Book 2 Unit 6 Section B Judge by Appearances


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Presentation transcript:

Book 2 Unit 6 Section B Judge by Appearances New Horizon College English Book 2 福建师范大学闽南科技学院

Detailed Study of the Text Section B Reading Skills Words and Expressions Detailed Study of the Text

Read for the Main Ideas Practice the Skill

I. Reading for the Main Ideas in Paragraphs Reading for the main ideas in paragraphs is one of the most useful reading skills we can develop and we can apply this skill to any kind of reading. Finding the main idea in a paragraph is necessary for the understanding of a piece of writing.   

The main idea sentence most frequently appears at the beginning of a paragraph, it may also appears in other places: in the middle or at the end of a paragraph. Sometimes the main idea of a paragraph may be only implied: it is not directly stated by any one sentence in the paragraph.

Examples 1. During spring break from a local college, my friend and I went downtown to shop. First, however, we made ourselves virtually unrecognizable to our friends and even to our families. We wore clothing slightly inappropriate for the weather, clean but not ironed, clearly not the styles worn by most visitors to the area. (to be continued)

We carried plastic bags of nameless possessions We carried plastic bags of nameless possessions. Both of us were slightly untidy. My friend wore a faded cotton shirt over a T-shirt and a wrinkled skirt over sweat pants. I wore a wool hat that concealed my hair and an unfashionable coat and glasses with sun shades that clip on. Main idea: My friend and I dressed so that no one would recognize us and then went downtown to shop.

2. So what did we learn? Mostly what we expected, what everybody knows: people judge by appearances. Just looking poor brings with it prejudice, accompanied by removal of much of the social grace most of us take for granted. (to be continued)

Lacking the culturally acceptable symbols of belonging in this setting, we became, to a degree, objects, with less inherent dignity as persons. (Para. 7) Main idea: People judge by appearances.

Words and Expressions

1. go to great lengths to do sth 1. go to great lengths to do sth.: make a great deal of effort to do 竭尽全力去做 Translation 生长在农村,他总会想方设法地获得他所要的东西 Key Brought up in the countryside, he will go to great length to get what he wants.

This idiom may have various forms: go to any length(s) go to all/great/some/considerable lengths ----try very hard and be prepared to do anything, however dangerous, unpleasant, or wicked, in order to achieve something.  

Example The famous actor went to great lengths to hide from news writers and photographers. 这位著名的男演员竭尽所能躲避记者和摄影师。

2. validate: v. 1) make sth. well based 证实 Translation 你能证明自己反对经济增长的观点站得住脚吗? Key Can you validate your views against economic growth?

2) make (a reason, agreement, etc.) have value   2) make (a reason, agreement, etc.) have value Translation   为使你和雇主之间的聘约生效,双方都须签名。 Key In order to validate the agreement between yourself and your employer, you must both sign it.   

3. virtually: adv. in every important respect; almost 实际上,事实上,实质上 Translation 过去在城市外几乎不可能找到餐馆,不过现在容易多了。 Key It used to be virtually impossible to find restaurants outside the cities, but it’s much easier now.

4. be inappropriate for: not suitable for; not right and proper for 不适当的,不合适的 Translation 在这样正规的庆典上与众人开玩笑与如此庄重的场合不相符。 Key Joking with everyone at this official celebration is inappropriate for such a serious occasion.

5. wrinkle: v. (cause sth.) to form small lines (使)起皱纹 Translation 过多阳光照射会使你的皮肤起皱纹。   Key Too much exposure to sun will wrinkle your skin.

6. conceal: v. keep sth. / sb. from being seen or known about; hide sth. / sb. 隐藏,隐瞒 Translation 当她说她只有18岁时,我尽力掩饰自己的惊讶。 Key I tried to conceal my surprise when she said she was only 18.

7. act out: 1). express (thoughts, unconscious fears, etc 7. act out: 1).express (thoughts, unconscious fears, etc.) in actions and behavior rather than in words 表达, 发泄 Translation 孩子们的强烈的情感经常通过不良行为表现出来。 Key Children’s strong feelings often get acted out in bad behavior.

act out: 2.) act a part, usu. in a real-life situation and for some purpose (通常在真实生活中为某种目的) 表现,扮演 Translation 他把男主人公这个角色演得惟妙惟肖。 Key He acted out the hero’s part in detail.

