我的衣服 By Ms. Liu TCLP Chinese Teacher 2014- 2015
Objectives: By the end of these lesson, students will be able to: - Recognize the names of clothes. Talk about what they are wearing. Ask and answer about what they are wearing.
xī zhuāng 西 装
lián y ī qún 连衣裙
chèn shān 衬 衫
kù zi 裤子
qí páo 旗 袍
T xù shān T恤衫
Mián’ăo 棉袄
máo yī 毛衣
qún zi 裙 子
wài tào 外套
眼镜 西装 领带 鞋子 手套
帽子 外套 毛衣 鞋子 裤子
帽子 短裤 拖鞋
皮带 项链 连衣裙 高跟鞋
Activity 1 Two students come to the board and the teacher says the words of the pictures and each students try to point to the correct picture faster than the other to win.