第一部分 选修Ⅵ · Unit 1 选 修 Ⅵ Unit 1 Art.


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Presentation transcript:

第一部分 选修Ⅵ · Unit 1 选 修 Ⅵ Unit 1 Art


我们在哪里召开会议并不重要。 暂时,它不会对你有什么危害;但当它燃烧时你最好当心点。

为了大学生活做准备,我会在暑假学习自理。此外,我会交很多朋友来适应新的环境。 “地球一小时”,这一全球一年一度举行的活动,目的是为了提高人们对环保和气候变化的意识。 机遇只垂青有准备的人。

Ⅰ.写出下列必考单词 1.抽象的 adj. ______________ 2.雕塑n. ______________ 高考总复习·英语(人教版) Ⅰ.写出下列必考单词 1.抽象的 adj. ______________ 2.雕塑n. ______________ 3.美术馆n. ______________ 4.呼吁,求助v.& n. ______________ 5.常规的,传统的adj. ______________ 6.卓越的,杰出的adj. ______________ 7.荒谬的adj. ______________ 8.尝试,企图n.&v. ______________ abstract sculpture gallery appeal conventional superb ridiculous attempt

9.过敏性的,对…过敏的adj. ______________ 10.当代的adj. ______________ 高考总复习·英语(人教版) 9.过敏性的,对…过敏的adj. ______________ 10.当代的adj. ______________ 11.区域n. ______________ 12.永久的n. ______________ 13.争论的adj. ______________ 14.宗教(信仰)n. ______________ 15.展览,陈列v. ______________ 16.确切的,特定的 adj. ______________ allergic contemporary district permanent controversial religion exhibit specific

III. Explain the usage and meaning of each italicized word in each sentence. B 1. I’m aiming to lose 4kg before the summer holidays. 2. Denver aimed his gun but did not shoot. 3. Allan took aim at the tiger. A A A. to choose the place, person you want to hit and carefully point your gun, object etc towards them B. to try or intend to achieve sth C. what you are hoping to achieve by a plan, action

A My mother was adopted when she was 4. 2. They were trying to persuade the UN to adopt an aggressively anti-American resolution. C A. to legally make another person’s child part of your family so that he or she becomes one of your own children B. to use C. to formally approve a proposal, esp. by voting

C B A A. to make a formal request to a court 1. The UN’s appeal for a ceasefire has been largely ignored by both sides. 2. The magazine is intended to appeal to working women in their 20s and 30s. 3. If you are not satisfied, you can appeal. C B A A. to make a formal request to a court B. If someone or sth appeals to you, they seem attractive and interesting C. a request for sth important

Ⅱ.写出下列单词的变化形式 1.信任,信念 (n.) ______________ 忠诚地 (adv.) ______________ 高考总复习·英语(人教版) Ⅱ.写出下列单词的变化形式 1.信任,信念 (n.) ______________ 忠诚地 (adv.) ______________ 不忠实的,没有信仰的 (adj.)______________ 2.目标,瞄准 (n.&v.) ______________ 无目标的,没有目标的(adj.) ______________ 3.种类,类型 (n.) ______________ 典型的(adj.) ______________ 典型地,有代表性地 (adv.) ______________  4.采用,采纳,收养 (v.) ______________ 采用,采纳,收养 (n.) ______________ faith faithfully faithless aim aimless type typical typically adopt adoption

5.拥有,具有,支配 (v.) ______________ 所有,财产 (n.) ______________ 高考总复习·英语(人教版) possess 5.拥有,具有,支配 (v.) ______________ 所有,财产 (n.) ______________ 6.预言,预测 (v.) ______________ 预言,预告,预测 (n.) ______________ 预言家,预言者(n.) ______________  7.文明,文明社会 (n.) ______________ 使文明 (v.) ______________ 文明的,文雅的 (adj.) ______________ 8.签名,签字 (n.) ______________ 签名,签字(v.) ______________ possession(s) predict prediction predictor civilization civilize civilized signature sign

【活学活用】 用所给单词的适当形式完成句子。 高考总复习·英语(人教版) 【活学活用】 用所给单词的适当形式完成句子。 1.As a ______,he often made wrong ______ though he tried his best to ______ everything. (predict) 2.You can’t give the registered letter to him unless you see his ______,so ask him to ______ on it first.(sign) 3.I have ______ in him because he has served us ______ for many years,and I think he is a ______ and honest friend.(faith) 4.I was walking ______ on the street when I came across John,who led an ______ sort of life without any ______.(aim) predictor predictions predict signature sign faith faithfully faithful aimlessly aimless aims

