选修九处理方案 烟台一中高三英语组.


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Presentation transcript:

选修九处理方案 烟台一中高三英语组

顺序选修教材9-11册 选修9~11册是按课标9级规定要求,主要为学有余力的学生和有特别培养需求的学校设计。 9~11的主题和内容强调大视野,适当增加内容的文学性、历史性和思想性,介绍一些经典名篇,英语文化的重大事件、历史和习俗,同时在活动安排上适当调整,强调高层次的应用。 在语法介绍上,吸取国际最新的自然语法体系,从“用法” 讲语法,适应学生的语用需求。 用Presentation skills 代替了1-8册相对独立的Writing 和Speaking, 强调语言高层次的输出和综合能力的体现。

基本定位 泛读教材 拓展阅读题材体裁 写作技能培养 阅读技巧的培养 词汇量的提升

确立教学目标 1. 语言:词汇以考纲为中心 2. 读:能够读懂教材所提供的阅读材料 加强根据上下文猜测生词的能力 加强分析长、难句的能力 中等难度的句子准确译成汉语能力 3. 写:能用英语表达深层次的思考内容 理解教材所提供材料中蕴涵的寓意,联系现实以及学生的实际生活引导他们树立积极向上的人生态度,对问题有独自的看法见解并能用英语准确地表达出来

浏览Scope and sequence 进行总体了解(熟悉话题,通过简单介绍,激活学生原有的背景知识,因为教材话题是成体系编写的,使学生明确新的学习任务并为完成新的任务做好准备) 进行分配(内容取舍、筛选,时间多少的分配,采用什么方法与策略)

Topic and Task 第一模块 萧伯纳 《卖花女》 第二模块 生命之谜 DNA 第三模块 秦始皇兵马俑 第四模块 世界的语言 第五模块 美洲的土著人 第五模块 牛津词典 世界 中国 自然科学

Task Module 6 What kind of dictionary do you use now? Have you got an e-dictionary? What are advantages and disadvantages of an e-dictionary? How does your dictionary help you with English learning?

Language in use 选修九Grammar部分要点P138 35个常用词:常用句型和固定用法

Skills Reading for main idea Reading for specific information predicting Inferring evaluating Understanding text organization

阅读文章 Reading Reading 2 Reading Practice Cultural Corner

Vocabulary /Presentation Task + Presentation

Module 1 Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion 语言储备:谚语格言 What is life but one challenge after another? 语言的欣赏/情感的起伏 What’s to become of me? What’s to become of me?


技能目标 结合课文skills目标中规定,拟订下列内容: Reading: Read for main ideas and specific information, using the techniques introduced Understand the moral implied in the texts Enable the students to think deeply and write out their thoughts Enable the students to write a description of a play they have enjoyed as is required in the textbook.

情感态度目标 培养学生对读文学名著的热爱,体会文学语言的魅力 通过问题的设置与引导引发思考,思考的角度有以下几点:

Where do you think Eliza’s beauty lies or how do you understand Eliza’s beauty? Possible answer: Her true beauty lies more in her independent personality than in her appearance. It is one’s inner beauty that counts. (建议:先说后写)

Reading Practice 1 You won’t feel so cheap. A)not expensive B) unkind, unfair C)not considered important or valuable 2 The look is quite lost on him. A) not knowing your way B) if something is lost, you can’t find it C) Lost time /chance has been wasted D) unable to understand sth. because it is extremely complicated

3)I dare day my mother could find some chap or other who would do very well. A) used for emphasis “I do remember …”强调 B) perform an action 做 C) used for saying that something is enough or is suitable for a particular purpose 足够了;可以了 4)We were above that at the corner of … A) at a higher level B) higher up a page C) higher in amount or standard D) too good or proud to do something

Language focus 消除烦恼 take a weight off one’s mind 对…有影响;有不同make a difference to sb./sth. 轻拍…的肩膀 pat (patted) sb. on the shoulder 睡一觉就好了 sleep it off (身心)正常健康 quite oneself 我将会怎样? What’s to become of me? 并非所有的男人都是意志坚定的单身汉。 All men are not confirmed old bachelors. 他又想到了什么。 An afterthought occurred to him.

