陳昭珍 Chao-chen Chen 台師大圖資所教授兼圖書館館長


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Presentation transcript:

圖書館員在新資訊服務鏈之內還是之外 Inclusion or Exclusion: New Information Service Network and Librarians 陳昭珍 Chao-chen Chen 台師大圖資所教授兼圖書館館長 Professor of Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies, Library Director, NTNU, Taiwan

I would start by talking about “what would Google do?”

JEFF JARVIS JEFF JARVIS, author of What Would Google Do? (HarperCollins 2009), blogs about media and news at Buzzmachine.com. He is associate professor and director of the interactive journalism program at the City University of New York’s new Graduate School of Journalism. He is consulting editor and a partner at Daylife, a news startup. He writes a new media column for The Guardian and is host of its Media Talk USA podcast. He consults for media companies.

What Would Google do 這本書在描述Google的創新法則:沒有比免費更具吸引力了,誰能想出不收錢又能賺錢的新商業模式,就能成為新時代贏家;創造開放式平台,有趣的顧客會帶來更多有趣的顧客,行銷要進化,先懂得說真話,成長要靠朋友(網路上的社群朋友),不能靠廣告,讓顧客指引你營運的方向,交出控制權,善用社群力量,從中找到有用的小眾資訊,眾多小眾加總就成為大眾。

What Would Google do This book talks about Google's innovation principle: nothing has more appeal than being free of charge. Whoever can think of a profiting business without charging the clients will become the leader of a new era. The creation of a open platform means that interested customers will bring in more interested customers. Evolution of marketing is also necessary--first, tell the truth, then base growth on friends in online communities instead of ads. Allow the clients to lead the direction of management and put control in their hands. Make good use of communities--find useful information for small groups; the accumulation of many small groups will become the masses.

What Would Google do 這本書也描繪出一個「Google 理想國」:透過Google 可以得到所要的資訊,可以讓我們詢問到所有的答案,而且都是公開且免費的。因為Google,媒體業改變,廣告業被終結,零售業需要以開放為基礎,公共事業需要以便宜價格提供貼心服務,對製造業而言,市場即「對話」,對服務業而言,顧客就是你的品牌,金融業需成為公開透明的資金平台,就社會公益事業而言,資訊必需分享讓人人受惠,就公共機構而言,應將禮物經濟轉型為禮物社會,有了Google,誰還需要大學,教室時間或許寶貴,但不見得需要。 若照此原則發展,大學圖書館會消失嗎?這個問題已經在圖書館界被問過幾千萬次了。

What Would Google do This book also describes a "Google Utopia," a place where everything is open. we can get all the information we want via Google and for free. Google has resulted in changes in the media: ads have been terminated; sales should be open; public services should be cheap and considerate; for manufacturers, the market is "communication;" for servers, the clients are your brand; an open and transparent platform is needed in finance; for social welfare, information should be for all; and as for public institutions, a switch should be made from gifting economies to gifting societies. With Google, universities are no longer needed--time in the classroom may be precious, but not necessarily required.

如果資訊都是免費的 If all information is free 不過如果資訊都是免費的,作者為何還要出版這本書?而且還是紙本? If all information is free, why did the author publish this book, and in paper form? make a living good services of publisher there is still profit for publishing books

如果資訊都是免費的 If all information is free 出版社之所以還能販售實體圖書、就是因為它還能賺錢,但這樣還能撐多久?出版社應該撐下去嗎? The reason books are still being published in paper form is because there is still profit. How long can this last? Should publishing houses make a stand?

如果資訊都是免費的 If all information is free 也許免費可以保住出版界的命,免費的網路版本可能會刺激實體書的銷量。因為網路上免費的章節,可以讓書被更多人看到,提高作者知名度,讀者的好奇心,及人想擁有的渴望。 Maybe "free-of-charge" can save the publishing industry--free online versions may stimulate book sales, because free chapters online can be read by a wider group of people and make the author more well-known as well as increase the curiosity of readers and lead them to want more

而學術出版的情況又是如何呢?What about academic publishing? 學者教授不是為了賺錢而發表文章,而是為了被「肯定」,如果網路免費出版可以讓作者更受肯定,並給一個公認的「肯定指標」,沒有人要在付費的期刊上發表。 Most scholars publish papers not for money, but to be "recognized." 寫文章的學者不是為了錢,審文章的學者也沒有拿審查費,學術界為何不自己出版免費且評價高的期刊,直接放在網路上,誰都可以看得到? Scholars do not write papers for money; the reviewers also do not get paid. Why, then, does academia not have a free, acclaimed online journal for all to see?