高考总复习·英语(人教版) 5.The Romans set out to ______ the Ancient Britons,but their ________ takes a few years to complete.(civilization) 6.In the coming month the academy will ______ several prints which are rarely seen in our city.It is said that those prints will be on ______ until the end of the month.(exhibition) 7.As a rich businessman,he was thought to ______ a great deal of ______ .(possess) 8.After they settled ______ in the States,they wanted to look for ______ jobs.(permanent) civilize civilization exhibit exhibition possessions possess permanently permanent

Ⅲ.翻译下列必背短语 1.巧合地 ______  2.大量 ______  3.(可是)另一方面 ______  高考总复习·英语(人教版) Ⅲ.翻译下列必背短语 1.巧合地 ______  2.大量 ______  3.(可是)另一方面 ______  4.尝试做某事 ______  5.更喜欢……,有……的偏好 ______  6.集中,重视 ______  7.活着的,本人 ______  8.使某人相信 ______  9.采取一种……态度 ______  10.瞄准 ______ by coincidence a great deal (of) on the other hand attempt to do sth have a preference for concentrate on in the flesh convince sb.of sth. adopt a……attitude (to) aim at

VI. Translate the following story. ①著名的建筑设计师Gaudi把他的建筑设计得像梦一样,充满了迷人的色彩和形状。②悉尼歌剧院使人们想到了贝壳。③北京2008年奥林匹克运动场看起来像树上的鸟巢。④这些建筑使人们确信如果没有建筑师的独特思维我们就不可能有机会去欣赏艺术作品的美。⑤这些建筑看起来如此温馨以至我都想亲眼目睹他们的风采。⑥我梦想有一天我也能设计出 一幢能吸引全世界目光的建筑。

①The famous architect Gaudi designed his buildings like dreams, full of fantastic colors and shapes.②The Opera House in Sydney reminds people of seashells.③The 2008 Olympic Stadium in Beijing looks like a bird’s nest made of tree branches.④These buildings convince people that if architects had not had special mind about the art we would not have the chance to enjoy the beauty of art works.⑤They seem so warm that I would rather I could visit them in the flesh now.⑥I dream some day I can design a building that would draw the attention of people all over the world.

【活学活用】 根据括号中的解释,从“必背短语”中找出恰当的短语完成下列句子。 高考总复习·英语(人教版) 【活学活用】 根据括号中的解释,从“必背短语”中找出恰当的短语完成下列句子。 1.I don’t believe it unless I see it __________ (personally,by oneself). 2.They didn’t do that on purpose.It just happened ________ (by accident,by chance). 3.The students ________________ (try to,make an effort to) solve the problem in different ways. 4.While he likes comedies,his wife __________ (like better,prefer) tragedies. in the flesh by coincidence attempted to has a preference for

高考总复习·英语(人教版) A great deal of 5.______________ (much,plenty of) waste water had been poured into the river,which caused the death of a large number of fish. 6.The pianist __________ all his attention __________ (focus on,pay attention to) playing the masterpiece by Mozart and ignored everything around him. 7.All the precious jewelry and famous paintings that were ____________ (owned by,belonging to) the old man were divided among his four children. 8.Finally in 1863 a war broke out,____________ (try to achieve) independence. concentrated on in the possession of aiming at

高考总复习·英语(人教版) Ⅳ.重点句型 1.What would you rather do—paint pictures,make sculptures,or design buildings?  【解析】would rather “宁愿,宁可”,常用句型有三个: (1)would rather do sth.than do sth.else 宁愿做某事也不做另一事。 I would rather walk to school than drive there every day. (2)would rather sb.did sth. 宁愿某人做某事(从句用虚拟语气)。 I would rather you didnt smoke in the office. (3)would rather sb.had done sth.但愿(希望)某人已做了某事(从句用过去完成时,表示过去的假设,用虚拟语气)。 I would rather you hadn’t told me the bad news,for I’m in a low mood now.

一些现代艺术作品是抽象的;也就是说,画家并不想把物体画得像我们亲眼所见的那样…… 高考总复习·英语(人教版) 2.Some modern art is abstract;that is ,the painter does not attempt to paint objects as we see them with our eyes… 一些现代艺术作品是抽象的;也就是说,画家并不想把物体画得像我们亲眼所见的那样…… 【解析】that is =that is to say / namely 也就是说,即是;常作插入语。 We will have a seven-day holiday next week,that is,we won’t have to work from June 1 to June 7. 我们下星期有七天的假期,也就是说,从6月1号到7号,我们不用上班。

另外一方面,现代艺术的一些绘画作品是那么的真实,以至它们看起来就象照片一样。 高考总复习·英语(人教版) 3.On the other hand ,some paintings of modern art are so realistic that they look like photographs. 另外一方面,现代艺术的一些绘画作品是那么的真实,以至它们看起来就象照片一样。 【解析】On the other hand….On the one hand…一方面……,另一方面…… 模仿造句 这部电影非常值得一看,一方面,故事很有趣; 另一方面,英语也很简单易懂。 【答案】This film is quite worth seeing.On the one hand,the story is very interesting.On the other hand,the English is simple and easy to understand.


