌唱讚美救主我神 祢真偉大 何等偉大 Then sings my soul, My Savior God, to Thee How great Thou art, How great Thou art
你願從你的罪擔釋放麼 在主寶血內大有權能 寶血大權能 Would you be free from your burden of sin Bb-008 (Power In the Blood) 寶血大權能 你願從你的罪擔釋放麼 Would you be free from your burden of sin 在主寶血內大有權能 There’s power in the blood, power in the blood
你願勝過一切惡性情麼 耶穌寶血大有權能 Would you over evil a victory win There’s wonderful power in the blood
There is pow’r, pow’r, Wonder working pow’r 大有權能 奇妙大權能 There is pow’r, pow’r, Wonder working pow’r 在羔羊寶血內 In the blood of the Lamb
大有權能 奇妙大權能 在聖潔羔羊寶血內 There is pow’r, pow’r, Wonder working pow’r In the precious blood of the Lamb
你願從驕傲私慾釋放麼 在主寶血內大有權能 Would you be free from your passion and pride There’s pow’r in the blood, pow’r in the blood
各各他血泉內潔淨罪過 耶穌寶血大有權能 Come for a cleansing to Calvary’s tide There’s wonderful power in the blood
你願被潔淨比雪還白麼 在主寶血內大有權能 Would you be whiter, much whiter than snow There’s pow’r in the blood, pow’r in the blood
這生命泉能洗淨你罪過 耶穌寶血大有權能 Sin stains are lost in its life giving flow There’s wonderful pow’r in the blood
你願為主你君王做工麼 在主寶血內大有權能 Would you do service for Jesus your King There’s wonderful pow’r in the blood
你願日日唱得勝凱歌麼 耶穌寶血大有權能 Would you live daily His praises to sing There’s wonderful power in the blood
Let my heart be changed, renewed Ab-005 (Power Of Your Love) 祢愛的大能 主我親近祢 Lord, I come to You 使我心變化更新 Let my heart be changed, renewed
我知在主裡 Flowing from the grace 祢恩典湧流 That I’ve found in You
And Lord, I’ve come to know 在祢慈愛裡 And Lord, I’ve come to know
我心中一切軟弱 The weakness I see in me 都將被挪去 Will be stripped away
By the power of Your love 因祢愛的大能 By the power of Your love
擁抱我 讓祢愛圍繞我 吸引我 靠近祢身旁 Hold me close, Let Your love surround me Bring me near, draw me to Your side
I’ll rise up like the eagle 我等候 And as I wait 將如鷹展翅上騰 I’ll rise up like the eagle
我要與祢飛翔 And I will soar with You 祢聖靈引領我 Your Spirit leads me on
In the power of Your love 在祢愛的大能 In the power of Your love
我要與祢飛翔 And I will soar with You 祢聖靈引領我 Your Spirit leads me on
In the power of Your love 在祢愛的大能 In the power of Your love
Let me see You, face to face 主開啟我眼 Lord, unveil my eyes 使我與祢面對面 Let me see You, face to face
The knowledge of Your love 明白祢的愛 The knowledge of Your love 祢在我裡面 As You live in me
更新我心意 And Lord, renew my mind
As Your will unfolds in my life 向我顯明祢旨意 As Your will unfolds in my life 在每日生命中 In living every day
By the power of Your love 因祢愛的大能 By the power of Your love
救贖的恩典屬於神 祂今在寶座上 救贖恩典屬於神 Salvation belongs to our God A-016 (Salvation Belongs To Our God) 救贖恩典屬於神 救贖的恩典屬於神 Salvation belongs to our God 祂今在寶座上 Who sits upon the throne
頌讚和榮耀 尊貴感謝 智慧 能力 權柄 都歸神羔羊 And unto the Lamb: Praise and glory, wisdom and thanks 智慧 能力 權柄 都歸神羔羊 Honor and power and strength
Be to our God, forever and ever(x3) 阿們 Amen
從永遠到永遠 forever and ever 阿們 Amen
And we, the redeemed, shall be strong, 我們蒙救贖合為一 And we, the redeemed, shall be strong, 當剛強同站立 In purpose and unity
