Keep the Candle Burning


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Presentation transcript:

Keep the Candle Burning Lesson 26 冀教版 九年级 Keep the Candle Burning

Think about it! Do you think science is interesting? Why or why not? 2. Name one or two famous Chinese scientists. What do you know about them?

Today we are going to look into science again and learn to do another experiment. What experiment will we do? Keep the Candle Burning!

1. What do we need?

a big glass jar a candle

a candleholder matches a shallow dish with water

a match

2. How do we do the experiment? 3. What is happening?

Read the text silently and finish Ex. 1

Language points

分数的英语表达 1) 分数由分子及分母两部分构成。用英语表达时,分子用基数词,分母用序数词。 2) 若分子为1,则分母的序数词为单数形式,若分子大于1,则分母的序数词用复数形式。 ½ = one (a) half 或 one second (one-second) ¼ = one (a)quarter 或 one-quarter

二分之一 三分之一 四分之一 四分之三 五分之二 十分之九 a/one half (one second) one-third one quarter three-fourths three quarters two-fifths nine-tenths 口 诀: 分子基,分母序。分子﹥1 ,分母加s 。

Do an experiment: Can an egg “swim”in the water? 1. What do we need?

First, _________________________. put some salt into the glass

Then, _______________. add some water

next, ______________________________. mix the salt and the water together

Finally, ______________________. put the egg into the glass

3. What is happening? The egg can’t touch the bottom of the glass and it swims in the water.

4. Why? 盐水的密度变大,鸡蛋的浮力大于重力。

There are lots of matchs in the small box. Correct the mistakes. There are lots of matchs in the small box. Can you let my uncle laughing? You’re very ill, so you must stop to smoke. Fill the dish half fill of water. There is about one–five oxygen in the air. There are about two–third students in the classroom. 7. I used out my money. Can you lend me some? matches laugh smoking full one-fifth two-thirds up

用所给单词的正确形式填空。 You are very tired. You’d better stop ______ (have) a rest. 2. What do you use to make a candle _____ (burn)? 3. You should put the jar over the candle ________ (careful). 4. What ____________ (observe) can you make? to have burn carefully observation(s)

5. Please cut the apple into ______ (half). 6. He _________ (light) a candle and the room was bright. 7. ______ (two), ask the students to guess what will happen. 8. He kept the candle _______ (burn) for two hours. 9. It’s time ______ (play) basketball. 10. What about _____ (go) for a walk? halves lighted / lit Second burning to play going

请根据课文内容, 以 “An Interesting Experiment”为题写一篇小作文。 Homework 请根据课文内容, 以 “An Interesting Experiment”为题写一篇小作文。

Thank you.