Supply Chain Management


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Presentation transcript:

Supply Chain Management 第 3 章 設計配送網路

學習目標 確定在設計配送網路時的關鍵因素 討論不同配送選擇的優缺點 瞭解配送商在供應鏈中所扮演的角色

配送在供應鏈中扮演的角色 配送是指在供應鏈中從供應商至顧客產品之運送與儲存的步驟 配送是公司所有獲利的關鍵,因為其直接影響到供應鏈中的成本與顧客的經驗 配送網路的選擇可以達到供應鏈中從低成本至高回應的不同目標 例子: Dell、P&G、W.W. Grainger

配送網路設計的影響因素 就最高層次,配送網路的績效評估應從下面兩個層面著手: 顧客需求被滿足 滿足顧客需求的成本 一家企業必須要評估在採用不同的配送方式對於顧客服務需求和成本的影響

配送網路設計的影響因素 (續) 顧客服務受到配送網路架構影響的因素: 回應時間 產品多樣性 產品可獲性 上市時間 顧客經驗 訂單能見度 產品退回性

配送網路設計的影響因素 (續) 改變配送網路的設計影響下列供應鏈成本: 存貨 運輸 設施與操作 資訊

期望的回應時間與設施數目的關係(圖3.1) Notes: Increasing the number of facilities moves them closer to the end consumer. This reduces the response time. As Amazon has built warehouses, the average time from the warehouse to the end consumer has decreased. McMaster-Carr provides 1-2 day coverage of most of the U.S from 6 facilities. W.W. Grainger is able to increase coverage to same day delivery using about 370 facilities.

設施數目與存貨成本的關係 (圖3.2) Notes: Inventory costs increase, facility costs increase, and transportation costs decrease as we increase the number of facilities.

設施數目與運輸成本的關係 (圖3.3) Notes: Inventory costs increase, facility costs increase, and transportation costs decrease as we increase the number of facilities.

設施數目與設施成本的關係 (圖3.4) Notes: Inventory costs increase, facility costs increase, and transportation costs decrease as we increase the number of facilities.

不同設施數目的物流成本與回應時間的變化(圖3.5) Notes: Inventory costs increase, facility costs increase, and transportation costs decrease as we increase the number of facilities.

配送網路的選擇設計 製造商儲存並直接運送 製造商儲存並直接運送及統籌轉運(In-Transit) 配送商儲存並由運輸公司配送 配送商儲存但最後路程送達 製造商╱配送商儲存並由顧客取貨 零售商儲存並由顧客取貨






配送網路設計的相對績效(表3.6) Identify the best and worst network along various dimensions. Response time: (B) retail stores (W) Manufacturer storage with direct ship Product variety: (W) retail stores (B) Manufacturer storage with direct ship Product availability: (W) retail store (B) Manufacturer storage Inventory: (W) retail store (B) manufacturer storage Transportation: (B) retail store (W) last mile delivery Facility: (W) retail store (B) manufacturer storage Handling: (W) Distributor storage with last mile delivery (B) Information: Retail stores may be less complex; manufacturer storage with pickup may be very complex

不同的產品和不同的顧客特性的配送網路績效(表3.7) When designing the delivery network we should account for product and market characteristics. High demand products will have transportation cost play a significant role. Use network with good transportation cost (retail stores) Very low demand products will have inventory play a significant role. Use network with low inventory costs (direct shipping) Many product sources: transportation + information plays a role. Distributor storage with package carrier Few product sources but high customization: manufacturer storage with merge in transit High product variety: inventory cost will be significant. Use distributor storage Low customer effort: Distributor storage with package carrier delivery or last mile delivery depending upon desired response time

電子化企業及配送網路 電子化企業對顧客服務的衝擊 電子化企業對成本的影響 使用電子化企業來銷售電腦:Dell、Amazon網路書店