An Introduction to IELTS
Outline: 1. Listening strategies (Form Filling Question) 2. Stimulated reflection 3. Feedback 4. Reading strategies (Fill in the Blanks) 5. Stimulated reflection 6. Feedback
Tips for IELTS listening - Form Filling Question 1.Prediction is an important skill in all areas of the IELTS listening test but crucially important in the form filling section. 2.Synonyms: It is normal for you to read one word but hear another word with the same meaning. eg, you may read ‘cost’ but hear ‘price’. 3. Word Limit:Be careful not to write too many words in this section. 4. Pay attention to numbers, dates, letters and adresses while listening.
3. Spelling and Grammar check. Common Problems candidates face in IELTS Listening- Form Filling Question These questions may seem relatively simple, but it would surprise you how many students throw away easy marks in this section 1. Being absent-minded. 2. You are given a number of different pieces of information when only one of them is correct. One common trick is for the person to give one piece of information and then correct it later in the recording. 3. Spelling and Grammar check.
Stimulated reflection 剑10 P80-81,83 (Form Filling Question) 1. What questions did you get wrong ? 2. What did you do to answer the questions at that time? 3. Did that work, why ? 4. Have you gained something to share with your partner?
Common Problems candidates face in IELTS Reading- Fill in the Blanks Section Not following the word limits: – Before you write your answer, know how many words it asks you to write. If it says “not more than 2 words”, you can write your answer in one or two words. If it asks you to write not more than 3 words, you can write in one, two or three words. Always follow the instructions carefully. Not following the same order: – The answers will appear in the same order as the questions. Some candidates make a mistake of not following the same order and end up answering questions incorrectly. Always remember the answer to the question 3 will come after question number 2. Incorrect Spelling: – If you type in an incorrect spelling, your answer will be marked as incorrect. For example- typing – deer instead of dear will be marked as incorrect. Not considering synonyms: – When answering the questions think about synonyms or paraphrases. Do not search the key words as it is in the content. Instead, always search their paraphrases and synonyms.
Tips for IELTS Reading-Fill in the Blanks 1. Read Instructions carefully: – Ensure you read the test instructions carefully on the test day. 2. Develop speed reading skills: – Developing speed reading skills always helps. 3. Underline:Only underline main ideas, key words or phrases, which you think can be used while answering the questions 4. Don’t stress too much about unknown vocabulary: Guess the meaning of unkown words using context clues. 5. Follow the order: Questions in the IELTS reading- Fill in the Blanks will come in order 6. Reject words:reject words, which you think do not fit grammatically or otherwise are not related to the text 7. Check spelling:You will not get any mark for the answer if it has been spelt incorrectly. 8. Leave no blank boxes: – Answer all the questions, even if you are not sure about it.
Stimulated reflection 剑10 P90,94 (Fill in the Blanks) 1. What questions did you get wrong ? 2. What did you do to answer the questions at that time? 3. Did that work, why ? 4. Have you gained something to share with your partner?
2.Speaking: Describe a trip. 3.剑11 p77, Writing Task 1 Homework: 1.Reflective Journal 2.Speaking: Describe a trip. 3.剑11 p77, Writing Task 1 .
反思日记包含内容: 1.第几次课?做的是哪一套题?题目是什么? 2.做错的是什么?当时你是怎么做的? 3.总结一下,我的收获是什么? 今天是雅思第6次课,我做的是剑桥第13页 题目是joining the leisure club 我一共错了2个。 第一个是第14个,我在做的时候我写的是personal trainer,正确的答案是safety rules。我当时有点慌,在听的时候 ,我只是听到了大概,没有理解,就写了上去。 而且,题目没有看仔细. 第二个是第19个,我写的是passes 但是其实是guests, 我当时来不及读题目,但是我觉得是要写一个名词,但是来不及听,我也听到了passes。 所以要更加注意一些。我看了后面的script,不错的,是应该写guests ,挺简单的其实。不应该错的。 我的同桌和我说,他做的也不好,但是他说有技能蛮好用的。 那就是花时间多读下题目,认准了再去听,要好很多。