健康的艺术 The Art of Being Well Dr. Dráuzio Varella.


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Presentation transcript:

健康的艺术 The Art of Being Well Dr. Dráuzio Varella

...Speak your feelings. If you don’t want to be ill... Emotions and feelings that are hidden, repressed, end in illnesses as: gastritis, ulcer, lumbar pains, spinal. With time, the repression of the feelings degenerates to the cancer. Then, we go to a confidante, to share our intimacy, ours "secret", our errors! The dialogue, the speech, the word, is a powerful remedy and an excellent therapy!

...说出你的感受 如果我们隐藏和压制内心的情感和心情,时间一长,压抑的情感会导致疾病, If you don’t want to be ill... ...说出你的感受  如果我们隐藏和压制内心的情感和心情,时间一长,压抑的情感会导致疾病, 如胃炎,溃疡,关节和脊椎的疼痛,最终致癌。   那么,让我们去向亲密的朋友诉说自己的‘秘密’及我们的失误吧。   对话,倾诉和交流是一种很有力的治疗良方。

...Make Decisions. If you don’t want to be ill... The undecided person remains in doubt, in anxiety, in anguish. Indecision accumulates problems, worries and aggressions. Human history is made of decisions. To decide is precisely to know to renounce, to know to lose advantages and values to win others. The undecided people are victims of gastric ailments, nervous pains and problems of the skin.

...做出你的决断 优柔寡断的人逗留在怀疑,焦虑和苦恼之中。 If you don’t want to be ill...   优柔寡断的人逗留在怀疑,焦虑和苦恼之中。   这种做不了决断的情况会积累成诸多问题,忧虑乃至攻击性。      决断造就了人类历史。      做出‘决定’,确切地说,是指我们知道应该放弃什么,明白会失去某些利益, 而去获得其它的东西。      犹豫不决的人是肠胃病,神经痛及皮肤病的患者。

...Don’t Live By Appearances. If you don’t want to be ill... ...Don’t Live By Appearances. Who hides reality, pretends , poses and always wants to give the impression of being well. He wants to be seen as perfect, easy-going, etc. but is accumulating tons of weight. A bronze statue with feet of clay. There is nothing worse for the health than to live on appearances and facades. These are people with a lot of varnish and little root. Their destiny is the pharmacy, the hospital and pain.

...不要为体面而活着 If you don’t want to be ill... 有些人隐藏其真实的一面。总是伪装自己,尽量想给人一种完美的,随和的印象。 结果是积累了太多的负荷,尤如一座铜像的底座是黏土一样。      如果太在乎体面或假象,那对健康是很不利的。 有人外表光鲜,但健康的根底浅薄,那么药房,医院和痛苦就是他们的终点了。

...Accept. If you don’t want to be ill... The refusal of acceptance and the absence of self-esteem, make us alienate ourselves. Being at one with ourselves is the core of a healthy life. They who do not accept this, become envious, jealous, imitators, ultra-competitive, destructive. Be accepted, accept that you are accepted, accept the criticisms. It is wisdom, good sense and therapy.

...接纳 拒绝接纳,缺乏自尊,使我们疏远了自己。 If you don’t want to be ill...   健康生活的核心就是我们面对着我们自己的个体。   如果不明白这一点,就会产生妒忌,仿效,过度的竞争意识。以至破坏性的一面。     我们要包容,要接受他人是如何接纳你的,包括接受批评。    这是智慧,是很好的意识和治疗方法。

...Find Solutions. If you don’t want to be ill... Negative people do not find solutions and they enlarge problems. They prefer lamentation, gossip, pessimism. It is better to light a match that to regret the darkness. A bee is small, but produces one of the sweetest things that exist. We are what we think. The negative thought generates negative energy that is transformed into illness.

...寻找解决问题的方法 If you don’t want to be ill... 沮丧的人不去寻找解决问题的办法,甚之他们把问题扩大化。      他们宁愿去选择哀伤,流言和悲观。 与其抱怨黑暗,不如把灯点亮。    蜜蜂虽小,却给于我们所有最甜的物质之一。    我们是我们想成为的人。    沮丧的人会发出悲观的能量,从而转化为疾病。

...Trust. If you don’t want to be ill... Who does not trust, does not communicate, is not opened, is not related, does not create deep and stable relations, does not know to do true friendships. Without confidence, there is not relationship. Distrust is a lack of faith in you and in faith itself.

...信任 If you don’t want to be ill... 那些不信任,不愿与人沟通的人,是心胸狭小的人。   他们不去创建深厚巩固的人际关系;不明白,也不去建立真实的友谊。    没有信心,就没有情感上的维系。   不信任的态度是对你自己缺少信心,也确少对'信任'的信心。

...Do Not Live Life Sad. If you don’t want to be ill... Good humor. Laughter. Rest. Happiness. These replenish health and bring long life. The happy person has the gift to improve the environment wherever they live. “Good humor saves us from the hands of the doctor". Happiness is health and therapy.

...不要苦恼地过日子 If you don’t want to be ill...  恰当的幽默,开怀大笑,休息和欢乐,都会增进健康,带来长寿。    快乐的人都有改善环境的才能,无论他们生活在何处。     '幽默让我们远离医生'。快乐就是健康和治疗的良方。

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