Nanxun High School Qian Jing 宏观解读和微观解析相结合 创设高效课堂 关于高中英语阅读课有效教学的探究 Nanxun High School Qian Jing
一、问题的提出 1. 《课程标准》 2. 高考 3. 现有教学模式 4. 课文教学与阅读策略培养
二、高中英语阅读课教学的探索和实践 “整体——局部——整体”的模式 1.宏观解读 俯瞰全文 把握材料特点 2.微观解析 研读细节 渗透阅读策略 3.纵观语篇 融汇语料 强化语用能力
1. 宏观解读 俯瞰全文 把握材料特点 理清脉络 (1)从分析体裁结构入手 (2)从捕捉引领全文的关键词入手 (3)从挖掘贯穿语篇的线索入手
Thinking M1U4 案例1 * What kinds of damage did the earthquake cause? * Why did the earthquake cause a lot of damage? * What can people learn from the damage? M1U4
Thinking M5U3 案例2 By telling us the change of his feeling. * In what way the writer show us his first impression of the future world? By telling us the change of his feeling. nervous relaxed uncomfortable relieved worried excited Feelings Causes M5U3
2.微观解析 研读细节 渗透阅读策略 二次解读 (1)解读标题 预测内容(Predicting) (2)剖析细节 推断意图(Inferring) (3)发现信号 猜测词义(Guessing) (4)研读文字 提炼语言(Refining)
(2)剖析细节 推断意图(Inferring) 角度1:从语篇整体出发, 设置作者态度的推断题。 角度2:从文中特殊语句出发, 设置领悟主旨的推断题。 角度3:从文本标题出发, 设置作者写作意图的推断题。 角度n:......
角度2 4.What can be inferred from the elephant’s words, “Have you come to take my photo”? Now many more tourists come to take its photos rather than hunt it. “No rainforest, no animals, no drugs.” Human beings and everything in nature live on each other. get along well with… live in peace/ harmony with M2U4
What can be inferred from the title? 角度3 What can be inferred from the title? The band that wasn’t ___________ a band It was their determination and devotion to work that made them a real band. M2U5
What message does the author want to convey in the passage? Inferring 角度n What message does the author want to convey in the passage? Body languages differ in various cultures. Body languages play an important role in our life. Not all people express themselves in the same way. All cultures should be respected. M4U4
stubborn determined casual aggressive M1U3 What kind of person was the writer’s sister Wang Wei? How do you know? Personality Evidence/Facts stubborn Although…, insisted that…organize… not change her mind give in to determined Once …make up her mind, … casual not care about details The air …hard to breathe aggressive M1U3 begin at an altitude of …
2.微观解析 研读细节 渗透阅读策略 授人以鱼,不如授人以渔。 教师 二次解读 精心设计 渗透技能 学生 内化技巧 提高能力
3. 纵观语篇 融汇语料 强化语用能力 读后活动 从课内到课外 创设语境 层层推进 精心设计
课堂教学的时间是有限的; 教师的研究空间是无限的; 在教学中研究 在研究中教学。 Thank you!