Antigen 肖 健 抗原Ag.


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Presentation transcript:

Antigen 肖 健 抗原Ag


Definition 定义 指能与BCR及TCR结合,促使B/T细胞产生抗体或形成致敏T细胞,并能与之特异性结合的物质。 A substance (antigen) that is capable of combining with a BCR or TCR and then stimulating B and T cells to produce and specifically react with the products of a specific immune response, e.g., antibody or specific sensitized T-lymphocytes. 指能与BCR及TCR结合,促使B/T细胞产生抗体或形成致敏T细胞,并能与之特异性结合的物质。

Section 1: nature and structure特性与结构基础 1. The basic natures of antigen基本特性 Immunogenicity免疫原性 指抗原具备诱导免疫活化(T、B细胞活化)引起免疫应答的特性. 指抗原具备与其所诱导产生的效应性T细胞或抗体特异性结合的能力。 Immunoreactivity免疫反应性(抗原性)

Two definitions of antigen(两个基本概念) Complete Ag完全抗原 既具有免疫原性也具有免疫反应性的抗原。通常为结构复杂的大分子蛋白质。 只具有免疫反应性没有免疫原性的物质。通常为小分子化合物。 Hapten半抗原

半抗原(Hapten) T 载体(carrier):赋予半抗原免疫原性的大分子物质。 半抗原 - 载体效应 B 半抗原 + 载体 = 完全抗原 半抗原(Hapten) + 小分子 载体 carrier 载体(carrier):赋予半抗原免疫原性的大分子物质。 免疫应答 (immune response) 半抗原 - 载体效应 T B

2. Antigenic specificity抗原特异性 抗原B 抗体B

表位是抗原与特异性免疫反应产物结合的最小单位。 3. epitope 抗原表位 表位( epitope )又称抗原决定基 (antigenic determinant) antigen 抗原分子中决定抗原特异性的特殊的化学基团 antigen antigen 表位是抗原与特异性免疫反应产物结合的最小单位。

types of pitope表位的类别 构象决定簇(conformational determinant) 线性决定簇(linear or sequential determinant) 功能性抗原决定基 (functional determinant ) 隐蔽性抗原决定基 (hidden determinant ) T cell epitope B cell epitope

BCR or antibody:5~17 氨基酸残基或5~7个多糖残基 构象决定簇 线性决定簇 T CR:8~12 or 12~17 amino acids COOH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 NH3 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 * Antigenic peptide presented by APC * linear determinant *natural, *on the surface of the molecule * conformational or sequential determinant BCR or antibody:5~17 氨基酸残基或5~7个多糖残基

4. common epitope and cross-reaction共同表位和交叉反应 There are multiply antigenic determinants on the surface of the natural antigens. Each B cell determinant induces production of a specific antibody. Thereby a complicated antigen can induce production of multiply antibodies. A same or similar antigenic determinant that exists between the two different antigens is called common epitope .

The reaction that antibody reacts with same or similar antigenic determinant between the different antigens is called cross-reaction(交叉反应).

Factors Influencing Immunogenicity Section 2: Factors Influencing Immunogenicity 1、chemical and physical nature of antigens(理化因素) (1)chemical characteristic(化学性质) (2) molecule size(分子量) (3)complicated chemical structure (化学结构) (4)conformation and accessibility(分子构象与易接近性) (5)physical nature (物理状态) 2、Host( 宿主因素) (1)foreignness(异物性) (2)genetic characteristics of the host(宿主遗传特性) (3)Age, sex, and state of health(年龄、性别、健康状态) 3、immunized Route and Frequency(免疫途径与频率)

1. Foreignness(异物性) Foreignness is the centre of immunogen . Generally, the greater of the distance between two species, the greater the structural ( and therefore the antigenic ) disparity between them. the more different, the stronger (heterotype, isotype, modified or hidden autoantigen ) 一是指抗原性物质的化学成分与机体自身正常成分不同,二是指与宿主胚胎期免疫细胞从未接触。常分为异种物质、同种异体物质、改变和隐蔽的自身物质。

2. 抗原的理化特性 (1)化学性质( chemical nature ) 糖蛋白、脂蛋白、多糖、脂多糖 活化的淋巴细胞中的DNA,染色体、组蛋白 自身抗DNA、组蛋白抗体 自身免疫病 抗核抗体

(2). 分子量的大小 高免疫反应 >10kD >100kD <10kD 分子量大 抗原决定基多 抗原分子结构复杂 免疫原(Immunogens) 抗原决定基多 抗原分子结构复杂 >100kD 强免疫原 (Strong immunogens ) <10kD 弱免疫原 (Poor immunogens) 不易被降解 高免疫反应 持续刺激免疫细胞

(3). 化学结构 明胶分子(分子量>100kD ) 直链氨基酸 加苯环氨基酸(2%酪氨酸) (免疫原性弱) (免疫原性增强)