來高聲宣揚 尊貴 感謝 智慧 能力 權柄都歸神羔羊 Declaring aloud: Praise and glory, wisdom and thanks 智慧 能力 權柄都歸神羔羊 Honor and power and strength
Be to our God, forever and ever(x3) 阿們 Amen
我要歌頌祢聖名 哦主 歌頌祢聖名 哦主 我要歌頌祢聖名 I sing praise to Your name, o Lord A-011 (I Sing Praise) 我要歌頌祢聖名 我要歌頌祢聖名 哦主 I sing praise to Your name, o Lord 歌頌祢聖名 哦主 Praise to Your name, o Lord
for Your name is great and greatly to be praised 因為祢聖名至高配得讚美 for Your name is great and greatly to be praised
我要榮耀祢聖名 哦主 榮耀祢聖名 哦主 I give glory to Your name, o Lord
for Your name is great and greatly to be praised 因為祢聖名至高配得讚美 for Your name is great and greatly to be praised
這是以利亞的日子 齊宣揚我主的話語 以利亞的日子 These are the days of Elijah A-012 (Days of Elijah) 以利亞的日子 這是以利亞的日子 These are the days of Elijah 齊宣揚我主的話語 Declaring the word of the Lord
哦 這是祢僕人的日子 摩西 公義今正被顯明 And these are the days of Your servant, Moses Righteousness being restored
哦 雖然這苦難的日子 充滿飢荒黑暗刀劍 And though these are days of great trial Of famine and darkness and sword
而我們仍要在這曠野呼喊 預備耶和華的道路 Still, we are the voice in the desert crying 'Prepare ye the way of the Lord!‘
看祂降臨 駕著天上雲 閃耀如烈日 號筒聲吹響 Behold He comes riding on the clouds Shining like the sun at the trumpet call
揚起你聲 這是恩典的禧年 救贖恩典從錫安山而來 Lift your voice, it‘s the year of Jubilee 救贖恩典從錫安山而來 And out of Zion's hill salvation comes
這是以西結的日子 枯乾的骸骨正復活 These are the days of Ezekiel The dry bones becoming as flesh
哦 這是祢僕人的日子 大衛 重新建造讚美殿 And these are the days of Your servant, David Rebuilding a temple of praise
哦 這是大收割的日子 看哪 莊稼都已發白 These are the days of the harvest The fields are as white in Your world
哦 我們是祢葡萄園的工人 齊宣揚我主的話語 And we are the laborers in Your vineyard Declaring the word of the Lord!
看祂降臨 駕著天上雲 閃耀如烈日 號筒聲吹響 Behold He comes riding on the clouds 看祂降臨 駕著天上雲 Behold He comes riding on the clouds 閃耀如烈日 號筒聲吹響 Shining like the sun at the trumpet call
揚起你聲 這是恩典的禧年 救贖恩典從錫安山而來 Lift your voice, it‘s the year of Jubilee 救贖恩典從錫安山而來 And out of Zion's hill salvation comes
There‘s no God like Jehovah 沒有別神像耶和華 There‘s no God like Jehovah
who was and who is and who is to come 昔在 今在 以後永在 who was and who is and who is to come
Who was and who is and who is to come
to come to come to come to come to come to come
看祂降臨 駕著天上雲 閃耀如烈日 號筒聲吹響 Behold He comes riding on the clouds 看祂降臨 駕著天上雲 Behold He comes riding on the clouds 閃耀如烈日 號筒聲吹響 Shining like the sun at the trumpet call
揚起你聲 這是恩典的禧年 救贖恩典從錫安山而來 Lift your voice, it‘s the year of Jubilee 救贖恩典從錫安山而來 And out of Zion's hill salvation comes
白天和黑夜主我呼求祢 我們抓住祢應許要醫治這地 33.007 (Transform Our Nation) 轉化我們的國家 白天和黑夜主我呼求祢 We will pray to You O Lord day and night 我們抓住祢應許要醫治這地 We’re mind You of Your promise to heal our land
我們屈膝尋求祢面 轉離我們的惡行 As we bow down and seek Your face and turn from our wicked ways
You’ll hear from heaven and answer our prayer 祢就垂聽回應我們禱告 You’ll hear from heaven and answer our prayer
