Longman Welcome to English


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Presentation transcript:

Longman Welcome to English Our polluted planet Chapter 3, Book 6A Longman Welcome to English

the moon the sun the stars the earth

is a stellar. are stellars, too. is a planet. is a satellite.

Planet: a very large round object in space that moves around the sun or another star, Earth is a planet. 行星, 如地球。 Earth planet. 地球

恒星:由炽热气体组成的,能自己发光的球状或类球状天体。 恒星都是气体星球。 恒星的亮度常用星等来表示,所有的星星都是恒星。 太阳是恒星,因为太阳能发光。 行星:通常指自身不发光,环绕着恒星运转的天体 。 1、必须是围绕恒星运转的天体; 2、质量必须足够大,来克服固体应力以达到流体静力平衡的形状(近于球体); 3、必须清除轨道附近区域,公转轨道范围内不能有比它更大的天体。 地球是行星,因为它围着地球转。 太阳系八大行星:水星,金星,地球,火星,木星,土星,天王星和海王星。 卫星:饶行星运转的单个天体。 月亮 反射太阳的光,月亮是地球的卫星。

水星 Mercury 金星 Venus 地球 Earth 火星 Mars 木星 Jupiter 土星 Saturn 天王星 Uranus 海王星 Neptune

What problems are there? People throw rubbish in the rivers and sea.

Factories produce too much waste water and oil. 废弃物,废水

Water pollution is a big problem. 水污染 大问题

People throw away too much rubbish. 扔掉,抛弃 垃圾,废物

Land pollution is a big problem. 土地污染 土壤污染

Factories produce too much smoke. 烟雾 产生

The traffic produces too many fumes. 交通车辆 (气体,烟雾) 的难闻味道

Fumes: These are the emissions(机器或者工厂的排放物) given out by engines, E. g Fumes: These are the emissions(机器或者工厂的排放物) given out by engines, E.g. in vehicles(车辆) and factories. They are always plural. They are different from smoke, which is produced by burning something, E.g. cigarettes(香烟), wood(木头), coal(煤).

Drivers keep the engine running when they are not driving.

Air pollution is a big problem. 空气污染

The traffic makes too much noise. 噪音

Roadworks make too much noise. 道路施工

Roadworks: This is a plural noun meaning building or repair work on a road. It is always plural as it covers a variety of activities including digging up(挖掘) the road, laying pipes(铺设管道), etc.

Noise pollution is a big problem. 噪音污染

Air pollution is a big problem. Yes. The traffic produces too many fumes. Water pollution is a big problem. Yes. Factories produce waste water and oil. 3.Land pollution is a big problem. Yes. Factories produce too much rubbish. Noise pollution is a big problem. Yes. Roadworks make too much noise.

Air pollution is very serious(严重的) in Hong Kong Air pollution is very serious(严重的) in Hong Kong. What problems does it cause? Steve Tam from Green Power is going to tell us about the problems.

Hello. I’m Steve Tam from Green Power Hello. I’m Steve Tam from Green Power. I’d like to tell you about air pollution. The air in Hong Kong is often dirty from smoke and other forms of pollution. We breathe (呼吸) in the dirty air and it makes us cough(咳嗽). Later we may get sick. It is very important that we clean up the air in Hong Kong. You can all do something about it. You can ask your parents to turn off(关掉) the engine(发动机) when they stop the car. You can take public transport. . It’s up to(取决于) all of us to make a difference and stop pollution!

What is Steve Tam talking about? Air pollution. 2.What makes the air dirty? Smoke and other forms of pollution. 3.What does dirty air do to our health(健康)? It makes us cough / get sick. 4.What can children do to make a difference to air pollution? Ask their parents to turn off their engines when they stop the car/ take public transport.

Who was the man Joe saw in his dream? Himself. 2.What was the park like in Joe’s dream? There was rubbish everywhere and the air was full of smoke. The trees were either dead or dying. 3.What was the beach like? There were plastic bags and empty cans everywhere. The water was dirty and full of oil.

4. What was in the centre of the city? A lot of traffic. 5. What did the man say we ought to do? We ought to take the public transport. We ought to look after the Earth.

1.How did Joe pollute the planet? He kept his car engine running when he stopped at the side of the road. He spat on the pavement. He always used lots of plastic bags when he went shopping. 2. How do you know the man in Joe’s dream was sick(生病)? He was thin and coughing.

3.What kinds of pollution did the man show Joe? Land pollution, water pollution and air pollution. 4. What did the man say people ought to do? People ought to take public transport. 5. What did Joe decide to do when he woke up? He decided to look after the Earth before it was too late.

Think: What do you think will happen if we keep on polluting the Earth? We’ll all die soon. 2.Will your grandchildren see trees? Flowers? Animals? Fish? No, they won’t.

If … We can use if-sentences to give warnings. 警告,劝告 If we keep on causing air pollution, we won’t have any fresh air to breathe.

If … If we keep on causing water pollution, land pollution, sea animals will die. plants and animals will die. Sea animals will die Plants and animals will die if we keep on causing water pollution. land pollution.

Put a comma(逗号) here if the sentence begins with if. If: We use if to join two parts of a sentence. We use if for things we are not sure will happen. After if, we can use the present tense to talk about the future. If之后,谈及未来时使用一般现在时态。 Future tense将来时 Present tense一般现在时 if We keep on causing land pollution. Plants and animals will die We keep on causing land pollution If Plants and animals will die. , Put a comma(逗号) here if the sentence begins with if.

If we keep on causing land pollution, plants and animals will die.

If we keep on causing noise pollution, we won’t have a quiet place to live in.

If we keep on causing water pollution, sea animals will die.

If we keep on causing air pollution, we won’t have fresh air to breathe.

How can you stop causing pollution in Hong Kong? Discuss with your friends.

1. problem 2. air 3. smoke 4. water 5. dirty 6. rubbish Answers on page 11~12 1. problem 2. air 3. smoke 4. water 5. dirty 6. rubbish 7. waste 8. Noise 9. traffic 10.roadworks 11. dangerous 12. late

You should give up smoking. Please turn down the TV. Don’t dump rubbish here. Rubbish attracts flies and cockroaches. Air pollution is a big problem. We have to do something to solve the problem. Everyone should help to protect the Earth.