A Fast Memorization of New Words And Expressions


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Presentation transcript:

A Fast Memorization of New Words And Expressions 制作人:张少林

to hold the unwavering belief to meet stereotypes to be portrayed as New words and expressions in phrase contexts U6A.1, B1 the masculine courage feminine intuition to hold the unwavering belief to meet stereotypes to be portrayed as to be boisterous and disruptive disruptive activities to conform to sb’s expectation to be sweet and docile 男子汉的胆量 女性的直觉 坚守不可动摇的信念 迎合固定模式 被描绘成 吵闹捣蛋 破坏活动 符合某人的期望 可爱温顺

the permanent identifying attribute to attribute sth to outside causes New words and expressions in phrase contexts U6A.2, B1 the permanent identifying attribute to attribute sth to outside causes male and female excellence the distinction between … to denote a rejection of sth social norms to impose sth on sb to stimulate impulse a man of impulse 永久的识别属性 把某事归结于外部原因 男女优点 …之间的差别 表明拒绝某事 社会规范 把…强加给某人 激发推动力 易冲动的人

to prescribe a curriculum to prescribe for a patient New words and expressions in phrase contexts U6A.3, B1 to prescribe a curriculum to prescribe for a patient to be accessible to sth a segment of knowledge to interfere with to entail a loss of autonomy to bar sb from doing to be punished for deviance to develop into full stature be small in stature 规定一门课程 给患者开药方 可接触到 一部分知识 干涉,干扰 蒙受自主性丧失的结果 阻止某人做… 因行为离轨受惩罚 成长并发育成熟 身材小

the fragmentation of knowledge to understand sentimentality New words and expressions in phrase contexts U6A.4, B1 to lead to sth the fragmentation of knowledge to understand sentimentality sentimental music the sexual polarization the full spectrum of experience spectrum analysis 导致 知识的残缺不全 理解多愁善感 感伤音乐 性别的两极分化 丰富的阅历 光谱分析

the grievances of women to enjoy a sense of grace the men folk New words and expressions in phrase contexts U6B.1, B1 女人的委屈 享受优雅 男人们 为钱烦恼 精打细算 不可改变的规矩 铁证 领土扩张政策 当差 为某人跑腿[办事] the grievances of women to enjoy a sense of grace the men folk to fret about money to scrimp and made do an ironclad rule ironclad proof expansive policies to run errand go on an errand for sb

to suffer from men’s bullying the wretchedness of widows to be baffled New words and expressions in phrase contexts U6B.2, B1 遭受男人的欺凌 寡妇的悲惨 感到困惑 垄断银制品市场 黑人贫民区 西班牙人居住区 严酷凄凉的命运 劳动者和战士 对男人施加极大压力 使劲拉笨重手推车 to suffer from men’s bullying the wretchedness of widows to be baffled to corner the silver market in black ghettos in Hispanic barrios grim and bleak fate toilers and warriors to exert the deep lug on men to lug a heavy handcart

the undertow of generations the body-breaking toil tedium work New words and expressions in phrase contexts U6B.3, B1 the undertow of generations the body-breaking toil tedium work the humiliating powerlessness the battle for territory privileges of men to work as a stockbroker the big wheels of the big cities 与数代人相反的看法 苦力活儿 乏味的工作 使人感到羞耻的无能 为了领土的战争 男人的特权 当股票经纪人 大城市发展的动力

to be short of cash at month’s end to line up for welfare New words and expressions in phrase contexts U6B.4, B1 to be laid off to be short of cash at month’s end to line up for welfare to yearn for a say to live unmolested a dog that molests sheep 失业 在月底没钱用 排队领福利 渴望有发言权 平静地生活 骚扰羊群的狗

preventing and causing trouble quiet and easily controlled Old to new U6A.5, B1 steady and firm fixed idea or image describe or represent making a lot of noise preventing and causing trouble quiet and easily controlled exist for a long time clear difference unwavering stereotype portray boisterous disruptive docile permanent distinction

being the same all its parts the subject taught by a school Old to new U6A.6, B1 mean force to take being the same all its parts the subject taught by a school easy to obtain any one of the parts result in prevent sb from doing a wide range of denote impost uniform curriculum disruptive accessible segment entail bar spectrum

to make considerable effort to do the social identity Collocation of old words U6A.7, B1 被分成(若干部分) 花大力气做 社会身份 冷静推理的人 能够做 女性的特点 与…有关 毫无逻辑 鼓励自由思考 to be divided into to make considerable effort to do the social identity the producers of cool reasoning to be capable of doing the characteristic of women to be relevant to … to rest one’s logic nowhere to encourage free thinking

to hold alive various interest the uniform structure Collocation of old words U6A.8, B1 思维大胆 保持多种兴趣 单一的结构 绝不会做 丰富的阅历 在早期阶段 朝气蓬勃的青少年 个体特征的不健全 不是干…的料 boldness in thought to hold alive various interest the uniform structure to do anything but … a rich expansion of experience at an early stage vigorous youths the unwholness of individual identity to have no head for sth

to feel enclosed and safe to save sb a lot of trouble Collocation of old words U6A.9, B1 to feel enclosed and safe to save sb a lot of trouble the two parallels that never meet in a sense a sense of community the hostile attitude to hold a distorted image of an integrated community to compete with sb to flower into blossom 觉得封闭而安全 省去某人很多麻烦 永不相会的平行线 在某种意义上 团体感 敌对态度 对…持有扭曲意象 完整的团体 与…竞争 开花至全部绽放

a reproductive category to be central to sb/sth Collocation of old words U6A.10, B1 挑战老师 各种可能性 大胆建议 生殖范畴 对…很重要 to challenge teachers an open possibility to venture to suggest a reproductive category to be central to sb/sth