8. speak of sth.: suggest sth. 表明,暗示 Translation 整个抢劫案表明罪犯掌握了内情。 Key The whole robbery spoke of inside knowledge on the part of the criminals.

9. turn out: prove to be; come to be known 证实是,原来是 Translation 正如结果所证明的,我们决定早点离开是对的。 Key As events turned out, we were right to have decided to leave early.

常用搭配 turn off 关,关闭 turn on 打开, 拧开 turn down 关小, 调低 turn in 上交 turn into 变成 turn to sb. 转向

10. tune out: ignore, stop listening or paying attention to 不理会 Translation 他生气时, 你只能不理他。 Key You have to just tune him out when he gets angry.

11. up to: capable of sth. 能做,胜任 Translation 他想在国际水平上竞争,但我认为他还不到那个水平。 Key He wants to compete at an international level, but I don’t think he’s up to it.

12. exclusive: a. 1. (of a high-class shop, goods sold in it, etc 12. exclusive: a. 1. (of a high-class shop, goods sold in it, etc.) not found elsewhere; reserved for the rich 奢华的,高级的 Translation Key 这是该城市的最高档的夜总会之一。 This is one of the city’s most exclusive nightclubs.

Phrases an exclusive private club an apartment in an exclusive part of town

12. exclusive: a. 2. limited to only one person or group of people 专一的,独用的 Translation 唱歌不是她工作之余唯一的爱好;她还有很多其它爱好。 Key Singing is not her exclusive interest outside work; she does many other things as well.

13. follow one’s track: be after sb./sth. 跟着 Translation 猎人循着动物的脚印追了几个小时。 Key The hunters followed the tracks of the animal for hours.

14. discourage: v. make sb. feel less confident or less willing to do sth. 使泄气, 使不想干 Translation 一想到要干那么多的活,她就心灰意冷。 Key The thought of how much work she had to do discouraged her.

15. apart from: except for 除开,除······以外 Translation 除了你我二人,我想那时在场的人都在30岁以上。 Key Apart from you and me, I don’t think there was anyone there under thirty.

除了国际机票,孩子们还的支付诸如食物、住房、娱乐、长途话费和衣服等花费。(except for ) Translation 除了国际机票,孩子们还的支付诸如食物、住房、娱乐、长途话费和衣服等花费。(except for ) Key Apart from the international flight, the children have to pay for their own expenses such as food, shelter, entertainment, long distance telephone calls and clothing.

16. out of character: not representative of a person’s character 不合······个性的 Translation 我不相信他会吵架 — 这听上去太不符合他的性格了。 Key I can’t believe he would have quarreled—it seems so out of character.

17. accompany: v. 1.) happen with sth. 伴随,和······一起发生 Translation 当时,刮着强风,下着大雨。 (vt. happen with sth) Key It had strong winds accompanied by heavy rain.

17. accompany: 2). walk or travel with sb. 伴随,陪伴,陪同 Translation 你想让我陪你去房间吗? Key Would you like me to accompany you to your room?

18. dignity: n. 1. calm or serious manner or style 尊严,端庄 Translation 尽管人们讥笑她,可她仍然保持着自己的尊严。 Key She kept her dignity in spite of the laughing.

19. bound: n. quick large jump 跳跃,跳跃向前 Translation 她一跃跳出了大门。 Key She jumped over the gate in one bound.

20. superficial: a. 1). not deep 肤浅的,浅薄的 Translation 你对该学科只有粗浅的了解。 Key You have only a superficial knowledge of the subject.

20. superficial: 2). of or on the surface only 表面的,表面上的 Translation 乍一看两辆车差不多, 但实际上差别很大。 Key There are superficial similarities between the two cars, but actually they’re quite different.

21. prevail: v. 1. exist or happen generally 盛行,流行 2 21. prevail: v. 1. exist or happen generally 盛行,流行 2. fight successfully (against sb. / sth.) 获胜,战胜,胜(过) Translation 善良将战胜邪恶。 Key Good will prevail over evil.

22. undoubtedly: adv. without doubt 确实地,无疑地 Translation 毫无疑问,这是本年度最好的法国影片。 Key It is undoubtedly the best French film this year.

