Hospitality English 酒店商务英语 讲师:莫利民 工商与公共管理学院.


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Presentation transcript:

Hospitality English 酒店商务英语 讲师:莫利民 工商与公共管理学院

Chamber Services 客房服务 Learning Objectives Learn how to make up the room; 学会如何为顾客整理房间; Learn how to do room service;学会如何为顾客送餐服务; Learn how to explain laundry service. 学会如何介绍洗衣服务。

Room Status 客房状态

Dialogue 1 Making Up the Room 整理房间 J=Jane (Housemaid)   S=Stephen Nobel (Guest) S: Who is it? J: I am the housemaid. May I come through, please? S: Come in. J: Good morning, sir. I’m sorry to disturb you. S: It doesn’t matter. J: I’d like to clean the room. May I do it now? S: Well, I’m a bit tied up at the moment. Can you come later? J: What time would it be convenient, sir? S: Let me see. Could you come around 12:00? J: I’m sorry, sir. No cleaning can be done between 12:00 noon and 2:00 p.m. May I come between 2:00 and 3:00 p.m.? S: I guess so. I’ll be out then anyway.

Dialogue 2 Room Service 客房送餐服务 J=Jane (Housemaid)   S=Stephen Nobel (Guest) J: Room service. Can I help you? S: Good morning. Can I order some room service? J: Of course, sir. What would you like? S: I’d like a continental breakfast. J: Very good, sir. Would you like tea or coffee? S: Coffee. Could I have a cappuccino? J: Certainly, sir. S: How long will that be? I’m in a hurry this morning. J: It’ll be with you in ten minutes. S: Good. J: Could I have your room number, please? S: It’s 6503. J: Thank you, Mr. Nobel. Goodbye. S: Thank you. Goodbye. Dialogue 2 Room Service 客房送餐服务

1. Daily Service 日常服务用语   May I come in? 我可以进来吗?   I’m sorry to disturb you. 不好意思打扰您了。   I’m sorry to disturb you. May I clean the room, sir? 对不起打扰您了,先生,我来打扫一下房间好吗?   Good morning, sir. Sorry to disturb you. May I make up the room now? 早上好,先生。对不起打扰您了,我现在可以收拾房间吗?   Do you want your room to be cleaned? 请问您需要打扫房间吗?

2. Making an Apology 致歉   Excuse me. 对不起。   I am sorry. 很抱歉。   I beg your pardon. 请您原谅。   Pardon me for interrupting. 对不起打扰你们了。   Please excuse me for coming so late. 请原谅我来迟了。   I’m sorry I was so careless. 很抱歉我太粗心了。   I’m sorry; this is our mistake. 对不起,这是我们的失误。   Sorry, I’ll send a chambermaid immediately. 对不起,我马上派一个房间服务员过去。

1. Sweep Order in Slack Season 淡季时的清扫顺序

2. Sweep Order in Peak Season 旺季时的清扫顺序

Exercise 1 Dialogue Completion Complete the following dialogue according to the Chinese in brackets and then read it in roles. J=Jane (Housemaid)   S=Stephen Nobel (Guest) J: (Knocking three times) Turn-down service, may I come in? S: Come in, please. But I’m waiting for my friends to a nightclub._________________________?(你等一下再来,好吗?) J: Certainly, sir, but it is 10 o’clock, and I go off at 11 p.m. ____________________________________________.(如果您愿意,我10点半再来吧。) S: Well, I don’t know... They are a little late. J: Don’t worry. _________________________________________________.(您可以把“请勿打扰”的牌子挂出去,我看见后就不会来敲门的。) S: Then nobody will make up my room. J: Oh, I don’t think so, sir. If you don’t remove the sign when I leave, _______________________________________________.(我会让值夜班的服务员来帮您整理的。)I wish you a good night. S: Thanks. Good night. Could you come back later Would it be convenient if I return at half past ten Put out a “DND” sign, and if I see it. I won’t knock again I will let the overnight staff to make up your room

J=Jane (Attendant) S= Stephen Nobel (Guest) Exercise 2 Role-play   诺贝尔先生在天天酒店入住,他住了几天了,房间门口一直挂着“请勿打扰”(DND)的牌子,所以都没有进行过房间的清洁。清洁工简敲开了他的房门,询问清洁事宜。请你和你的同学准备该对话,并在班上表演。 J=Jane (Attendant) S= Stephen Nobel (Guest) J: Good morning. Room Center. How may I help you? S: Good afternoon. Could you send someone to clean my room? J: May I have your name and room number, please? S: Stephen Nobel. Room 2608. J: Yes, Mr. Nobel. The “DND” sign hanged on your room doorknob most of the day. So we didn’t clean the room so as not to disturb you. S: We, it is my fault. I forgot to take down the sign when I went out. J: Do you wish the room to be cleaned now? S: Yes, if there is not much bother. J: No trouble at all, sir. The room attendant will be in your room soon. (A few minutes later) J: It is room attendant. May I come in? S: Yes, please. J: Good morning, Mr. Nobel. I’m here to clean the room. Do you mind opening the window? S: No, of course not.