轉化我國家 醫治這地 彰顯祢榮耀 當我高舉祢名 Transform our nation and heal our land 彰顯祢榮耀 當我高舉祢名 Show Your glory Lord as we lift up Your Name
轉化我國家 醫治這地 再一次降下祢復興在這地 Transform our nation and heal our land 再一次降下祢復興在這地 Send revival to our nation once again
Open the flood gates of heaven 30.039 (Let it Rain) 降恩雨 降恩雨 降恩雨 Let it rain, let it rain 只有1頁PPT 為我們敞開天上門 Open the flood gates of heaven
凡有氣息都信靠祢 願全地都尊祢的名為聖 凡有氣息 May all who live believe in You and sanctify Thy name in true
凡有氣息都信靠祢 願全地都尊祢的名為聖 May all who live believe in You and sanctify Thy name in true
因祢是我的救恩 Ye-shu-a 我的救贖主 Jesus You're the one Ye-shu-a 我的救贖主 Jesus ,You're the one
因祢是我的救恩 Ye-shu-a 耶穌我救主 Jesus You're the one Ye-shu-a 耶穌我救主 Jesus ,You're the one
You are Lord , yes You are Lord Ye-shu-a Ha Ma-shi-ah Ye-shu-a Ha Ma-shi-ah 祢是主阿 祢是主 You are Lord , yes You are Lord
You are Lord , yes You are Lord Ye-shu-a Ha Ma-shi-ah Ye-shu-a Ha Ma-shi-ah 祢是主 祢是我主 You are Lord , yes You are Lord
Jehovah is Your Name(x4) 耶和華是祢名 耶和華是祢名(x4) Jehovah is Your Name(x4)
Mighty warrior great and awesome 大能戰士 大而可畏 Mighty warrior great and awesome 耶和華是祢名 Jehovah is Your Name
耶和華以勒 Jehovah-Yireh 耶和華必預備 Jehovah will provide
耶和華何西努 Jehovah-osenu 耶和華是我的創造主 Jehovah is my Maker
耶和華羅伊 Jehovah-Raah 耶和華是我的牧者 Jehovah is my shepherd
耶和華沙龍 Jehovah-Shalom 耶和華是我的平安 Jehovah is my peace
耶和華拉法 Jehovah-Rapha 耶和華是我的醫治者 Jehovah is my healer
Jehovah is my rightness 耶和華齊根努 Jehovah-Tsidkenu 耶和華是我的公義 Jehovah is my rightness
耶和華尼西 Jehovah-Nissi 耶和華是我的旌旗 Jehovah is my banner
主我獻上敬拜的歌 因祢榮耀和恩典 讚美的祭 Lord I lift up a song of worship 30.014 (Sacrifice of Praise) 讚美的祭 主我獻上敬拜的歌 Lord I lift up a song of worship 因祢榮耀和恩典 For Your glory and Your grace
獻上我心給祢 Let my heart reveal 無一言語能夠表達 all my words fail to say
Now receive this sacrifice of praise 主悅納我所獻上的讚美 Now receive this sacrifice of praise
在高山上 或低谷裡 在隱密處 我等候祢 On the mountain in the valley as I wait in my secret place
我信靠 信靠我主的聖名 求悅納我所獻上的讚美 I will trust, trust in the Name of the Lord 求悅納我所獻上的讚美 Now receive this sacrifice of praise
Now receive this sacrifice of praise 求悅納我所獻上的讚美 Now receive this sacrifice of praise
我盾牌 我避難所 領我走 經過風浪 You’re my shield You’re my shelter from the storm and from the rains
遮蔽我 在祢翅膀的蔭下 求悅納我 所獻上的讚美 Cover me beneath the shadow of Your wings 求悅納我 所獻上的讚美 Now receive this sacrifice of praise
哈利路亞 哈利路亞 Hallelujah Hallelujah 哈利路亞 歸於祢 Hallelujah to Your Name
You are and evermore will be 因祢作為 For all You’ve done 祢是從今直到永遠 You are and evermore will be
Now receive this sacrifice of praise (x2)
讚美 讚美 of praise, of praise
In the land that is plentiful 30.015 (Blessed Be the Name of the Lord) 頌讚祢聖名 頌讚祢聖名 Blessed be Your Name 在那豐富美好之地 In the land that is plentiful
Where Your streams of abundance flow 生命泉源湧流不息 Where Your streams of abundance flow 頌讚祢聖名 Blessed be Your Name
When I’m found in the desert place 頌讚祢聖名 Blessed be Your Name 當我在乾旱沙漠地 When I’m found in the desert place
