四年计划 UIC CST 苏伟峰 更多模板下载地址:http://www.pptvzaixian.com/shop/view28111.html(复制链接到浏览器打开)
大一任务:思考毕业去向 香港 美国 澳大利亚 英国
四年计划-Year 1 Improve English and communication Make new friends Try TOEFL or IELTS in the winter vacation Join HKBU/oversea summer vacation
四年计划-Year 2 Improve English Take TOEFL or IELTS in the winter vacation again Join the summer vacation held in top universities Stanford/UC Berkley Finish all easy algorithm questions at leetcode.com Intern
四年计划-Year 3 Improve English Take TOEFL or IELTS in the winter vacation again Take GRE in the summer vacation (for US only) Implement the FYP in the summer vacation
四年计划-Year 4 Apply the PG oversea/intern at the first semester Enjoy life at the second semester Finish all algorithm at leetcode.com at the second semester
提高英语 听 读 写 说
听 美剧 论挡住字幕的重要性 论正义 http://open.163.com/special/justice/
读 From zero to one Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work and Think
写 https://virtualwritingtutor.com/ https://www.grammarcheck.net/editor/
说 Listen to the VOA news Describe the news yourself Compare your words with the original words
2018 UIC CST 谢谢大家 更多模板下载地址:http://www.pptvzaixian.com/shop/view28111.html(复制链接到浏览器打开)