99年基本能力檢核 命題說明及分析 國中組英語科七年級 國風國中 劉小華 2010.12.08.


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Presentation transcript:

99年基本能力檢核 命題說明及分析 國中組英語科七年級 國風國中 劉小華 2010.12.08

七年級命題老師 自強國中 張立之老師 宜昌國中 崔宏伊老師 國風國中 劉小華老師 玉里國中 林曉琪老師

命題教師將試題回傳給各年級命題負責人彙整 命題工作時間表 日期 工作內容 人員 地點 備註 2/26(­五) 召開第一次命題工作會議 說明命題原則與工作分配 指導教授 及命題人員 化仁國中校長室 3/16(二) 召開第二次命題工作會議 聽力測驗定稿(含試題、聽力稿) 完成試題初稿、初步圖庫建置 命題人員 化仁國中 校長室 4/2(五)前 命題教師將試題回傳給各年級命題負責人彙整 4/6(二) 聽力錄音工作 中外籍教師等錄音人員 視聽室 4/9(五) 召開第三次命題工作會議 試題共審、完成試卷定稿 4/13(二) 試題最終版定稿 試題送印 4/19-20 台東宜蘭預試

命題流程 版本整理及教材統整 討論試題題型及配題 開始命題及命題焦點 修正題目及決定題目 試題錄音、試題前測、結果分析 修題 送出定稿試卷、施測試題分析 分析、補救教學

版本整理及教材統整 版本:翰林康軒南一合聲 (花蓮縣各國中使用版本) 單字庫統整 句型庫統整

討論試題題型及配題 聽力測驗 10(2、2、3、3) 單題式選擇題 20(1、7、13) 整段式克漏字選擇題---題組 10 (6、4) 閱讀理解選擇題---題組 10(2、2、3、3)

題型分配 題型分佈 (一)聽力測驗10(2、2、3、3) 英文單字發音 (子、母)3 敘述理解看圖說明3 回應問題對話、教室與日常生活用語4 對話理解問答4 初稿總題數14

一.請根據CD所播出的英語單字,從每題的四個選項中, 選出聽到的字。 例題示範 : (聽力內容) : wash 例題選項:(1) push(2) fish(3) wash(4) mash 根據CD所播出的英語單字,與選項(3)相符合, 故本題答案應選(3)。 1.(1) big(2) dig(3) pig(4) bit 2.(1) fin(2) fan(3) fun(4) fine

題型分配 題型分佈 (二)單題式選擇題 20(1、7、13) 字母順序1 文意字彙9 語法測驗15 初稿總題數25

命題焦點----字彙與片語 13. The classroom is ______. We are cleaning it. (1) early (2) thirty (3) dirty (4) hungry 14. Janet is _____. She can’t go to the movies tonight. She has a lot of homework. (1) busy (2) ready (3) cute (4) tall 15. Don’t walk to the dog. It will _____ you.  will 將要 (1) sing (2) read (3) worry (4) bite 16. Jack: Do you know the girl in this _____? Rose: Yes, she is my classmate. (1) photo (2) piano (3) people (4) noodle

19. Ben is a student, and his brothers _______ teachers. (1) is (2) isn’t (3) aren’t (4) are 現在簡單式肯定、否定、問與答 20. Dennis play basketball and swim. He likes sports. (1) can (2) do (3) isn’t (4) doesn’t 助動詞 Can 的用法 21. Those are beautiful. I want to buy one. (1) gas (2) dress (3) watches (4) grass 名詞單、複數字尾 23. My father breakfast for us every morning. (1) make (2) making (3) is making (4) makes

24. Look! A girl on the street. (1) sing (2) sings (3) singing (4) is singing 現在進行式肯定、否定、問與答 25. This is real, and I like it very much. this/that/these/those (1) a story (2) her story (3) story (4) the story 26.Tina: is it? Ben: It’s 10 a.m. (1) What day (2) What time (3) How much (4) How old 疑問詞應用 27. Vivian: your brother like baseball? Judy: Of course. He is a big baseball fan. (1) Do (2) Does (3) Are (4) Is 現在簡單式肯定、否定、問與答

題型分配 題型分佈 (三)整段式克漏字選擇題---題組 10 (6、4) 時態、字詞搭配(克漏字) 6 對話應用(克漏句) 6 初稿總題數12

(36~37) Father: What do you want for your birthday? Brian: I want toys. Father: Toys? They are for kids. You’re a junior high school student. Brian: But why do you have toy cars at home? Father: That’s not the same thing. I collect them, but I don’t play with them. Brian: All right. (36) Father: Well…How about that baseball video game? Do you like it? Brian: Yeah! (37) Can I have it? Father: But it’s not a toy. Brian: That’s OK. Thanks, Dad.  collect 收集 36.(1) When is my birthday? (2) Where do we play? (3) What can I have? (4) How can I drive? 37.(1) He’s a good player. (2) It’s a great present. (3) It’s an exciting show. (4) I like toy cars.

題型分配 題型分佈 (四)閱讀理解選擇題---題組 10(2、2、3、3) 表格3 圖表3 對話3 短文3 初稿總題數12

(48~50) Johnny is a young student. He lives with his family on the farm. He wants to buy a new cellphone, but he doesn’t have money. He can do a lot of things. He rides his scooter to a lot of places and tries to get some work, but nobody wants him.   Then his uncle says to him, “People here don’t like long hair. Why don’t you go to a barber? He can cut a lot of your hair, and maybe you can get some work.” So one day, Johnny goes to a barber and says, “I want to have short hair, please help me.” The barber begins. He cuts and cuts for a long time and then he says to Johnny, “Do you live in the trees?” “No,” Johnny says. “What’s up?” “Because there is a bird in your hair,” the barber says.  nobody 沒有人 cut剪;切 then 然後 begin開始 because因為

49. What does the barber do?  which 哪一個 true 正確的 (1) He cuts people’s hair. (2) He works on the farm. (3) He is a student. (4) He sells cellphones.   50. According to the story, why CAN’T Johnny get a job? (1) He doesn’t have a cellphone.  according to 根據 job工作 (2) He is a young student. (3) He doesn’t have a scooter. (4) His hair is too long.

命題原則 原則: 1.符合全部或多數學生學習經驗 2.符合課綱之能力指標 3.避免重複出題或抄襲 4.涵蓋多元主題(兼顧不同主題) 5.各版本都有的內容 6.避免內容表達不清的題目

The End