西洋政治哲學概論 為什麼學「西洋政治哲學」? 西洋政治哲學概論 為什麼學「西洋政治哲學」? 授課教師:陳嘉銘 【本著作除另有註明外,採取創用CC「姓名標示-非商業性-相同方式分享」台灣3.0版授權釋出】
We can be anything we want to be but we have no particular reason to want to be anything in particular. 【釋出】
“He can now choose, but he finds he no longer has a sufficient motive for choice.”
“People become more alike, for want of knowing they can be otherwise “People become more alike, for want of knowing they can be otherwise.” Our Unconnectedness.
Homo economicus Social Contract Two Imaginaries of Ship of the State Our Modern Regime Homo economicus Social Contract Two Imaginaries of Ship of the State
The learning that enables you to realize and pursue for yourself: Profound sense of connection with others. Profound sense of connection with nature. Profound sense of connection with conventions/culture/polity. Modern but not so modern.
版權聲明 頁碼 作品 版權標示 作者/來源 1-6 本作品轉載自http://www.templateswise.com/ 設計範本,造訪日期:2016年09月13日 依據著作權法第 46、52、65 條合理使用 1 We can be…… anything in particular. 文字提供:國立臺灣大學 陳嘉銘 2 He can now ……motive for choice. Bloom,Allan.2008. The Closing of the American Mind.Simon and Schuster P.109 本作品依據著作權法第 46、52、65 條合理使用 3 People become more alike, ……can be otherwise 5 Profound sense …… conventions/culture/polity.