II. Decide Your Choice

1. These small white houses are ____ of the Greek islands. A. peculiar B. special C. characteristic D. exclusive 2. As it turned _______ later, he was an old classmate of my mother. A. off B. out C. away D. down 上一页 下一页

A. specifically B. vitally C. virtually D. identically 3. This summer is so cool that we can _____ do without air-conditioner. A. specifically B. vitally C. virtually D. identically 4. The tourist is prevented from entering a country if he does not have a(n) ____ passport. A. operative B. valid C. efficient D. effective 上一页 下一页

A. extensive B. excluding C. excessive D. exclusive 5. In general, matters which lie entirely within the state boundaries are the ____ concern of the state government. A. extensive B. excluding C. excessive D. exclusive 6. High interest rates ____ people from borrowing money from the bank. A. discourage   B. dismiss C. disappoint   D. disgust 上一页 下一页

A. exclusive B. intensive C. superficial D. conspicuous 7. Unique by virtue of its location, charm and quality of service, it became one of Paris’s most __________ hotels. A. exclusive B. intensive C. superficial D. conspicuous 8. A tense situation ___________ for the vote, as 5,000 troops and riot police stood in a state of preparedness. A. popular B. prevailed C. dominated D. had 上一页 下一页

9. Mary didn’t feel like going shopping alone, so she asked me to ___________ her to the market. A. accommodate B. accord C. accompany D. accustom 10. Bob tried to work out the puzzle many times, but at last he became __________ and gave up. A. convinced B. discouraged C. disturbed D. disappointed

11. In order to __________ the agreement between yourself and your employer, you must both sign it. A. validate B. valid C. invalid D. invalidate 12. Her thin shoes were ________ for such muddy paths. A. approximately B. inappropriate C. approximate D. inappropriately

Detailed Study of the Text

1. A standard criticism of sociological research is that it goes to great lengths to prove what most people with common sense already know. (para 1) Meaning: People normally criticize sociological research for trying too hard to show a fact that is already known to most people with common sense.

2. Without exactly taking sides for or against that criticism,. (Para take sides: If you take sides or take someone’s side in a conflict or war, you support one of the sides against the other.   

Examples Mother took sides with Alice against father in the disagreement. 在这场争辩中母亲支持爱丽丝反对父亲。 He has never taken sides openly for or against his boss. 他从未公开支持或反对他的上司。

3. …the experience made a common claim come alive. (para 1) Meaning: …the experience is a valid example of a common claim.

4. We carried plastic bags of nameless possessions. (para 2) Meaning: We carried plastic bags which contain things of little value.

5. ... a wrinkled skirt over sweat pants. (Para. 2) In American English, sweat pants are the part of a sweat suit that covers your legs. They are loose, warm and stretchy. People wear sweat pants to relax and do exercise.

6. whether the appearance of poverty would invite prejudice on us 6. ... whether the appearance of poverty would invite prejudice on us. (Para. 3)  Meaning:    ... whether the fact that we looked very poor would cause people to have an unreasonable disapproval of us.   

poverty: n. state of being poor Examples    She had been worn down by poverty and illness. 贫困和疾病把她折磨倒了。     Two million people in the city live in poverty. 这座城市有200万人生活在贫困中。 

7. As it turned out, there was no need for dramatics; ... (Para. 3) Meaning:    As it proved to be, there was no need for us to show too much feeling to impress people.     turn out: prove to be; come to be known   

8. …people turned us off or tuned us out on the basis of appearance alone. (para 3) Meaning: people drove us away or ignored us simply because of our appearances.

9. We weren’t up to trying our act at an exclusive restaurant, …(para 4) Meaning: We were not prepared to act out our unusual behavior at an expensive restaurant,…

10. ... where they took my $2 check without asking for ID; it seemed worth that price to have us out the door. (Para. 5) Meaning: ... where they took my $2 check without asking to see my ID; it seemed worth that 2 dollars to get us out of the door.    ID: n. (= identification)   

11. At one establishment we did blow our cover… Meaning: At one stop, we did reveal our true identity to others…

12. Lacking the culturally acceptable symbols of belonging in this setting, we became, to a degree, objects, with less inherent dignity as persons.  (Para. 7)  Meaning: Because we didn’t have culturally acceptable symbols which show we belong in this setting, to some extent we came to be regarded as objects which have less dignity than humans are born to have.

13. The place felt out of bounds for us. Meaning: We felt that we were not allowed to go into the place.

Thank you!