Module Two DNA---the Secret of Life Reading and vocabulary 1 1 topic 2 P18 exercise 5 3 翻译:It has already and will continue to have an enormous influence on our lives. 4 思考:story C: A new future is approaching. But do we want it? Where are these scientific developments taking us?

1 What does the writer mean by saying “A new future is approaching”? In the future, everyone may take advantage of the technology. (Wang Siyu) The technology of genetic engineering will become common. (Qi MengYun) 2 What is the writer’s attitude to the genetic engineering? Ss’ answer: concerned, doubtful, objective 3 What is your attitude to the technology?

Reading and vocabulary 2 Supposing this information could tell you what illness you were likely to get, or even what illness you might die of, would you open the envelope? structure: Paragraph 1 , 2 ∣ Paragraph 3,4,5 ———— Paragraph 6

Reading Practice Exercise 5 on page 26

Cultural Corner dawn.vi.(用主动) Sth.dawns on sb. (if sth dawns on you , you begin to realise it for the first time.) eg:Gradually the truth dawned on me. Suddenly it dawned on me that they could not possibly have met before. It dawned on me where I had seen him before. It was several months before the truth dawned on me. n. from dawn till dark(dusk). at dawn.

M3 The Qin Tomb and the Terracotta Warriors 1百年中国之秦兵马俑 The Qin Tomb and the Terracotta Warriors 2听力部分:秦始皇的功与过 3Reading Practice 4文化角 中国元素:端午节 5好句子欣赏记忆

Module 4 Languages of the World Which foreign language would you prefer to major in other than English in the future? Why Why are more and more foreigners beginning to learn Chinese?

Reading Practice Of study paraphrase 1 We study for pleasure, for discussion and for judging correctly and dealing with one's work correctly.→ Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. 读书足以怡情,足以傅彩,足以长才。 2 Study can cultivate your natural ability, but it also needs experience to make the best of it. → They(studies) perfect nature, and are perfected by experience; 读书补天然之不足,经验又补读书之不足

3 Read not to criticize blindly, nor to accept blindly 3 Read not to criticize blindly, nor to accept blindly. nor to find material for conversation, but to consider carefully and to pass judgment.→ Read not to contradict and confute; nor to believe and take for granted; nor to find talk and discourse; but to weigh and consider. 读书时不可存心诘难作者,不可尽信书上所言,亦不可只为寻章摘句,而应推敲细思。

4 It is best to read critically and selectively 4 It is best to read critically and selectively. Only a few books need to be read carefully and completely. Other books can be read and summarized or quoted by other people, but only for less important matters. → Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested; 书有可浅尝者,有可吞食者,少数则须咀嚼消化。

5 Reading broadens one's vision, helps one to understand the world of human nature better. Talking with people a lot helps a person to be observant and respond quickly. Frequent writing helps one to express his ideas more accurately. → Reading make a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man. 读书使人充实,讨论使人机智,笔记使人准确。

Module 5 The First Americans Reading and Vocabulary Who were the first Americans? Cultural Corner 情感态度 熟词新意

Module 6 Why Do We Need Dictionaries? Task: What kind of dictionary do you use now? Have you got an e-dictionary? What are advantages and disadvantages of an e-dictionary? How does your dictionary help you with English learning?

Reading 2 1…with James Murray aboard , they clip-clopped back through the lanes … 2A clock ticked loudly. 3A distant clank of keys…

Reading Practice From Quotation Slips to Online Dictionaries

十月末完成了第九册的学习, 借助多样的内容,强调部分考纲词汇; 提高学生阅读技巧:语境中猜词能、 归纳中心、篇章结构把握、长难句理解; 丰富写作材料开拓了思维