Though I walk through the wilderness 縱然走在這曠野裡 Though I walk through the wilderness 頌讚祢聖名 Blessed be Your Name
祢所傾倒的每個祝福 Every blessing You pour out 化作讚美 I’ll turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord 縱然黑暗四面環繞 When the darkness closes in, Lord 我仍要說 Still I will say
Blessed be the name of the Lord 頌讚歸於主的聖名 Blessed be the name of the Lord 頌讚祢聖名 Blessed be Your Name
頌讚歸於主的聖名 頌讚主祢榮耀聖名 Blessed be the name of the Lord Blessed be Your glorious name
When the sun’s shining down on me 頌讚祢聖名 Blessed be Your Name 當陽光照耀在我心 When the sun’s shining down on me
When the world’s all as it should be 當世界都美好順利 When the world’s all as it should be 頌讚祢聖名 Blessed be Your Name
on the road marked with suffering 頌讚祢聖名 Blessed be Your Name 在那艱困的路途中 on the road marked with suffering
though there’s pain in the offering 縱有困苦 我仍獻上 though there’s pain in the offering 頌讚祢聖名 Blessed be Your Name
祢所傾倒的每個祝福 Every blessing You pour out 化作讚美 I’ll turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord 縱然黑暗四面環繞 When the darkness closes in, Lord 我仍要說 Still I will say
Blessed be the name of the Lord 頌讚歸於主的聖名 Blessed be the name of the Lord 頌讚祢聖名 Blessed be Your Name
頌讚歸於主的聖名 頌讚主祢榮耀聖名 Blessed be the name of the Lord Blessed be Your glorious name
Blessed be Your glorious name 頌讚主祢榮耀聖名 Blessed be Your glorious name
賞賜是在於祢 You give and take away 收取也在於祢 You give and take away
我心仍堅定說 My heart will choose to say 主 頌讚祢聖名 Lord, Blessed be Your Name
祢是Alpha 和Omega 我敬拜祢 我主 祢是阿拉法.俄梅嘎 You are Alpha and Omega We worship You, our Lord
You are worthy to be praised 祢真配得大讚美 You are worthy to be praised
祢是Alpha 和Omega 我敬拜祢 我主 You are Alpha and Omega We worship You, our Lord
You are worthy to be praised 祢真配得大讚美 You are worthy to be praised
We give You all the glory 我獻上所有尊榮 We give You all the glory 我敬拜祢 我主 we worship You, our Lord
You are worthy to be praised 祢真配得大讚美 You are worthy to be praised
You are worthy to be praised 祢真配得大讚美 You are worthy to be praised
我心何等渴望來尊崇祢 主 我用全心來敬拜祢 我獻上我心 This is my desire to honor You 24.100 (I Give You My Heart) 我獻上我心 我心何等渴望來尊崇祢 This is my desire to honor You 主 我用全心來敬拜祢 Lord, with all my heart I worship You
凡在我裡面的都讚美祢 我一切所愛 在於祢 All have within me I give You praise All that I adore is in You
主 我獻上我心 Lord, I give You my heart 我獻上我的靈 I give You my soul
我活著為了祢 I live for You alone
Every breath that I take 我的每個氣息 Every breath that I take 生命中的每個時刻 Every moment I’m awake
主 成全祢旨意 Lord have Your way in me
Give You my heart Give You my soul 獻上我心 獻上我靈 Give You my heart Give You my soul
我交托我的憂愁 我交托我羞辱 交託我憂愁 I‘m trading my sorrows I’m trading my shame
完全交托 I‘m laying them down 祢喜樂充滿我 For the joy of the Lord
I‘m trading my sickness 我交托我的疾病 I‘m trading my sickness 我交托我痛苦 I'm trading my pain
完全交托 I‘m laying them down 祢喜樂充滿我 For the joy of the Lord
