逗點的使用規則 黃勇仁
逗點的使用時機 使用逗點來分開一系列項目 (三個或三個以上的事物) He hit the ball, dropped the bat, and ran to first base. 使用逗點 + 小而美的連接詞 (and, but, for, nor, yet, or, so) 來連接兩個獨立子句 He hit the ball well, but he ran toward third base.
逗點的使用時機 使用逗點來分開引導語句 Running toward third base, he suddenly realized how stupid he looked. 使用逗點來分開插入語句 The Founders Bridge, which spans the Connecticut River, is falling down.
逗點的使用時機 使用逗點來分開對等或同位形容詞 I live in a very old, run-down house. 使用逗點來分開引用語句。 "The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many things.“ 使用逗點來分開表示對比的片語。 Some say the world will end in ice, not fire.
逗點與引導語句 當一個句子以副詞子句做開頭時,副詞子句後面加逗點 Although we had reviewed the film twice before, we never noticed these details about the shooting. 當一個副詞引導語句似乎是修飾整個句子,而不只是修飾動詞或句子其餘部分的某一字詞,那麼它的後面要加逗點 Fortunately, no one in the bridal party was in that car.
逗點與引導語句 如果簡短的引導語句與其後的字句結合後可能造成句意不清,那麼必須加逗點來避免之。 Until the spring course lists will not be published. Until the spring, course lists will not be published.
逗點與引導語句 當一個句子是以獨立片語或副詞不定詞片語做開頭時,這些片語的後面要加逗點。 To escape with our lives, we would have to run for the exits.