成千上萬的人在收看奧斯卡 p.62 The thousands upon thousands of people are watching Oscar.
2.女星都對服裝吹毛求疵 p.62 Actress all picked a hole in their coats in their look.
3.主持人克里斯洛克(Chris Rock)真是伶牙俐齒的 p.64 The host Chris Rock has a ready tongue.
4.入圍者的心情都七上八下的 p.68 All the nominees were in turmoil.
5.神鬼玩家(The Aviator)聲勢浩大入圍11項大獎 p.68 The Aviator had great in momentum and irresistible by being nominated 11 awards.
6.但登峰造極(Million Dollar Baby)大獲全勝 p.69 But the Million Dollar Baby swept the board.
7.公佈得獎者時全場鴉雀無聲 p.41 All listened in absolute silence when announce the winner.
8.克林伊斯威特(Clint Eastwood)得意洋洋拿下最佳導演(Directing)及最佳影片(Best picture) Clint Eastwood was walking on air by winning the Directing and Best picture.
9.希拉蕊史旺(Hilary Swank)福星高照第二次獲得最佳女主角獎(Actress in a leading role) p.64 Hilary Swank had a lucky star above her to win her second Actress in a leading role.
10.最後並不是每個人都稱心如意 p.62 After all, not everyone is after his/her own heart.