Yes Lord Yes Lord Yes Yes Yes Lord Yes Lord Yes Lord Yes Yes Lord Yes Lord Yes Lord Yes Yes Lord A men Yes Lord Yes Lord Yes Yes Lord A men
雖受敵 不被困住 遭逼迫 卻不被丟棄 I‘m pressed but not crushed Persecuted not abandoned
Struck down but not destroyed 打倒不致死亡 Struck down but not destroyed
在咒詛的背後 有祂應許的祝福 I am blessed beyond the curse for his promise will endure
That His joy will be my strength 祂喜樂是我力量 That His joy will be my strength
雖然一宿有痛苦哭泣 早晨必歡呼喜樂 Though my sorrows may last for the night His joy comes with the morning
Yes Lord Yes Lord Yes Yes Lord Yes Lord Yes Lord Yes Yes Lord A men
耶穌 祢能使瞎眼看見 耶穌 祢能醫治傷心人 唯有耶穌 Jesus, You can make the blind man see Jesus, You can heal broken hearts
耶穌 祢有權柄釋放 叫不可能變為可能 Jesus, You can set captives free You make all things possible
唯有耶穌 掌管天地萬有 唯有耶穌 能使水變成酒 You reign on high in heaven and on earth 唯有耶穌 能使水變成酒 You turn water into wine
You are the One who calms the raging seas 叫狂風巨浪平息 You are the One who calms the raging seas 大能赦罪行神蹟 You do miracles in life
Jesus, no one compares to You 耶穌 無人與祢相比 Jesus, no one compares to You
Jesus, no one compares to You 耶穌 無人與祢相比 Jesus, no one compares to You
Jesus who reigns upon the earth 唯有耶穌 掌管天地 Jesus who reigns upon the earth 無人與祢相比 no one compares to You
主我們同心在祢面前 以禱告尋求祢面 我們呼求 We come together in unity 18.119 (We cry out) 我們呼求 主我們同心在祢面前 We come together in unity 以禱告尋求祢面 to seek Your face as we pray
我們轉離所有的惡行 定意單單跟隨祢 We turn away from our sinful ways We’re called to walk in Your ways
主我們是屬祢的子民 求賜下父神的心 We are the people called by Your name Give us Your heart as we pray
我們要回轉向祢父 神 也要看見復興 Send us revival, forgive our sins Lord, let Your kingdom come
Restore Your throne upon this land 我們呼求祢阿爸父 Oh Abba we cry out to You 設立祢寶座在這地 Restore Your throne upon this land
Open Your eyes, and hear our cries 祢必睜眼看 側耳垂聽 Open Your eyes, and hear our cries 奉主名的呼求 Forgive us Lord, we pray
萬民都要來敬拜祢 榮耀高舉祢的聖名 All nations bow before Your throne to lift Your name above all names
Come and reign, Almighty King 復興這地 全能的君王 Come and reign, Almighty King 我們歡迎祢 Meet us in this place
Come and reign, Almighty King 復興這地 全能的君王 Come and reign, Almighty King 我們歡迎祢 Meet us in this place
主我們同心在祢面前 以禱告尋求祢面 We come together in unity to seek Your face as we pray
我們轉離所有的惡行 定意單單跟隨祢 We turn away from our sinful ways We’re called to walk in Your ways
主我們國家是屬於祢 求祢來掌管全地 Father this nation belongs to You Pour out Your Spirit, we pray
願祢來憐憫醫治這地 榮耀再次降臨 Send us Your mercy and heal our land Lord let Your glory fall
尊貴榮耀君王 在全地之上 我神真偉大 The splendor of a king clothed in majesty 13.034 (How Great Is Our God) 我神真偉大 尊貴榮耀君王 The splendor of a king 在全地之上 clothed in majesty
願萬民都喜樂 Let all people rejoice 全地都喜樂 all the earth rejoice
主祢滿有榮光 He wraps Himself in Light 黑暗都躲藏 and darkness tries to hide
and trembles at His voice 萬民高聲唱 and trembles at His voice 齊來高聲唱 trembles at His voice
sing with me How great is our God 我神 真偉大 How great is our God 歌頌祢聖名 真偉大 sing with me How great is our God