Open Access 網路上可以找到的學術著作,是否已可滿足大多數的研究者的需求? Is the work that can be found online enough to meet the needs of the majority of researchers? 是否大多數的人都使用網路上的免費學術期刊多於圖書館訂購的電子期刊? Do most use the free online journals more than the e-journals in libraries? 圖書館為何要花大筆的經費,訂購很多電子書、電子期刊、資料庫? Why do libraries still spend large amounts of money on e-books, e-journals and databases? 電子書、電子期刊、資料庫的製作成本、訂購成本,是否已遠遠大於使用需求?Has the cost of e-books, e-journals and databases surpassed their need?

Web as the platform of publishing 大多數的學者發表文章,並不是為了替人類增加了不起的創作或發現,而是因為大學要求這麼做,這個要求讓研究者必需努力的將自己的名字出版在刊物上,好讓他人肯定。一般作者寫書也不是因為書可能會暢銷而寫,而是因為創作欲望而寫。網路這個平台似乎更能滿足學者及作者上述的的需求。 Most scholars publish papers not to show their creations and discoveries, but because their universities require them to do so, to have their names on published materials and be recognized. Most authors also don't write because they think their books will be a hit, but because of a creative drive. Hence, the Web seems to be able to be more fitting to the needs of scholars and writers.

「Google 理想國」會不會成真 Whether or not "Google Utopia" will become reality If all human beings are rational, then Google Utopia can become reality. 如果既有的制度很容易改變,學術期刊完全Open Access也會成真 If changes can be made easily to the institutions already in place, full open access of academic journals can also become a reality.

「Google 理想國」會不會成真 Whether or not "Google Utopia" will become reality 如果不會成真,越來越更開放也是必然的 Even if that doesn't happen, having more open access still seems to be the natural course.

大學圖書館的未來 The future of university libraries 如果Google理想國成真,圖書館也沒有存在的必要;或許也不需要等Google理想國完全實現,只要實現一半,圖書館就會消失,或者不需要每一所大學有一個大學圖書館,只要一所學術數位圖書館就可以了,其他的空間都可以改為大學網咖、大學閱覽室、腦力激盪的討論空間或之類的地方。 If Google Utopia becomes reality, libraries no longer need to exist. In fact, Google Utopia might not need to be fully realized (maybe up to 50%), and libraries could cease to exist. Not all universities would need a library--only one academic library is enough; the rest can be converted to university Internet cafes, reading lounges or spaces to discuss ideas.

在Google理想國尚未成真之前 Befor Google Utopia becomes reality Following the Google Innovation Principles 大學圖書館必需與網路連結,不是建立 網站即可,是將所有的資訊都讓Google蒐尋引擎可以查得到,這樣才可以連到已經生活在Google世界的人。 Linking --University libraries must be accessible by Google, so that they are connected to the people of Google world. 要更開放,讓使用者變成大學圖書館的品牌 More open, let users become our brand

在Google理想國尚未成真之前 Before Google Utopia becomes reality 個人化服務,解決個人的問題 Personalized services, solve personal problems. 大學圖書館員必需盡量與研究者們的生活、研究連結,才有可能知道他們的需求 University librarians must connect with the lives and research of researchers to know what they would need. 大學圖書館應盡量盡量提供以使用者為中心的空間,而不是以館藏為中心的空間 University libraries should provide space that is user-centered, not collection-centered.

在Google理想國尚未成真之前 Before Google Utopia becomes reality 大學圖書館除了合作外,更需要聯營。Apart from cooperations, university libraries should focus on joint-management.

那麼圖書館員或許可以找到和Google 並存之道 Then university libraries may find ways to survive in Google world. 否則圖書館員會被排除在新資訊服務鏈之外。 Otherwise, university libraries would be excluded from the chain of new information service network.

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