一般聚合状态的抗原物质比单体的免疫原性强;颗粒性抗原的免疫原性比可溶性抗原强。 (5). Physical Form (物理状态) 一般聚合状态的抗原物质比单体的免疫原性强;颗粒性抗原的免疫原性比可溶性抗原强。

3、宿主的特性 遗传因素:主要受MHC控制 年龄、性别与健康因素: genetic characteristics of the host遗传因素 Genetic control of immune responsiveness, largely confined to genes within the MHC. MHC gene products, which function to present processed antigen to T cells, play a central role in determining the degree of immune responsiveness Age, sex, and state of health年龄、性别、健康状态 遗传因素:主要受MHC控制 年龄、性别与健康因素:

4、免疫途径 Dose:optimal Route: intradermal 皮内(id)> subcutaneous 皮下(sc) > Intraperitoneal 腹腔(ip) and intravenous 静脉(iv) > oral administration口服(tolerance) Times:repeated, Adjuvants:selection--- Freund’s:IgG alum:IgE 剂量: 适中 途径:皮内 > 皮下> 腹腔注射和静脉注射 > 口服(耐受) 次数:合适 免疫佐剂:选择--- 弗氏佐剂:IgG 明矾佐剂:IgE

Section 3: types of antigen抗原种类 1. Depend on whether need the Th for producing the antibody thymus dependent antigen, TD-Ag (胸腺依赖抗原) thymus independent antigen, TI-Ag ( 胸腺非依赖抗原)

Acute Glomerulonephritis 2. Depend on the consanguinity (亲缘关系) between the antigen and organism (1) hetorophilic antigen (异嗜性抗原), or Forsman antigen Hemolytic streptococcus B C antigen乙型溶血性链球菌细胞壁C抗原 M antigen M抗原 Glycoprotein of Cardiac valve 心瓣膜的糖蛋白 heart muscle Streptococcus A A族链球菌 Streptococcus infection 链球菌感染 Rheumatic fever 风湿热 Glomerular basement membrane 肾小球基底膜 Acute Glomerulonephritis 急性肾小球肾炎 Ulcer colitis 溃疡性结肠炎 Colonic mucosa 结肠粘膜 LPS of E.coli O14

(2) xenogenic Ag(异种抗原): The antigen from different species is called xenogenic antigen. Microorganism (微生物) animal immune serum for therapy : horse serum (antitoxin 抗毒素) Horse serum antitoxins posses dual nature (两重性): 1. Specific antibody ---- neutralization of toxin 2. Xenogenic antigen---stimulate production of antibody against horse serum

Toxoid(类毒素) toxin Horse serum antibody antigen antitoxin hypersensitivity antigen

(3) allogenic Ag(同种异型抗原): The antigens from different individuals of the same species are called allogenic antigen. Human allogenic Ag :blood type (RBC)antigen Histocompatibility (transplantation) antigens Blood type: ABO and Rh Blood type A B O AB antigen A B - A,B antibody Anti-B anti-A anti-A,anti-B -

+ RBC Type A A antigen Type B Anti-A antibody Anti-A antibody RBC complement RBC + RBC

Autoimmune hemolytic anemia (3) autoantigen(自身抗原): Normally, the organism causes the antigen-specific non-reactivity to auto-antigen. In some condition, for example, infection, wound and medicine use make the cover antigen release or auto-antigen changed or modified, which induce response for auto-antigen. drug Ag-Ab complex RBC RBC RBC Auto-antibody Activate complement Autoimmune hemolytic anemia 自身免疫性溶血性贫血 6 7 C 5b C8 C9 Membrane of RBC

superantigens, SAg APC T cell The molecule that binds both MHC-II and TCR-b simultaneously, and activates polyclonal T cells responses ( non-specific activation ) is called superantigen. TCRV b superantigen Antigenic peptide MHC-II a APC

免疫佐剂( Adjuvant ) 与抗原混合使用能够增强机体对抗原免疫反应强度或改变免疫应答类型的物质称为免疫佐剂。 1、最有效的免疫佐剂为弗氏佐剂(Freund’s adjuvant) 完全弗氏佐剂(complete Freund’s adjuvant )含有矿物油、羊毛脂和灭 活结核杆菌(Mycobacterium tuberclosis) 不完全弗氏佐剂( incomplete Freund’s adjuvant )含有石蜡油和羊毛脂。 2、矿物盐:硫酸铝钾盐、钠盐和氨盐(mineral salt)。 铝盐是人用佐剂 3、未甲基化5′-CG- 3 ′二核苷酸的六碱基序列(CpG) 具有免疫激活作用

佐剂的作用的原理: (1)改变抗原的物理性状(如油剂等),使抗原在体内缓慢地释放,延长在体内存留时间,有利于与免疫细胞接触。 (2)被佐剂吸附的抗原(尤其是可溶性抗原)易被巨噬细胞吞噬,刺激单核、Mφ活化释放各种细胞因子,增强免疫应答能力。 (3)佐剂能改变产生抗体类型,或应答类型。 (4) 刺激淋巴细胞增殖分化,增强免疫应答。

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