and all will see how great 全地都看見 and all will see how great 我神真偉大 How great is our God
and all will see how great 全地都看見 and all will see how great 我神真偉大 How great is our God
祢至聖尊名 Name above all names 配受大讚美 Worthy of all praise
全心歌頌 My heart will sing 我神 真偉大 How great is our God
昔在永在君王 Age to age He stands 從今直到永遠 and time is in His hand
祢從不曾改變 Beginning and the end 永存在天地間 Beginning and the end
The God- head Three in One 祢是三一真神 The God- head Three in One 父子與聖靈 Father Spirit Son
真神的羔羊 The Lion and the Lamb 全能神羔羊 The Lion and the Lamb
主耶穌的寶血(x3) 洗我潔白如雪 主耶穌的寶血 O, the blood of Jesus (x3) It washes white as snow
哈利路亞 哈利路亞 Hallelujah Hallelujah 哈利路亞歸十架 Hallelujah for the cross
哈利路亞 哈利路亞 Hallelujah Hallelujah 十字寶架永得勝 It shall never suffer loss
All to Jesus, I surrender 所有全奉獻 我將所有獻與耶穌 All to Jesus, I surrender 甘心樂意奉主用 All to Him I freely give
我要永遠愛主靠主 日日常與主同行 I will ever love and trust Him In His presence daily live
I surrender all, I surrender all 所有全奉獻 所有全奉獻 I surrender all, I surrender all
All to Thee, my blessed Savior 所有一切獻與恩主 All to Thee, my blessed Savior 所有全奉獻 I surrender all
All to Jesus I surrender 我將所有獻與耶穌 All to Jesus I surrender 完全鄙棄罪中樂 Humbly at His feet I bow
在主座前恭虔俯伏 求主即時收納我 Worldly pleasures all forsaken Take me, Jesus, take me now
我將所有獻與耶穌 求主使我全歸屬 All to Jesus I surrender Make me, Savior, wholly Thine
求主聖靈教我深悟 主永屬我 我屬主 Let me feel the Holy Spirit Truly know that Thou art mine.
我將所有獻與耶穌 All to Jesus I surrender 獻我身體當活祭 Lord, I give myself to Thee;
愛心能力求賜充足 願主洪福從天降 Fill me with Thy love and power Let Thy blessing fall on me
我將所有獻與耶穌 All to Jesus I surrender 果然聖靈火在心 Now I feel the sacred flame
Oh, the joy of full salvation 救恩完美喜樂豐足 Oh, the joy of full salvation 榮耀全歸主聖名 Glory, glory, to His Name
Pass me not, O gentle Savior 莫把我棄掉 懇求救主格外垂憐 Pass me not, O gentle Savior 請聽我禱告 Hear my humble cry
While on others Thou art calling 既有別人蒙主恩召 While on others Thou art calling 莫把我棄掉 Do not pass me by
救主 救主 Savior, Savior 請聽我禱告 Hear my humble cry
While on others Thou art calling 既有別人蒙主恩召 While on others Thou art calling 莫把我棄掉 Do not pass me by
耶穌 耶穌 Jesus, Jesus 請聽我禱告 Hear my humble cry
While on others Thou art calling 既有別人蒙主恩召 While on others Thou art calling 莫把我棄掉 Do not pass me by
Let me at Thy throne of mercy 讓我進到恩主座前 Let me at Thy throne of mercy 永遠不相離 Find a sweet relief
Kneeling there in deep contrition 一心仰望懇求憐憫 Kneeling there in deep contrition 篤信而不疑 Help my unbelief
Trusting only in Thy merit 只有依靠救贖功勞 Trusting only in Thy merit 才敢尋主面 Would I seek Thy face
Heal my wounded, broken spirit 心靈悲傷 求主醫治 Heal my wounded, broken spirit 顯出大恩典 Save me by Thy grace
Thou the Spring of all my comfort 救主是我平安根源 Thou the Spring of all my comfort 比生命更寶 More than life to me
Whom have I on earth beside Thee? 天上地下除主以外 Whom have I on earth beside Thee? 無別名可靠 Whom in heaven but Thee?
