How can you guess the meaning of a word?


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Presentation transcript:

高三二轮复习阅读理解之 --- 词义猜测(word-guessing) 复习目标 能结合语境,提高自己词语猜测的能力。 复习重点 体验方法,总结规律 。 历城二中 张文慧

How can you guess the meaning of a word?

1. Mother was tall, fat and middle-aged 1.Mother was tall, fat and middle-aged. My teacher was an older woman, almost as plump as mother, and much shorter. Skill 1 synonym 同义词 “圆胖的, 丰满的”

A good boss can tell the adept workers from the unskilled ones easily. “熟练的” antonym 反义词

解题技巧一: 通过对比和比较找出 同义词、反义词 (synonym) (antonym) 来猜测词义

表示对比关系的词汇和短语: unlike,however,despite,in spite of,in contrast 和similarly like,just as,also等。

1. )Andrew is one of the most arrogant men I know 1.)Andrew is one of the most arrogant men I know. His brother, in contrast, is quite modest. Skill 1 傲慢的

2.)Green loves to talk,and his brothers are similarly loquacious. Skill 1 健谈的

Skill 2 1.以因果关系为线索 cause and effect She wanted the hairdresser to trim her hair a bit because it was too long. “修剪” 1.以因果关系为线索 cause and effect

解题技巧二: 以因果关系为线索猜测词义 cause and effect

Challenge yourself ! 1)Tom is considered an indefatigable leader because he always works day and night and never feels tired. adj. 不知疲倦的

Challenge yourself ! 2.That museum is so immense that it will be impossible to see all the exhibits in one day. adj. 大的

1. Bill ranked second in the semifinal of 1,500 meters . Skill 3 半决赛 prefix 前缀

Skill 3 2. New research has found that the ability to quantify may develop much sooner. (济南市一模) suffix 后缀 确定…的数量

解题技巧三: 根据 构词法(前缀prefix、后缀suffix)来猜测词义

高考链接 1.nonprofit 2.inappropriately 3.participant 4.prehistoric 以下单词都是从近年高考题中选取,猜 测其词义,并按构词法将其拆分: 1.nonprofit 2.inappropriately 3.participant 4.prehistoric

1.They took care not to prejudge the issue. 预先判断,过早判断

2.We should attach importance to the problems of children’s non-attendance at school. 缺席、不到场

Skill 4 1.Devalue means to reduce the value of the money of one country . 货币贬值

解题技巧四: 根据 定义(definition)来猜测词义 常用提示词:be defined as, be known as , be called, mean 等.

practice 1.) The term “jam" is known as a state of being in which a person finds himself or herself in a difficult situation. 陷入困境

Skill 5 以列举的事例examples为线索 1.You can take any of the periodicals: Reader, English Salon ,Teaching in Schools, or English Learning. “期刊” 以列举的事例examples为线索 Skill 5

解题技巧五: 根据 列举的事例来猜测词义

2.)Epochal events such as (wars and great scientific discoveries) often take place in this area. 重大的,有历史意义的

Skill 6 1.My dad took a lot of photos with his blue Kodak camera. He developed the pictures himself in our basement. A.发展 B.冲洗 C.加强 D.培育

解题技巧六: 通过上下文语境来猜测词义 context

Skill 6 2.Sam pick up some knowledge of the computer just by watching others working on it. “无意中学会”

What skills have we learnt?

1.通过对比和比较找出反义词,近义词来猜测词义(synonym,antonym) 2.根据因果关系猜测词义(cause and effect) 3.根据 定义来猜测词义(definition) 4.根据 构词法:前缀、后缀来猜测词义 5.根据 列举的事例来猜测词义(example) 6.通过上下文语境来猜测词义(context)

触摸高考: 下面我们来做一些高考真题,只要好好运用今天所学的技巧你就会发现高考题没那么难。

1. When Andrea Peterson did her first teaching job, she faced the daunting task of creating a music program with almost no money for equipment or supplies . The underlined word “daunting” means __________.( 2007山东卷) A. challenging    B. interesting     C. creative     D. easy-going A Context 结合语境法

A 因果关系 cause and effect (2009安徽卷,B篇) 2.Of course, the benefit of oxen is not limited to plowing. In fact, they are seen as “boats on land” for their ability to carry loads. (2009安徽卷,B篇) The words “boats on land” underlined in Paragraph 2 refer to __ A. animals for carrying goods                 B. creatures for pulling plows  C. treasures of the folk culture                D. tools in the farming economy 因果关系 cause and effect A

3. Some family names were made by adding something to father’s name 3.Some family names were made by adding something to father’s name. English- speaking people added –s or –son . For example, the Johnsons are descendants of John.(2010 江苏) later generations friends and relatives C. colleagues and parterners D. later sponsors 举例法

模拟高考 2011年的高考题会是什么样子

1. My dad often developed the photos himself in our basement 1.My dad often developed the photos himself in our basement. I remember helping him. All the lights had to be turned out while we transferred the negatives from one pan to the other. It was a lot of fun for a small boy. What’s the Chinese meaning of “negatives”? A.负的 B. 底片 C. 消极的 D. 拒绝的

2. A poll of 1000 parents surveyed said their top concern was their daughters’ education. Girls tend to outperform boys in their education, and this may lead schools to assume all girls will do better than boys in study. The word “outperform” means ___. A. get along well with B. fall behind C. do better than D. compete with 因果关系法 C

3. China’s consumer price index (CPI), a measure of inflation (通货膨胀), rose by 0.6 percent since January 2009. The release of these numbers caused talk about possible inflation. How to translate the underlined word? A. 释放 B. 减轻 C. 发布 D.解除 context语境法

My gift for you !

解题制胜 法宝 !


practice+skills =success

Homework 1.复习今天所学的猜词技巧 2.完成“触摸高考”部分的剩余练习题

Thank you for your listening!