Five parts of fish brain


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Presentation transcript:

Five parts of fish brain 程起超

CONTENTS 1 2 3 4 5 telencephalon diencephalon mesencephalon metencephalon 5 myelencephalon

1 PART telencephalon

The most anterior part is the telencephalon , or forebrain , which becomes the cerebrum of tetrapods. Its function in fishes is primarily associated with reception and passage of olfactory stimuli . The olfactory nerve ( cranial nerve 1 ) runs from the nostrils to the nerve olfactory lobe of the brain . The olfactory lobe is large in hagfishes and lampreys , huge in sharks such as the hammerheads( Sphyrnidae ) , and moderately large in teleosts such as catfishes that rely heavily on odors when foraging

2 PART diencephalon

The diencephalon , or ' tween brain’ , lies between the forebrain and the midbrain and is also known as the saccus dorsalis . It functions as a correlation center for incoming and outgoing messages regarding homeostasis and the endocrine system . The pineal body is a hollow , invaginated well-vascularized structure dorsal to the diencephalon and connected to it by a narrow hollow stalk . It frequently underlies a more or less unpigmented area of the cranial roof and is light-sensitive in some if not all fishes . Pineal functions are diverse , including light detection , circadian and seasonal clock dynamics , and color change . The pineal contains neurosensory cells that resemble cones in the retina , Photosensitivity of the pineal has been demonstrated by behavioral tests in Rainbow Trout . Light sensitivity of the pineal may allow it to play a navigation role in the cross-ocean migrations of large tunas such as the Atlantic Bluefin , Thumnus thynnus ( Rivas 1954 ; Holmgren 1958 Murphy 1971 ) . The pineal may regulate color change associated with background matching . It also produces an apocrine secretion containing glycogen . There is a possibility that the pineal may also play an endocrine role , in that it produces the hormone melatonin , implying a potentialpineal-pituitary relationship 63 ) .The peripheral The optic nerve ( cranial nerve The mesencephalon , or midbrain , is important in vision .

3 PART mesencephalon

A The mesencephalon , or midbrain , is important in vision. The optic nerve brings impulses from the eyes and enters the brain here . The midbrain is also a correlation center for messages coming from other sensory receptors . Fishes have two optic lobes , which are relatively large In sight-feeding species such as trouts and minnows. C

4 PART metencephalon

The metencephalon , or hindbrain , functions in maintaining muscular tone and equilibrium in swimming . The cerebellum , a large singie lobe , is the largest component of the fish brain . Cranial nerve IV ( trochlear ) runs from the metencephalon to the eye muscles . The metencephalon is small in lampreys ( Petromyzontidae ) and almost in hagfishes ( Myxinidae ) . In elephantfishes ( Mormyridae ) , the cerebellum is hypertrophied to form the valvula cerebelli, which extend over the dorsal surface of the telencephalon. This large cerebellum is related to reception of electrical impulses.

5 PART myelencephalon

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