Purify my heart, let me be as gold 煉淨我!哦主 煉淨我 哦主 煉淨我的心 Purify my heart, let me be as gold 如同寶貴金銀 and precious silver
let me be as gold pure gold 煉淨我 哦主 Purify my heart 煉淨我的心如精金 let me be as gold pure gold
焚燒的靈 Refiner’s fire 我心唯一懇求 my heart’s one desire
能成為聖潔 Is to be Holy 分別為聖歸於祢 主 set apart for You LORD
set apart for You my Master 我願成為聖潔 I choose to be Holy 分別為聖歸於祢 我的主 set apart for You my Master
ready to do Your will (x2)
ready to do Your will (x2)
祢是我的氣息(x2) 祢聖潔同在進住我心 祢是我氣息 This is the air I breathe (x2) Your Holy presence living in me
祢是我生命糧(x2) 祢真理話語賞賜给我 This is my daily bread(x2) Your very Word spoken to me
主 我不能沒有祢 主 我失去祢 我迷失 And I, I’m desperate for You And I, I’m lost without You
祢是我的氣息(x2) 祢聖潔同在進住我心 This is the air I breathe(x2) Your Holy presence living in me
祢是我生命糧(x2) 祢真理話語賞賜给我 This is my daily bread (x2) Your very Word spoken to me
主 我不能沒有祢 主 我失去祢 我迷失 And I, I’m desperate for You And I, I’m lost without You
失去祢 我迷失 I’m lost without You 不能沒有祢 I’m desperate for You
Hallelujah hallelujah 27.014 (Hallelujah To The Lamb) 哈利路亞歸羔羊 哈利路亞 哈利路亞 Hallelujah hallelujah 哈利路亞歸羔羊 hallelujah, to the Lamb!
哈利路亞 哈利路亞 靠主寶血 我們站立 Hallelujah hallelujah By the blood of Christ we stand.
萬口萬族 Every tongue, every tribe 萬民和萬邦 Every people, every land
獻上榮耀 獻上尊貴 獻上讚美 歸羔羊神羔羊 Giving glory, giving honor Giving praise unto the Lamb of God
Giving praise unto the Lamb of God 獻上讚美 歸羔羊神羔羊 Giving praise unto the Lamb of God
主我站立在萬民之中 來自各方各族的民 Lord, I stand in the midst of a multitude Of those from every tribe and tongue.
屬祢的子民藉寶血贖回 因祢愛脫離死亡 We are Your people redeemed by Your blood Rescued from death by Your love.
無一言語能表達我的感謝 無一言語能訴盡我讚美 There are no words good enough to thank You 無一言語能訴盡我讚美 There are no words to express my praise
但是我還要揚聲 盡全心全力來向祢歌唱 But I will lift up my voice And sing from my heart, with all of my strength.
Hallelujah hallelujah 哈利路亞 哈利路亞 Hallelujah hallelujah 哈利路亞歸羔羊 hallelujah, to the Lamb!
哈利路亞 哈利路亞 靠主寶血 我們站立 Hallelujah hallelujah By the blood of Christ we stand.
萬口萬族 Every tongue, every tribe 萬民和萬邦 Every people, every land
獻上榮耀 獻上尊貴 獻上讚美 歸羔羊神羔羊 Giving glory, giving honor Giving praise unto the Lamb of God
主我們靠祢恩典站立 靠羔羊寶血得潔淨 Lord we stand by grace in Your presence. Cleansed by the blood of the Lamb.
是祢的兒女領受呼召 謙卑跪下呼求 We are Your children, called by Your name. Humbly we bow and we pray
釋放祢能力 運行在我們中間 直到我們被改變像祢 Release Your power to work in us and through us 直到我們被改變像祢 Till we are changed to be more like You.
叫萬國得以看見 祢榮耀彰顯 來敬拜祢 Then all the nations will see Your glory revealed and worship You.
Hallelujah hallelujah 哈利路亞 哈利路亞 Hallelujah hallelujah 哈利路亞歸羔羊 hallelujah, to the Lamb!
哈利路亞 哈利路亞 靠主寶血 我們站立 Hallelujah hallelujah By the blood of Christ we stand.
萬口萬族 Every tongue, every tribe 萬民和萬邦 Every people, every land
獻上榮耀 獻上尊貴 獻上讚美 歸羔羊神羔羊 Giving glory, giving honor Giving praise unto the Lamb of God
every tongue confess that You are Lord of all 萬膝要跪拜 Every knee shall bow 萬口要承認祢是萬有之主 every tongue confess that You are Lord of all