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Presentation transcript:


1. Manage to do 2. Wave sb goodbye 3. It’s good manners to do.. 4. In the distance , at a distance 5. Be proud of take pride in with pride 6. Take …for example 7.be quite a distance from 8. Do research in / on 9. Follow the customs 10. Shake hands with shake one’s hand

1. It is a pleasure. It’s a pleasure to talk with you. ---Thank you for your help/ ---It’s a pleasure.

2. Manner I don’t like his manner. It’s bad manners to laugh at the old men and little children. Mind your manners at the party.

3. With + 宾语录+宾补 She lay on the ground with her eyes looking at the stars in the sky. She lay on the ground with her eyes fixed on the sky. With him leading the way, we found his house without difficulty.

A little boy ___ two of his front teeth ____ ran into the house. A.his,missed B. with, missed C.whose,missing D. with, missing D

短文改错的十个小题的设置 一般都是“一对, 六改, 三加减”。 做题时,首先要 通读全文,再动笔改。改错不要以“行”为单位,要以“句”为单位,有的句子占了两三行,改完后要全文校读一遍, 检查是否全文的语义,时态,人称,逻辑等一致。 改错的形式一定要符合要求。

Here is introduction to the Beet School of English. 1.___________ Comparing with the other schools, it is the best 2.___________ one that you can go. First, it is convenient for you 3.___________ to get there by train.Second,the school is small but 4.___________ the classes are very small,either.There are twenty four teaching hours a 5.___________ ^ an Compared ^to but-and either-too

week. Staying with an English family it will provide you 6._____________ with a chance to practice your speaking English and know 7.___________ more about the English family life. After class you can 8____________ enjoy sports and other activity with your schoolmates. The tuition is quite reasonable 9.___________ I’ll get in touch with them you are interested in it. 10.___________ 去掉 it spoken \/ activities /\ if