高考总复习·英语(人教版) 1.Art is influenced by the customs and faith of a people.艺术受到一个民族的风俗和信念的影响。 说出下列句中influence 的意思。 I don’t want to influence you.You must decide for yourself.(动词,影响,对…产生影响) Any kind of animal’s extinction has an influence on some other animals.(名词,have an influence on影响,对…产生影响) 【词语辨析】nfluence affect  affect通常指有形的力量造成的物质或生理的影响,尤其是不良的影响,而influence通常指无形力量所造成的“潜移默化的”或“持久的影响”,或“重要的影响”,尤指感情或态度上的影响。另外,可以说influence sb.to do sth.,但不能说affect sb.to do sth。 

在文艺复兴时期,新的想法和价值观取代了中世纪时期的想法和价值观。 阅读下列句子,说出value 的意思。 高考总复习·英语(人教版) 2.During the Renaissance,new ideas and values gradually replaced those held in the Middle Ages. 在文艺复兴时期,新的想法和价值观取代了中世纪时期的想法和价值观。 阅读下列句子,说出value 的意思。 (1)That would be of permanent value to them throughout their lives.(作名词,“价值”) (2)Nothing of value was stolen.(of value 等于valuable,它前面可以加great/little/no等词修饰)

value worth price cost worthy  value意思是“价值”,其形容词是valuable; 高考总复习·英语(人教版) 【词语辨析】 value worth price cost worthy  value意思是“价值”,其形容词是valuable; worth意思是“值得”,后面一般接动词的ing形式或名词,没有被动形式; price意思是“价格;价钱”; cost意思是“成本,代价”; worthy意思和worth一样,但它要跟不定式的被动形式to be done或者of being done。

人们开始不那么注意宗教的主题,而是采取了一种对生活更加人性化的态度。 【词语拓展】 高考总复习·英语(人教版) 3.People began to concentrate less on religious themes and adopt a more humanistic attitude to life. 人们开始不那么注意宗教的主题,而是采取了一种对生活更加人性化的态度。 【词语拓展】 concentrate :vi.& vt.集中,聚集,(使)特别注意,集中注意力于… concentrate on集中思想 concentrate one’s attention on=concentrate oneself on 集中精神于…

高考总复习·英语(人教版) 4.They paid famous artists to paint pictures of themselves,their houses and other possessions ,as well as their activities and achievements. 他们付钱请著名的艺术家给他们画肖像,画他们的房子及其他所有物,同时也画他们的活动及成就。 【词语拓展】 possessionn. 拥有,持有,占有权 possessions (复数)拥有的东西,所有物,财产) take possession of (拿过来,夺取,没收) in possession of指(某人)占有,拥有,持有(某物) in one’s possession(the possession of sb.)指(某物)在某人手中,由某人掌握

当人们第一次看到他的画时,他们都确信自己是透过墙上的一个洞在看一个真实的场景。 【词语拓展】 高考总复习·英语(人教版) 5.When people first saw his paintings they were convinced they were looking through a hole in the wall at a real scene. 当人们第一次看到他的画时,他们都确信自己是透过墙上的一个洞在看一个真实的场景。 【词语拓展】 convince sb.+thatclause使相信 convince sb.of sth.使某人相信某事  be convinced of sth.相信某事 convince sb.to do sth.说服某人做某事

…另一方面,一些现代艺术画是抽象的,也就是说,画家并不想把物体画得跟我们亲眼看到的那样。  高考总复习·英语(人教版) 6.On the other hand,some modern art is abstract;that is,the painter does not attempt to paint objects as we see them with our eyes …另一方面,一些现代艺术画是抽象的,也就是说,画家并不想把物体画得跟我们亲眼看到的那样。  【词语拓展】 attempt sth.企图,试图(做某事) attempt doing sth.企图,试图(做某事) attempt to do sth.企图,试图(做某事) make attempt to do sth.企图,试图(做某事)

7.They also began painting other things besides religious subjects. 高考总复习·英语(人教版) 7.They also began painting other things besides religious subjects. 【词语辨析】 besides except except for except that  besides作介词时指“除…之外还有”(as well as,in addition to),表示补充、包括的意思;作副词时指“此外、而且”(moreover);except指“除…之外”,是从一组东西中排除其特殊的一个或几个;except for是以保留的方式对整个句子内容作修正,现代英语中可灵活地用来代替except;except that后跟从句。

高考总复习·英语(人教版) THE END